Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 554 Confession

Chapter 554 Confession (two in one)

Outside the airport, Wang Xiaolong, who had just returned to work after getting married, drove a 7-seater commercial vehicle to pick him up with Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan.

After meeting, Lin Yunjiao hugged Gu Yawen and whispered in her ear: "Sister Yawen, something happened in America this time, Brother Yang also accepted me."

Gu Yawen was startled, then smiled lightly: "That's good, save me from wasting my tongue with him."

Lin Yunjiao asked again: "Brother Yang asked me to tell my parents now, Sister Yawen, what do you think?"

Gu Yawen said: "Yunjiao, can you convince your parents?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "They should respect my choice."

Gu Yawen said: "Then you can handle it yourself, if there is any situation, please notify me in time..."

After entering the city, he first sent Lin Yunjiao back to Shuimu University's home, Gao Yang asked Lin Yunjiao to rest at home for a few days, and then flew to Shudu for a business trip on Sunday afternoon.

Next week, the two investment projects of 51 Technology and Android Huaxia R&D Center will officially sign contracts with Shudu.

As soon as Lin Yunjiao entered the room, her face was filled with joy: "Dad, Mom, let's see what I bought for you..."

Lin Yuzhou, who was reading the newspaper in the living room, narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Hey, the sun is coming out from the west, so everyone knows how to buy gifts to honor parents."

Lu Wenhui came out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "It's really unprecedented."

The couple were shocked when they opened the gift box.

Wu Wenhui said: "Yunjiao, all you bought are luxury brands, it must be [-] US dollars."

Lin Yun giggled coquettishly: "Mom, it's a joke, I didn't tell you before, last year my year-end bonus was 30."

Lu Wenhui was surprised and said, "You only worked for half a year last year. Are 51 Group's benefits so good?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Last year, Brother Yang asked the group to take out 17 billion to arrange special year-end bonuses for all employees in the company. The per capita is 16, and ordinary employees start at 6. Each company also has profit dividends. Among the executives, there are quite a few who have received millions of dollars."

Lin Yuzhou asked curiously, "Yunjiao, where did your company get so much money?"

Lin Yunjiao smiled playfully: "Dad, this is the company's business secret, I can't tell you yet."

Lin Yunjiao changed a cup of tea for her father, and then went to the kitchen to help her mother.

When Lu Wenhui simmered a pot of soup, Lin Yunjiao hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Mom, I have a boyfriend."

Lu Wenhui's eyes lit up, and she asked with a smile: "Which young man is so lucky to finally fall in love with you?"

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Mom, you and Dad have met. He is super capable, handsome, and a very nice person."

Lu Wenhui was startled, her eyelids twitched: "Yunjiao, don't tell mom that your boyfriend is Gao Yang."

Lin Yun's delicate face flushed slightly: "Mom, I let you guess right, it's him."

Lu Wenhui's expression changed instantly: "Yun Jiao, are you crazy? Why is it him?"

Lin Yun said tenderly: "Mom, I like him, from the bottom of my heart."

Lu Wenhui stared at her daughter: "Yunjiao, what kind of ecstasy soup did Gao Yang give you to make you lose your mind like this?
He is a man with a family, what qualifications does he have to be your boyfriend?
With his wealth and power, how dare he act like this? "

Lin Yun said tenderly: "Mom, why are you so excited, Brother Yang is not the kind of man you imagined!

It's me who likes him and wants to be with him, and I've been rejected by him several times before.

This time in the United States, he agreed because of some special reasons.

Mom, I hope you can respect my feelings, I can't live without him. "

Lu Wenhui's face turned pale: "I think you are really crazy. You clearly know his family situation, but you still want to pursue such a relationship like a moth to a flame."

Lin Yun said tenderly: "Mom, I always admired Brother Yang, but I couldn't help falling in love with him later on. I don't want to miss him, and I don't want to leave regrets in this life. I just want to follow my heart.

Originally, I never thought that he would be responsible, but this time in the United States, Brother Yang finally accepted me, and he also said that he would be responsible for me. "

Lu Wenhui said: "Yunjiao, what happened to you in the United States, and how is Gao Yang responsible for you?"

Lin Yunjiao talked about Gao Yang's experience in the United States, and what Gu Yawen once told her:

"Mom, according to Sister Yawen, Brother Yang will marry me in a legitimate way. I guess that's what Brother Yang meant when he told me in the United States that he should be responsible to me.

Brother Yang originally planned to train me to be the CEO of the company in the future and help him manage the future 51 holding company.

After Sister Yawen knew that I really liked Brother Yang, she didn't dislike me. Instead, she hoped that we could become a family and help Brother Yang protect such a big foundation together.

