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Chapter 548 Even you have changed

Chapter 548 Even you have changed

Gu Yawen knew that Lin Yunjiao suddenly approached her and boldly confide in her thoughts, seemingly impulsive, but actually very thoughtful.

This girl is very good, with high IQ and EQ. In the company, many colleagues call her Dr. Lin.

Lin Yunjiao, who is very beautiful and excellent, has made many male colleagues admire her.

If Gao Yang is the male god in the eyes of female colleagues in 51 Group, then Lin Yunjiao is the goddess in the eyes of male colleagues.

Ever since Lin Yunjiao politely rejected a male colleague at the deputy general level who showed love boldly in a joking tone, no one dared to provoke her anymore.

51 Group has a lot of proud and arrogant men, and they also have real skills, but in front of Lin Yunjiao, all of them are ashamed of themselves, knowing that they are not worthy of others.

Gu Yawen was quite surprised that such an excellent girl suddenly fell in love with Gao Yang, and she went straight to confess to herself.

After thinking about it, it seemed reasonable, and it also showed that Lin Yunjiao was really smart.

At this time, Gao Yang was still running outside at night, Gu Yawen suddenly felt a little bored, so she went to look for Wu Ruohan.

Wu Ruohan just took a bath after exercising and was breastfeeding the baby, while Wen Yuqin looked after her.

The two children fell asleep quickly after feeding, and Wen Yuqin also rested.

Gu Yawen sat down by the bed and whispered: "Ruohan, just now Yunjiao came to me and said that she fell in love with Gao Yang."

"Ah..." Wu Ruohan was stunned, "This girl really dares to think."

Gu Yawen told Lin Yunjiao's words and asked, "Ruohan, what do you think?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head and said, "Sister, the key is you, do you really want to fulfill her?"

Gu Yawen shook her head and smiled: "The key is not with me. In Gao Yang, Gao Yang said that he appreciates Yun Jiao."

Wu Ruohan said sadly: "Sister, all of this is because of me, if not for me..."

Gu Yawen shook her head and smiled again: "Ruohan, don't be like this, just like what you said at the beginning, without you, there might be other women breaking into his life.

Men, after all, are different from us, and I never fantasized about controlling him, I just don't want him to be distracted by these things.

After Gao Yang accepted you, his ideas also changed. He thought that one day he would face the pressure of public opinion by himself and protect us and our children.

I am going to be 30 years old this year, and you are going to be 28 years old. I just thought about it for a long time. Now that our family has a big business and Gao Yang’s reputation is getting bigger and bigger, he needs a more free identity so that he can easily deal with the pressure of public opinion one day . "

Wu Ruohan understood instantly, and said in surprise, "Sister, don't you want to remarry?"

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, marriage is just a formality, where the heart is, the home is."

Wu Ruohan shook her head and said, "Sister, you should know, my husband won't agree."

Gu Yawen smiled softly: "He told Yunjiao before, I have the final say on family affairs..."

The two sisters chatted softly, Gao Yang came back from running, and came to see Wu Ruohan and the two children.

It has been two months since Wu Ruohan gave birth to the child, and she could have intercourse, but she feels that her body has not recovered, so she is unwilling to live or die.

Gao Yang went downstairs with Gu Yawen, said good night to Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, took Yaoyao and Shitou back to the east bedroom, and after putting them to sleep, they began to take a bath together.

Gu Yawen helped Gao Yang scrub, and suddenly said: "Just now, I discussed with Ruohan that after her 7th birthday in July, you can get a divorce. After that, you will be single, and there is no need for us to remarry for the time being." .”

Gao Yang was stunned: "Yawen, what do you mean?"

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Tonight, Yunjiao told me that she likes you, loves you, and wants to take good care of you and share the pressure of work for you."

Gao Yang was delighted: "This girl, I'll just tell her a joke, I hope she will be sensible, she really came to you."

Gu Yawen said: "Tell Yunjiao that I have the final say on family matters, does this mean?"

