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Chapter 556 A Low-key Wedding

Chapter 556 A Low-key Wedding

On December 2008, 12, the fourth and fifth children of Gao Yang's family, Gao Yuan and Gao Quan, both turned one year old.

There is no big banquet, just have a meal with the family to celebrate.

On this day, the Nasdaq index fell to around 1300 points, a drop of as much as 2007% from the high point in 55.

Wu Ruohan told her sister-in-law Chen Lan, who was far away in the United States, to stop short selling and start harvesting.

At the same time, it also notified the trader team in the actual combat exercise on Hong Kong Island to officially stop.

On this day, the big A-shares have just rebounded to 6124 points after falling from the peak of 10 points last year to the lowest point of 1664 points at the end of October this year.

Around 1700 points, Wu Ruohan has arranged for 51 Holdings’ company accounts to enter the market, and gradually increase positions in A shares of leading companies in various industries, mainly focusing on large consumption concepts such as alcohol, food and beverage, and medicine.

At the same time, leading companies in the infrastructure industry chain and high-growth companies in technology and manufacturing are all making deployments.

On December 12th, December 13th, US Eastern Time, Chen Lan reported that Titan Fund's long-buying US stock ETF index funds have all cleared their positions.

Last year, a total of 49 billion US dollars was invested in full-position operations.

Among them, after deducting taxes from the funds of the android company, there is still 145 billion US dollars left, and the net income is nearly 6 times.

The beyond fund has no capital gains tax, and the funds have rolled to 290 billion US dollars.

Chen Lan and his wife's 4 million US dollars rolled over to 34 billion US dollars after tax deduction.

The funds controlled by the Titan Fund have reached as high as 470 billion U.S. dollars.

According to the instructions of Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, Titan Fund began to make long-term deployments to a number of large technology companies such as Apple, Amazon, and Google.

There are also some small and medium-sized companies, such as SBA Communications, Netflix, Nvidia, Roblox, NetEase, Monster Drinks, and Tesla.

There is even a company that does burial services called International Services.

And began to raise funds from the outside world, and established a private equity fund with a scale of tens of billions of dollars, of which Titan Fund invested 30 billion U.S. dollars and raised 70 billion U.S. dollars.

This fund is named Titan Wealth Fund.

The trader team on Hong Kong Island has managed to make $10 billion to $80 billion in more than a year, which is quite powerful.

After stopping short selling, Wu Ruohan instructed to start building companies such as Cangge Factory, Sunny Optical, Yihai, Shenzhou, GenScript, Huaxia Biopharmaceuticals, Galaxy Entertainment, Aoyuan, and Sunac.

Among them, Shigekura bought 30 billion US dollars of stocks in Goose Factory.

On December 12, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan quietly filed for divorce.

Originally, Gu Yawen suggested that Wu Ruohan should get a divorce in July when Wu Ruohan turned 7, but Gao Yang did not agree, so he had to wait until the brother and sister Gao Yuan and Gao Quan turned one year old, knew how to call parents, and could walk.

On the New Year's Day of 2009, Gao Yang and Lin Yunjiao held a low-key wedding, with only a few dozen relatives and friends attending the wedding.

The main executives of all companies in the 51 series participated. Now, everyone understands that the change of the boss's wife is actually a change of official title.

On this day, Lin Yunjiao had just been pregnant for one month, so naturally she didn't show her pregnancy.

Lin Yunjiao's parents, Lin Yuzhou and Lu Wenhui, also breathed a sigh of relief.

The couple had nothing to dissatisfy with such a low-key wedding.

After all, Gao Yang is a well-known entrepreneur all over the country, and he just divorced Wu Ruohan over there.

It is enough for my daughter to marry into Gaoyang in an upright manner.

After marriage, Lin Yunjiao started to go to work after a week of rest. Gao Yang and others couldn't persuade her, so she let her go.

Lin Yunjiao still holds the position of the company's supervision department, which is very important for her to preside over the work of the 51 department in the future, and can accumulate prestige.

Of course, Lin Yunjiao is pregnant and won't be on a business trip. Zhou Wenbin's team is mainly responsible for the work of the Supervision Department.

After the third marriage, Gao Yang is also more low-key. The overall layout of the 51 series is basically completed, and the company's internal organization and management improvement is in progress. The rest is the specific implementation of each project company.

Gao Yang spent more time at home, accompanied Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan, insisted on exercising every day, and ate sea cucumber and other high-nutrition foods in a fixed amount according to the advice of nutrition experts.

In fact, Gao Yang's current physical fitness is stronger than most young people around 25 years old because of physical exercise, martial arts, breathing and nutritious food.

After Xiehe's physical examination, Lin Yunjiao's doctor friends were very surprised, and said with a smile that Lin Yunjiao married a good husband, and she was really blessed.

Wealthy bosses and entrepreneurs see a lot of doctors, and many men at Gao Yang's age are no longer physically fit.

Because of the money, there are so many beautiful women around, even if they are 50 or [-] years old, there are still many young and beautiful girls rushing to post them.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "My husband is not an ordinary person, he will not indulge himself."

Now, Yang Ming is also free to go in and out of the Gao Family Courtyard, as long as he is free, Yang Ming will come once a week.

Yang Ming, who is only 22 years old, is at the tender and smooth age of youth. Because of his good skin, he looks and feels that he is not even 20 years old.

Gao Yang also likes this girl very much, she is naturally beautiful, very obedient and obedient, willing to do anything when she is gentle.

Of course, now that he has time, Gao Yang still spends more time with Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan.

Another May Day is here, and Gu Yawen's birthday is here, and she is one year older, 31 years old.

In the evening, the whole family and Yang Ming had a meal to celebrate.

In the middle of the night, Gu Yawen's face was blushing, and she snuggled into Gao Yang's arms:
"Unknowingly, we have known each other for ten years, and I am starting to grow old."

Gao Yang kissed her: "It's nonsense, you are more moist now than when we first met."

Gu Yawen burst into a smile, after the divorce, when she was with Gao Yang tenderly, she was more relaxed, and often thought of those things when the two first fell in love.

Gu Yawen said again: "I will eventually grow old, but you are still as young and handsome as when we first got married."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "What else?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Well, you are still as strong as you were then."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, in fact, you are also very good. Although you are already a mother of three children, you have been practicing yoga all the time. You are in good shape and your vest line is always there."

Gu Yawen sighed: "I really wish we were always young like this."

Gao Yang thought about it: "I'm thinking, use 15 billion US dollars to set up a company in the field of biological gene research in the United States or Europe, Hong Kong Island and Beijing to conduct research in life sciences."

Gu Yawen asked curiously, "Why are you investing in this?"

Gao Yangdao: "The research is mainly on stem cell science, which is one of the most cutting-edge research directions in life science.

Stem cell scientific research has a history of 40 to [-] years. Injecting stem cells can anti-aging, enhance immunity, and even hope to conquer cancer.

We have made so much money, and there will be more in the future, even if we invest tens of billions of dollars.

As long as we have the research results, we can first use them on ourselves to keep you young and beautiful, even if you have ten years younger body functions, it is very worthwhile.

If there is a major breakthrough in the research results, then there is hope to benefit the entire human race.

In fact, there are many rich people in the world who are investing in this area.

Yun Jiao should know about these things. "

Gu Yawen said: "Okay, this kind of research should indeed be supported. You have earned so much money, and it is very meaningful to use it for scientific research. If some research results are produced, it will be a great contribution to society."

(End of this chapter)

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