Sister Yawen and Brother Yang have a very deep relationship. She can tolerate both Sister Ruohan and me. She has an extraordinary mind, and all she thinks about is how to help Brother Yang realize his career dream. I admire her very much. .

Mom, Brother Yang is really not the kind of man you imagined, back then, sister Ruohan..."

Hearing Lin Yunjiao's candid narration, Lu Wenhui sighed softly:
"Yunjiao, on New Year's Eve, when I was having dinner at Gao Yang's house, I had a premonition that you would fall in love with him.

Unexpectedly, it has really become a reality now. Mom knows that Gao Yang is very good, but, do you have to choose this kind of life? "

Lin Yunjiao said: "Mom, even if Brother Yang doesn't marry me, I have no complaints or regrets. I really like him and want to work with him to achieve a great career. Now, I have the opportunity to marry Brother Yang." , I have disclosed my married life with him for several years, and I can have a child, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?"

Lu Wenhui asked: "Has Gao Yang said, when will he marry you?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "He said to wait another year or so. I heard from Sister Yawen that according to the original plan, in a year or two, Brother Yang will divorce Sister Ruohan and remarry her."

Lu Wenhui murmured: "This Gu Yawen is really a strange woman!"

Lin Yunjiao hugged her mother and kissed: "Mom, you don't object to the matter between me and Brother Yang, do you?"

"You are all like this. With your personality, if Mom objects, can you turn back?"

Lu Wenhui rolled her eyes, then sighed again: "Your father... I'm afraid it's hard to accept."

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Mom, as long as you are willing to help me, I will definitely be able to convince my dad..."

It's time for dinner. At the dinner table, Lin Yunjiao poured a glass of wine for her parents, and poured a full glass herself. She raised her glass and said:

"Dad, Mom, I would like to offer you a toast, thank you for your support and respect for me all these years."

Lin Yuzhou smiled and drank a glass of wine: "Yunjiao, something is wrong with you today, what's the happy event?"

Lin Yunjiao filled another glass of wine for Lin Yuzhou and said, "Dad, I have a boyfriend."

Lin Yuzhou smiled heartily: "So it's such a great event, when will you take your boyfriend home to have a look?"

Lu Wenhui sighed lightly: "Yuzhou, the boyfriend Yunjiao is looking for is Gao Yang."

Lin Yuzhou's face froze for an instant, and slowly turned livid.

The goddamn rich guy actually caught my little padded jacket.

Lu Wenhui sighed again: "Yuzhou, it was our Yunjiao who rushed to pursue Gao Yang, and he was rejected several times."

Lin Yuzhou's face turned greener: "Yunjiao, you can't like anyone, why do you like a man with a family and a family, just because he is rich and powerful?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Dad, what I like is his ability, his feelings, and his responsibility and ambition.

Don't you want to know where our company got so much money?I can tell you, but please keep it secret.

Brother Yang is a genius investment operator, and sister Ruohan is also super powerful and is his good helper.

In the past two or three years, Brother Yang and Sister Ruohan led the company's investment department to earn 1500 billion yuan for the company in the bull market of A shares.

Brother Yang personally directed, shorted US subprime mortgages, and shorted US stock markets, and has made more than 80 billion US dollars.

With so much wealth, Brother Yang is still thinking about how to make 51 Group bigger and stronger, contribute to social development, and benefit the company's employees.

In his plan, 51 Group will soon be reorganized into 51 Holdings, and develop into a national and even global first-class large-scale group enterprise in the four major fields of Internet, smart phones, culture and entertainment, and agriculture.

In addition, overseas, he has also invested in two Silicon Valley technology companies, and plans to use these two companies as the main platform to create a world-leading Internet technology company that can match or even surpass Google in the European, American and even global markets, facing the era of mobile Internet.

Under the arrangement of Brother Yang, our company donated 1 million yuan to Li Lianjie's One Foundation and 3 million yuan to the newly established Gaojin Academy of Jiaotong University in Shanghai.

It is still applying to the education department to invest 10 billion to set up a student fund to support those students who face difficulties in going to school due to family difficulties across the country.

In the next step, Brother Yang also plans to set up a subject education fund to fund a number of national key universities to develop basic subject education.

These are the big things that Brother Yang thinks about all day long. He cares more about his career than the love between men and women and the love between children.

In terms of family, he is more responsible and caring for his family.

Ever since I started college, there have been people who want to pursue me. I have never been tempted. Facing Brother Yang, I can't be tempted. He is the man I want.