Gao Yang said: "Of course it counts, you are the housekeeper of our family."

Gu Yawen said again: "Then do you like Yunjiao?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "Why should I like her, don't tell me I have to like her when I see a pretty girl, what kind of person am I, you.

I admire Yunjiao because of her spirituality and ability. I want to train her so that she can take on great responsibilities in the future. "

Gu Yawen chuckled: "It seems that you are anxious. Actually, I think Yunjiao's idea is not bad. You are under such great pressure at work. It's good that she cares about you so much."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, don't talk nonsense, my work pressure is not as great as you imagined, I can't afford Yunjiao's feelings, I don't want my life to become more and more chaotic.

You also know that I pursue two things in my life, one is a successful career, and the other is a happy family, Ruohan is just an exception.

If there is no matter of Ruohan, there will be no matter of Mingming. "

Gu Yawen hugged Gao Yang suddenly: "I advised you to accept Ruohan, the reality is already like this, we can only proceed from the reality and consider the best way to deal with it.

Tonight, I told Ruohan that when your heart is there, your home is there, and I know that your heart is always there.

In the next five years, 5 Group will complete its transformation and upgrading, and you also need the most suitable helper.

After 5 years, I want to retire and concentrate on managing housework, especially children's education.

The future 51 Group will involve the interests of too many people. I know that you want to train Yunjiao so that she will be able to control this company for you one day.

Yunjiao told me that she tried to join the company because she admired you and 51 Group.

And because you suddenly revealed your true feelings at the banquet, the song "Father" deeply moved her.

That being the case, why should you refuse her kindness? A smart girl like Yunjiao, like Ruohan back then, is lonely and paranoid in her heart.

I don't want you to bear such a lot of pressure all the time, and I don't want a talent like Yunjiao to leave the company because of emotional problems.

You said that you wanted to retire in your natal year of 48 and enjoy life.

There are less than 15 years left. At that time, it will not be too late for us to remarry.
I just want to grow old with you. Yunjiao's feelings for you are not important to me personally, but to the company and our family, it is very important.

Only when Yunjiao entrusts her body and mind to you, will she devote herself wholeheartedly to you.

In the future, with Yunjiao in charge of the company for you and Ruohan in charge of the investment for you, you will be much more relaxed, and I can rest assured that I can only take care of housework..."

Gao Yang looked at Gu Yawen in a daze, and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that even you started to think about problems from the perspective of interests."

Gu Yawen guessed right, Gao Yang wanted to train Lin Yunjiao to be his successor, because this girl has this potential.

With the continuous expansion of the 51 Group's business scale, Fang Jian's capacity ceiling is approaching.

Fang Jian can manage a company with 1 employees and billions of revenues, but it will be difficult to manage a super-large enterprise with tens of thousands of employees and tens or even hundreds of billions of revenues in the future.

Gu Yawen scolded: "Who made you so capable? In just a few years, you have created hundreds of billions of wealth.

You know, I have always been a woman with no ambitions. When I first met you, I was impressed by your hard-working attitude, ability and personality.

At that time, you didn't know the situation in my family, and I imagined that I would live a peaceful and peaceful life with you for the rest of my life.

Now that we have a big family, I have to think about this big family and my children and future generations.

Over the years, because of you, everyone has actually changed, even grandparents have changed.

I'm not as smart as Yunjiao and Ruohan, but I'm not stupid either, because Ruohan used to be worried about his elder brother and sister-in-law because of the huge interests involved.

Only when Yunjiao becomes your woman can I feel completely at ease with her. Only in this way can she be completely devoted to you.

You have such masculinity that no man can match you..."

Gao Yang looked at Gu Yawen, a little speechless, stopped discussing this matter, helped her dry her body, and carried her back to the bedroom.

After being gentle, Gu Yawen snuggled into Gao Yang's arms and asked again: "What do you think about Yunjiao's matter?"

Gao Yang was delighted: "You are still thinking about it."

