Chapter 547
A family of 20 people, including mother and daughter Liu Li and Liu Yifei, Lin Yunjiao, and security personnel, settled down in Houhai Courtyard.

In order to decorate this new home, Gu Yawen has been busy for more than a month, buying some household items.

Not many things were moved here today, mainly to decorate the study rooms of Gao Yang and Gu Wenlong.

Gao Yang's wine collection, paintings and calligraphy have already been moved in.

In terms of calligraphy and painting, Gao Yang didn't deliberately pursue any collections. When he came across something he liked, he bought it and used it to decorate the study and tea room.

The two nannies in the family had arranged a holiday yesterday and went back to their hometown for the New Year.

In the evening, Gu Yawen took Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei to the first meal of the housewarming. Naturally, Lin Yunjiao would not miss the opportunity to earn money and join in the fun.

Mr. Wu was very happy, he laughed and drank three glasses of wine, but Gao Yang didn't dare to let the old man drink more.

After moving into the new residence, Gao Yang also completely relaxed his mind, stopped thinking about work, and spent the New Year with his family.

At 9:[-] in the evening, Gao Yang took Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei for a long lap along the trail in the park. After returning home, he went to Wu Ruohan's room to see the children and said good night.

Then go to the master bedroom on the east side of the third floor of the main house.

On the third floor of the main building, there are two sets of master bedrooms, one master bedroom, similar to the structure of two bedrooms, two halls with bathroom and cloakroom.

There are also functional rooms such as study and gym on the third floor.

Wu Ruohan and Wen Yuqin lived in the west bedroom with their two children.

In the east bedroom, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen coaxed Yaoyao and Shitou to sleep first, then went back to the big bedroom and took a hot bath together.

In the bathtub, Gu Yawen helped Gao Yang scrub her back first, and Gao Yang scrubbed her back again, then hugged her in her arms and kissed:
"Yawen, during this time, I have worked hard on you for making our new home so comfortable."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It's not hard work, if I make you worry about these small things, then I'm too incompetent."

Gao Yang said: "This year's May 30st, you will be [-] years old. How are you going to celebrate your birthday?"

Gu Yawen sighed: "Time flies so fast, I'm already 30 years old, and I'm getting old."

Gao Yang began to use his hands up and down: "Nonsense, now is your most beautiful and charming age."

Gu Yawen grabbed Gao Yang's hand, pursed her lips and smiled: "Really, what about when I'm 40 or 50 years old?"

Gao Yang was happy: "In the future, you will be in your seventies and eighties, and in my eyes, you will still be as beautiful as you are now. In this life, the luckiest thing for me is to have you always by my side."

Gu Yawen said emotionally: "Husband, I love you. Now, my only wish is to educate my children well and grow old with you."

Gao Yang asked again: "How do you plan to spend your 30th birthday?"

Gu Yawen thought about it: "It's better not to hold a banquet. When the time comes, you can go out with me for two days."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, how about accompanying you to Lucheng to see the sea?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Well, you really understand me."

Gao Yang turned on the hot water, after rinsing, he dried Gu Yawen's hair again, then picked her up by the waist, and walked to the bedroom: "Yawen, we are still young, and it is time to enjoy the beauty."

Tonight's Gao Yang is very gentle, reminding Gu Yawen of the day before the two got married, they really started living together.

We have known each other for 8 years and we have been married for 7 years. The two have never had a quarrel, and they are in love with each other. There is no need to say a few words of love to each other to enhance their relationship.

Tonight, I have the feeling of falling in love again...

February 2th, Lichun, the 4th of the twelfth lunar month.

Lin Yunjiao still stayed in the courtyard, teaching Wu Ruohan a set of body-building movements, as well as knowledge on diet control and nutrition.

Wu Ruohan's current weight is close to 60 kilograms, and the goal is to return to below 50 kilograms in three to four months.

Gao Yang accompanied Gu Yawen, Wu Xiaoyue, Liu Yifei and Jiang Xue, accompanied by Zhang Wei and Mo Li, to buy some New Year's goods and decorations.

At dusk, the red lanterns hanging under the verandah and inside the house, as well as various exquisitely shaped palace lanterns, are beautiful after being lit, and the taste of the New Year is immediately blown on your face.

Walking home after dinner, Gao Yang and the others continued to run. Lin Yunjiao watched Wu Ruohan exercise, and after correcting some postures, she gritted her teeth and went to find Gu Yawen:

"Sister Yawen, I have something to report to you."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Yunjiao, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "About Brother Yang, private affairs between men and women..."

Gu Yawen was a little surprised. Could it be that Gao Yang has some other things about men and women that he doesn't know about, and this cute and cute assistant wants to make a small report on him?