I used to hesitate, but when I realized that Brother Yang was the one I had been waiting for, I just wanted to love him, love him, and help him..."

Lin Yuzhou was dumbfounded, and murmured: "Yunjiao, I don't deny that Gao Yang is very good and charming. You know that he has a family, and the relationship within the family is also complicated, so why do you want to dive in like this?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Dad, brother Yang's family relationship is not complicated, sister Yawen has always been in charge..."

This time in the United States, after accepting Lin Yunjiao, Gao Yang told her about his main experiences from childhood to adulthood, as well as those things with Wu Ruohan.

Now, Lin Yunjiao also picked the key points and told them to her parents.

In the end, Lin Yun said tenderly: "Dad, brother Yang is not a flirtatious person, sister Yawen is so tolerant, she and sister Ruohan are willing to pay for him together, and so am I.

Sister Yawen wanted me to marry Brother Yang, and Brother Yang also said that he would be responsible to me. I would marry him, have a child, and live a few years of married life in public, and I would be content.

I understand Sister Yawen's thoughts, only when we truly become a family, she will be completely relieved of me being in charge of the company in the future, because this is Brother Yang's career.

Brother Yang is a loyal person. Many of the executives in the company are his classmates and old friends.

Brother Yang also felt that going on like this would be detrimental to the company's development, so he spent a sky-high price of 45 billion to introduce a world-class consulting service organization to promote the company's organizational management reform.

Dad, Mom, I hope to get your blessings about the matter between me and Brother Yang, and respect my choice, rather than objecting and obstructing.

For the rest of my life, I just want to follow my heart and live the life I want..."

Lin Yuzhou was silent for a while, then went to the study to find a pack of cigarettes, took one and lit it, and sighed: "Yunjiao, you have been very intelligent since you were a child, very assertive, as smart as you, and you are determined to live like this. Dad didn't say anything.

This kid Gao Yang, now he can only listen to his words and watch his actions, if he doesn't treat you sincerely, I can't spare him. "

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Thank you Dad, I'll have another drink with you..."

It was late at night, and Lin Yuzhou and his wife couldn't sleep.

Lin Yuzhou sighed: "Over the years, we have been successful in raising Yunjiao in terms of academics, but the emotional aspect has completely gone astray."

Lu Wenhui said: "Just like my premonition on New Year's Eve, with Yunjiao's usual arrogance, facing a man like Gao Yang, it would be strange not to fall into it.

As long as they can get married, I think it is acceptable. Such a big family must pay attention to the harmony of family relations, and wait for Yun Jiao to have Gao Yang's child.You won't be treated badly either. "

Lin Yuzhou said: "No matter how you say it, this is not a normal family relationship."

Lu Wenhui said unhappily: "The matter has come to this, we can only let nature take its course, with Yunjiao's character, can we stop it?

This matter, in the final analysis, is Yunjiao's own life.

As parents, do we want face or face?I think the inside is better than the face.

Such a son-in-law, can we find another one?Even if there is, Yunjiao has to look up to herself. "

Lin Yuzhou said: "Feelings and marriage are their own business. I'm just worried. If their family affairs are exposed in the future, what will they do then?"

Lu Wenhui said: "This is not something we worry about, it is something Gao Yang and Gu Yawen worry about..."

At this time, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen were also talking about pillow talk.

Gu Yawen is in her menstrual period today, but Gao Yang is still with her, hugging and sleeping.

A few days ago in the United States, Lin Yunjiao had her first taste of love between a man and a woman. Gao Yang was stimulated by drugs, and the frequency was a bit high.

Now that I am home, I also want to take a good rest for two days to recover my energy.

For Gao Yang being drugged in the United States, Gu Yawen was very shocked and also a little scared. Fortunately, Lin Yunjiao was by Gao Yang's side, and a good thing happened instead.

Gu Yawen said: "Yunjiao is different from Mingming. She really treats you well and loves you. Before the end of the year, you can divorce Ruohan and marry Yunjiao next year.

With Yunjiao, your career will be greatly boosted, and Ruohan and I can rest assured. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, you can arrange these things."

Gu Yawen said: "Then let's make a solemn agreement today. From now on, you will never have another woman."

Gao Yang was happy: "I feel like I can't stand it now, I didn't handle Ruohan's matter well... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Gu Yawen said: "A few days ago, I talked with Ming Ming, and I said that I would give her [-] million yuan to settle down, but she would not leave you. This girl's thoughts are bigger than I imagined."

Gao Yang thought for a while, and said: "Let her go, I don't have much time to take care of her. When she thinks it through, she will make her own decision. She is not stupid..."

(End of this chapter)

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