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Chapter 557 Please Move Li Kaifu

Chapter 557 Please Move Li Kaifu

During the Spring Festival of 2009, Gao Yang's family lived in Beijing.

Lin Yunjiao is almost three months pregnant, so naturally she can't go anywhere.

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu did not come this year. One is that they are too old, and the other is that they are a little angry that Gao Yang married a younger Lin Yunjiao after divorcing Wu Ruohan.

So they all stayed in Shudu for the New Year.

Wu Guanghua and his wife also didn't come to the capital. Finally, on the second day of the first lunar month, it was Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan who took their five children to Shudu to explain before passing the customs.

Gao Yang is now a big entrepreneur with a net worth of hundreds of billions. Even Mr. Wu can't criticize him face to face.

Wu Lan naturally had objections to Lin Yunjiao's matter.

After Gao Yang married Lin Yunjiao, his relationship with Yang Ming was also made public at home.

Wu Lan was not polite at all, and after severely criticizing Gao Yang, she made a serious agreement that this female celebrity could stay with Gao Yang for the rest of her life, but she couldn't enter the house like Lin Yunjiao.

Gao Yang naturally agreed, he never thought about wanting Yang Ming to be with him forever, this girl is an only child.

On March 3, 6 months after the completion of the Shangdi Industrial Park, the 8 Science and Technology Park covering an area of ​​800 mu was officially put into use.

The employees of the 51-series company in the capital, in addition to Sunshine Company, which is a solar energy media company, Yuanda Company, which is a public relations and advertising company, and Yueju Company, which is a real estate agency.

The owners of other companies all moved to the headquarters building of the 51 Science and Technology Park.

The dormitory area for young employees has also been prepared, which can accommodate 3000 people.

In fact, there are less than 1000 young employees living in the dormitory complex.

The salary of the 51 department is high, and the benefits are good. Many college graduates start to mortgage to buy a house after just one year of employment.

In about two years, you will have the money to buy a 10-class entry-level car.

Even some car dealers have low-interest car loans specially developed for young employees of the 51 series.

I am not afraid of getting loans from the employees of Department 51, but come to ask for loans.

It was August, and it had been 8 months since Department 51 moved into the headquarters building to work.

On August 8th, the beginning of autumn, in the afternoon, Gao Yang drank tea with He Guangwen, the dean of 7 Research Institute and his old classmate, in the spacious office of the headquarters building, and chatted about the research and development progress of the research institute in the mobile project.

At this time, I suddenly received a call from Li Yan, the boss of Baidu: "Gao Yang, the opportunity you have been waiting for has come. Dr. Li Kaifu has just resigned from Google."

Gao Yang said pleasantly: "Okay, Brother Yan, can I ask Dr. Li to meet and have a chat?"

Li Yandao: "I've already made an appointment to have dinner together tomorrow night, but you have to be mentally prepared, Dr. Li plans to start his own business."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, when the time comes, you and Brother Lei will watch me."

Of course, Gao Yang knew that Li Kaifu left Google to establish an innovation factory, a platform for entrepreneurship cultivation and entrepreneurship services, which is a venture capital fund model.

Ten years later, the assets under management of this company will exceed RMB 10 billion.

This is Li Kaifu's industry real estate and influence.

On August 8th, at 8 pm, Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, Fang Jian and He Guangwen, together with Baidu Li Yan and Yiwang Ding Lei, invited Li Kaifu to dinner at the Capital Club.

47-year-old Lee Kai-fu, wearing glasses, has a refined image.

After Li Yan introduced Gao Yang, Li Kaifu held Gao Yang's hand: "I've heard Li Yan talk about Mr. Gao a long time ago. It's amazing. He has developed a huge 51 series in a few years. It's amazing."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's all the result of everyone's hard work and the care of Brother Yan and Brother Lei."

Ding Lei smiled and said: "Gao Yang, don't be too modest, now, you are taking care of us."