Gu Yawen didn't quite believe it, so she asked Lin Yunjiao to follow her upstairs to the study.

Lin Yunjiao was busy making a pot of Pu'er first, and handed a cup to Gu Yawen, her face suddenly flushed slightly: "Sister Yawen, I like Brother Yang..."

Gu Yawen was startled, took a sip of tea slowly, looked at Lin Yunjiao, her gentle eyes gradually became sharper:

"Yunjiao, there are too many girls who secretly like him, you are different.

You are a very smart girl, you are Gao Yang's assistant, and also the assistant that has satisfied him the most in the past few years.

Do you know about Mingming, do you think you have a chance to walk into his life? "

Lin Yunjiao said: "Sister Yawen, I was looking for an opportunity to join the company because I admire Brother Yang and 51 Group.

Originally, in terms of relationships, I have always been a perfectionist. I never imagined that I would fall in love with Brother Yang.

This has nothing to do with Mingming. "

Gu Yawen said lightly: "When did you fall in love with him?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "At the banquet that day, Brother Yang told about his feelings for Uncle Gao, about his growth and sense of responsibility, and when he sang the song "Father".

Sister Yawen, I was very touched that day. I suddenly felt sorry for Brother Yang. I wanted to get closer to him and take good care of him. "

Gu Yawen asked in surprise: "Why do you feel sorry for him?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Sister Yawen, brother Yang has too many burdens on him, he is under a lot of pressure, and he is very busy with work. Every time I see him smoking in the office and thinking quietly, I feel sorry for him. I also want to try my best to help him, I want to do more for him and share some pressure for him."

Gu Yawen said lightly: "Yunjiao, why are you telling me these things?"

Lin Yunjiao's face flushed: "Sister Yawen, I went to Brother Yang, and he ignored me. He said that he is a strict wife. You should decide these things."

Gu Yawen's heart suddenly warmed up, she looked at Lin Yunjiao with complicated eyes:

"Yunjiao, Gao Yang told me about you, saying that you are very smart, you can learn everything quickly, and you have a strong comprehension ability. He admires you very much and has high hopes for you.

Since Gao Yang said this to you, then you should understand that in terms of men and women, he is a restrained man. He is devoted to his career and has a sense of responsibility in family life.

You like him and want to get close to him, it is your personal freedom, even if he accepts you, you will not have a future with him.

So, what exactly do you want? "

Lin Yunjiao shook her head and said, "Sister Yawen, I simply love Brother Yang, feel sorry for him, want to take good care of him, and share the pressure for him.

Other than that, I didn't think about getting anything. I wasn't greedy for his wealth. As long as I worked hard enough, on an excellent platform like 51 Group, I could live a lifetime without worrying about food and clothing with my own ability.

Sister Yawen, today I confide my thoughts to you, without any disrespect, in fact, I admire you very much, and admire your tolerance towards Brother Yang in terms of feelings. "

Gu Yawen looked at Lin Yunjiao quietly, and sighed softly:
"Yunjiao, a beautiful and intellectual girl like you is like a dream lover in the eyes of many men, why do you have to pin your feelings on Gao Yang?
Don't you want to get married and have a normal family? "

Lin Yunjiao said: "Sister Yawen, I am a proud girl, since I started college, there are countless men who want to pursue me.

Only Brother Yang inadvertently touched my heartstrings, making me fall in love with him involuntarily, and fell in love with him deeply.

I adore him, like him, feel sorry for him, it doesn't matter to me whether to marry or not.

I have always been very independent, and I have my own thinking and attitude towards life and life. Women don't have to be married to be able to live a happy life.

In life, regrets cannot be avoided.

Sister Yawen, I beg you to forgive me, I really feel sorry for Brother Yang, I want to help him, and I really don't intend to offend your relationship and family life..."

Gu Yawen listened quietly, and suddenly smiled slightly:
"Yunjiao, as a woman, I can understand your thoughts and know that you really want to treat Gao Yang well.

If you insist on pinning your feelings on him like this, it's your own business. I can't stop it, and I don't want to stop it.

If you can make Gao Yang accept you, that is your own ability. "

Lin Yunjiao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words: "Sister Yawen, thank you for being so tolerant."

Gu Yawen smiled again: "Yunjiao, are you so confident?"

Lin Yun blushed delicately, shook her head and said, "I can't be confident in front of Brother Yang, he is my idol in life, now, every time I see him, I feel a little nervous.

I just hope that Sister Yawen and Sister Ruohan don't misunderstand me because of this. I have no other thoughts, I just want to take better care of him and help him share some pressure.

If Brother Yang doesn't accept me all the time, just like what you said just now, it's because I have no ability..."

Lin Yunjiao thanked her again, and then went downstairs. Gu Yawen sat quietly by herself, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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