Gu Yawen said: "Then tell me, is my idea reasonable?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Purely considering the interests, your idea also has some reason. I really want to train Yunjiao to help me run this company in the future. She also has this potential. Yunjiao's IQ, EQ and learning ability are all impressive. I am amazed.

The problem is that feelings and interests are two different things and cannot be mixed together.

There is an exchange between us and Mingming, so I feel at ease.

I also promised you that there will be no other women, and I don't need Yunjiao to be devoted to me, and there is no need to hurt other people's feelings. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It's not easy. When you leave Ruohan, you just marry Yunjiao. Let Yunjiao give birth to a child for you, and you will be a real family."

Gao Yang said in astonishment: "You really let go."

Gu Yawen said: "I said before, these things are not important, what is important is the future of the children and the whole family. I can see that Yunjiao simply likes you and treats you sincerely. Our family needs her like this You need a talent, too."

Gao Yang was delighted: "You have changed too much. If you really want to do this, your parents, as well as Ruohan's parents and grandparents, will scold me to death."

Gu Yawen said: "No, if my parents can accept Ruohan, they will naturally accept Yunjiao. As for Ruohan's family, they won't. Ruohan was about to leave you.

I think the elders in the family should understand that if your career is so big, only the family members help you, so you don't have to take precautions.

Over the years, those of your classmates and friends who started businesses with you have all become successful people. Even so, some people have had serious disagreements with you.

You are a person who values ​​friendship, you have many classmates and friends, and your relationship is also close and distant, which is unavoidable.

Now you don’t hesitate to spend 45 billion in consulting fees to promote the management upgrade of 51 Group, and to align with the management model of world-class enterprises, which shows that the company’s current management model based on friendship is very risky.

If Yunjiao can take the position as your wife, she can quickly gain prestige and replace my current role in the company.

At that time, I can retire with peace of mind, Yuanda Company and Yueju Company can be handed over to Yunjiao to take care of..."

Gao Yang sat up, lit a cigarette, and the intelligent induction ventilation system on the ceiling immediately started to work, sucking away the smoke.

Gao Yang was a little shocked by Gu Yawen's thoughts.

Over the years, wealth has changed many people around Gao Yang, and now, even Gu Yawen has changed.

Personal feelings give way to the interests of the family or even the entire family.

Gao Yang somehow remembered the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang in the TV series "Kangxi Dynasty".

Gao Yang likes to watch this TV series, and Gu Yawen also likes to watch it.

After Gao Yang smoked, Gu Yawen went to get a glass of water, asked him to rinse his mouth, and asked with a smile: "Honey, is my idea wrong?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter right or wrong, I just didn't expect you to think about things like this, Yawen, your ideas have changed so much that I can't get used to it."

Gu Yawen asked again: "Did I disappoint you?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled again: "No, I just suddenly felt that making too much money might not be a good thing, losing your normal living environment, wealth has become a burden, and instead it makes you think of sacrificing your feelings for me.

In the past, I worried too much before thinking of exchanging with Yang Ming, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

I shouldn't have thought about it this way. Before marrying Ruohan, immigrating to Hong Kong Island might be the most suitable choice. "

Gu Yawen snuggled into Gao Yang's arms: "You are a man with dreams and the ability to realize them, I just hope that you will boldly pursue your dreams without worrying about anything.

I still say that, as long as you don't dislike it, I will guard you for the rest of my life.

My abilities are limited, and I can't help you much in terms of career. Ruohan and Yunjiao are the ones who can help you.

I don't care about Yunjiao's affairs, what are you worried about?

It would be a pity if such a smart, beautiful and capable girl could not be caught.

As for Mingming's matter, since it's already like this, she can stay with you as long as she wants, and if she doesn't want to, just settle down..."

Gao Yang suddenly said: "If you look like this, don't you worry about me opening up the harem?"

Gu Yawen giggled: "Then you will?"

Gao Yang was defeated in an instant, Gu Yawen knew her husband too well...

(End of this chapter)

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