After drinking for three rounds, Gao Yang first asked He Guangwen to introduce the general situation of the 51 Research Institute to Li Kaifu, and then said:
"Dr. Li, the 51 Research Institute has launched some joint research projects with Baidu and Yiwang, all of which are aimed at cutting-edge IT technologies such as cloud computing and AI.

In the next step, we are preparing to form a joint research institute, which needs to be led by an expert with great industry influence.

We would like to invite you to come out and serve as the dean of the joint research director. "

Li Kaifu said: "Thank you for Mr. Gao's kindness, but I am almost 50 years old, and I am tired in the workplace these years. I want to do something by myself."

Gao Yang asked: "Dr. Li, may I ask, what project do you plan to do?"

Li Kaifu introduced the basic concept of being an innovation workshop.

Gao Yang said: "Dr. Li, what you want to do is actually what the 51 Department wants to do. In the past few years, we have also made some foreign investments, but they are not systematic.

Dr. Li, how about this? 51 Holdings can invest in the innovation workshop you want to build.

Whether you need 10 billion, 20 billion or 50 billion funds, 51 Holdings can invest.

51 Holdings only accounts for 50% of the shares, or 49%.

For this project, you only need to plan and guide at the strategic level, and introduce professional managers to do the specific work.

In this way, you can devote part of your energy to the 51 Joint Research Institute, what do you think? "

Li Kaifu was stunned, and said in surprise: "Mr. Gao can casually invest billions of dollars in this way?"

Li Yan said with a smile: "Dr. Kaifu, for the 51 series, a few billion is just a drizzle. Gao Yang is a rich man in the Internet circle, and he hides his secrets."

Li Kaifu was a little shocked, and asked again: "Mr. Gao is willing to pay such a high price to let me come to your research institute. You can also invite other people."

Gao Yang said: "Dr. Li, in this industry, you are No.1 in terms of professional experience and industry influence.

We invite you to play a handsome role, so that we can hope to attract top experts and talents in related fields from all over the country and even the world to join us.

Huaxia's Internet has taken the lead in some application fields, but it is still significantly behind at the technical level.

We hope that in terms of new technologies in the future, we can catch up or even surpass them as soon as possible, such as cloud computing and AI intelligence, and we can research leading results early and commercialize them on a large scale.

The 51 series happens to have such a commercial platform.

After Dr. Li became the dean of the research institute, he did not need to spend much energy on research and development projects, but mainly planned and guided.

We can pay you an annual salary of 1000 million US dollars and strongly support your innovation workshop. "

Li Kaifu was quite moved. After dinner, in a meeting room, Fang Jian used PPT projection to introduce the basic situation of the 51 series project companies.

There is also the matter of 51 Department at the level of the holding company, which spent huge sums of money to introduce the world's top consulting agencies to upgrade the internal organization and management.

Finally, Gao Yang introduced:
"Dr. Li, Department 51 has no shortage of funds, so it has been established for so many years, and no company has yet been listed.

In recent years, various project companies will be prepared to go public.

Specifically, projects such as, 51 Renren, 51 Weibo, and 51 Toutiao will consider listing on the Hong Kong stock market.

Projects such as 51 Fortune and 51 Technology will consider seeking opportunities to list on A shares. "

Li Kaifu praised: "The 51 series has formed a very complete layout in the Internet field, interlocking, and the payment tool 51pay has been used to achieve integration.

It also invests in projects such as smartphones, as well as operating system support.

After the 51-series companies go public, no surprises, they will become the largest domestic companies with global influence. "

After continuing to communicate, Li Kaifu happily accepted the invitation.

As for the willingness of 51 Holdings to invest in the Innovation Works project, Li Kaifu is not willing to be greedy, and only needs 51 Holdings to invest 8 million funds.

Moreover, let 51 Holdings hold 60% of the shares.

Li Kaifu invested 2 million yuan, accounting for 40% of the shares.

Even so, Li Kaifu has taken advantage of it. Of course, with his qualifications and influence, it is worth the price.

(End of this chapter)

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