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Chapter 555 Invest in Godson?

Chapter 555 Invest in Godson?

On the afternoon of February 2, Gao Yang, Lin Yunjiao, Fang Jian, Xu Xin, and Wang Xiaolong and Zhang Ling boarded a flight to Shudu.

Tomorrow, the 51 Science and Technology Investment Signing Ceremony will be held at the Kempinski Hotel in Shudu High-tech Zone. The old man Wu Guanghua and other leaders of Shudu, as well as leaders of relevant departments in the province, will be present.

Gao Yang, Fang Jian and Xu Xin attended on behalf of 51 Group. The task of Fang Jian and Xu Xin was to lead Lu Tao and other 51 Technology executives to deal with the media.

The day after tomorrow, the Android Huaxia R&D Center will also hold an investment signing ceremony, Gao Yang will attend, and the task of dealing with the media will be handed over to Dr. Yang Rui'an, the president of Android Huaxia.

Gao Yang does not intend to accept any media interviews.

In the first-class cabin, Fang Jian and Lin Yunjiao sat on the left and right of Gao Yang, and Xu Xin and the other three sat in the row behind.

After going to work after the Spring Festival, the joint consulting team will officially enter the 51 Group to fully develop the formal consulting services.

Taking advantage of the spare time on the plane, Fang Jian and Gao Yang reported the consultant's recent work progress.

Gao Yang thought about it: "Old Fang, let Yunjiao go to the Supervision Department as a deputy. From now on, the daily work of the consulting team will be sorted out regularly by the president's office and reported to me.

On your side, the focus should still be on the business of each company. This year, will split up its business, so there should be no troubles. "

After the two communicated for a while, Gao Yang said again: "The biggest risk in the future when we make smart phones is that we don't master the chip technology.

On New Year's Day, I discussed chip issues with Huawei specifically. Huawei's point of view is that if we do it ourselves, it will be almost impossible to solve chip technology in about 10 years.

Lao Fang, what do you think about this matter? "

Fang Jian thought about it: "It is really difficult for us to make chips by ourselves. Patented technology, materials, production equipment, design, etc. are all in the hands of European and American countries, and no matter how rich they are, they can't buy them."

Gao Yang said: "We still have to find a way to solve this problem. Once the mobile phone business grows bigger in the future, for example, the sales volume exceeds [-] billion, we will definitely attract the attention of European and American competitors.

Fang Jian thought about it: "If we have to make chips, then we have to spend money. The problem is that it may cost billions or even tens of billions, and it may be fruitful, and the investment cycle will be very long.

Now, in terms of chip technology, there are mainly two routes. One is the x86 architecture and wintel system for the PC and server markets. Their status in the world is almost unshakable because their technology ecology is too strong.

The second is the ARM architecture in the mobile phone market. ARM has passed the neutral authorization. In the past two or three years, the scale of the smartphone market has expanded rapidly, and it is likely to become the mainstream of the market in the future.

Our country, starting from the era of global computer commercialization in the 80s, missed the golden opportunity for the development of computer self-development.

A big company like Lenovo tried to take a road of trade, industry and technology development. Now more than 20 years have passed, Lenovo's trade and industry has been successful, but there is no core technology.

It seems that in 2001, the Academy of Sciences established a company called Huake Loongson, which completely followed the self-research route, was included in the nuclear high-tech support project, and was operated in a market-oriented manner.

Now, seven years have passed, and this company has not made any major breakthroughs. It is mainly engaged in the government affairs market, and has done nothing in the enterprise market, let alone the consumer market.

One is that the technology gap is too large, and the other is that there is no large-scale market support, and it is impossible to create an ecology.

Higher-end products like smartphone chips, and small companies like Godson have no strength to intervene..."

Fang Jian and others introduced the basic development pattern of the current chip technology development. Gao Yang said:

"In my opinion, on the issue of chips, we must consider investment, and we must be prepared with both hands.

One is to directly invest in a company like Huake Loongson to support its growth.

The second is to negotiate with Huawei, or adopt the cooperation model of 51 Technology. We will provide funds, and Huawei will provide talents, so we can build a mobile phone chip design company based on the ARM architecture.

We will strive to design the world's top smartphone chips, which will be continuously applied to 51 Technology's high-end smartphone flagship products, and cooperate with Android to develop the technology ecosystem.

In addition, through the android company, go to invest in ARM, ASML, Qualcomm, Samsung and mainstream chip manufacturers to lay out the entire industrial chain.

Android companies can also directly acquire a mainstream EDA software company.

After the development of android companies, they can be listed for financing, and these companies can be introduced to hold the equity of android, gradually forming a community of interests in the industry chain.

We have two major advantages. One is that we have a platform like Android to develop the industry ecology, and the other is that we have no shortage of funds.

Chip technology must be mastered in a way. If it doesn’t work in 10 years, it will take 15, 20 or even 30 years. As long as you persevere, you will succeed one day…”

Seeing Gao Yang's determination, Fang Jian couldn't help being shocked, so he smiled and said, "Then we have to formulate a long-term investment plan for chip technology."

Lin Yunjiao quietly listened to the exchange between Gao Yang and Fang Jian, feeling overwhelmed. This is the man she adores, and she is fearless in the face of overcoming super difficult problems such as chip technology.

On February 2th and 25th, Gao Yang participated in two consecutive investment signing ceremonies.

51 Technology invested 100 billion yuan to develop and produce 51 smartphones in Shudu High-tech Zone.

The Android company invested 1 million US dollars to set up a Huaxia R&D center in Shudu High-tech Zone to develop a Chinese version.

The two signing ceremonies were attended by the father-in-law Wu Guanghua and the leaders of relevant provincial departments.

This kind of ceremony is to go through the process, and then there are discussions and communication. Gao Yang, representing the 51 department, and his father-in-law, have to pose solemnly in front of the media and speak some clichés appropriate to the situation.

Some heart tired.

On February 2, Gao Yang finally had time to rest.

I will leave it to Fang Jian to arrange and deal with the follow-up matters.

He took Lin Yunjiao with him, accompanied by Wang Xiaolong and Zhang Ling, and flew from Shudu to Yalong Bay for a few days of vacation.

Since Lin Yunjiao was forced to rescue her in the United States and returned to China, the two have basically never been together tenderly.

In the past two days in Shudu, Gao Yang also had various entertainments, drank a lot of wine, and fell asleep at night.

In Yalong Bay at the end of February, the maximum temperature during the day was 2 degrees, and the sun was quite hot.

The hotel's private beach, in the afternoon, the four of Gaoyang went swimming in the sea.

Lin Yunjiao is wearing a swimsuit, 170 cm tall, D+ size on the chest, girlish skin, and a baby face.

It's hard to believe that she is almost 25 years old.

Seeing Gao Yang staring at him intently, Lin Yunjiao came over, hugged him and kissed him: "Brother Yang, do I look good?"

Gao Yang chuckled: "It's pretty, super beautiful and sexy."

A blush appeared on Lin Yunjiao's face, and she was extremely charming for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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