Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 558 Yunjiao gave birth, mobile strategy

Chapter 558 Yunjiao gave birth, mobile strategy
On September 9th, the autumn is crisp and clear.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiehe obstetrics, Lin Yunjiao gave birth to a son.

It weighs 8 catties and 1 tael, and is 55.6 centimeters long. Like Lin Yunjiao, she has a baby face, and her nose, eyes and mouth are like Gao Yang.

This background is better than that of Gao Yang who is a father.

The child was named Gao Lin, and settled in the capital with Lin Yunjiao.

Gao Yang welcomed her sixth child, and her grandmother Lu Wenhui also decided to apply for retirement to take good care of and educate her grandson to grow up.

The child's father is too rich, so Lu Wenhui decided to personally educate the child to grow up so that he cannot become a playboy when he grows up.

Hearing his mother-in-law's thoughts, Gao Yang wanted to laugh.

The Gao family's children, starting from the eldest Gao Tianci, have strict education in the family, and the children have been well-trained.

If the child is spoiled, Gao Yang himself will spank his ass, regardless of others.

On September 9, Lin Yunjiao was discharged from the hospital. The newborn baby looked like grass in early spring. Every two or three days, it took on a new look.

Gao Yang especially hopes for the children. Before the National Day Golden Week, except for the welcome ceremony held by Li Kaifu when he was appointed as the president of the 51 Joint Research Institute, Gao Yang participated in it.

The rest of the time, they stay at home with their children.

After starting to invest in long-term stock positions, Wu Ruohan also became idle, and Huang Yufei was responsible for all the task of building positions.

The scale of funds is too large, and Wu Ruohan's technical ability has little room to develop.

Gao Yang also said that the future stock investment of 51 Holdings is not to earn band money, but to hold it all the way.

Wu Ruohan also stayed at home, besides taking care of the children, she just stayed with Gao Yang.

29-year-old Wu Ruohan, after becoming a mother, has the charm of a mature young woman, and she is also very moist.

So much so that she was lingering with Gao Yang on the sofa in the study during the daytime, and Wu Xiaoyue who came home suddenly bumped into her.

Wu Xiaoyue endured her blushing, and peeked at it for a while, then her chest was pounding, and she tiptoed back to her room.

Lying on the sofa, Wu Xiaoyue kept thinking of Gao Yang's tall and straight figure in her mind.

For the first time, the heart sprouted, and I was also confused.

Wu Xiaoyue, who had just turned 22, suddenly had a hurdle in her heart.

Naturally, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan didn't know about these things.

September 9, Autumn Equinox, 23 Science and Technology Park, 51 Building.

In the meeting room, there were more than 200 people sitting under the stage, all of whom were middle-level and above-level cadres of 51 companies, as well as middle and high-level managers of 51 holding companies.

On the stage were the leaders of the holding company such as Gao Yang, Fang Jian, and Gu Yawen, as well as Li Kaifu, the new director of the joint research institute.

He Guangwen is also the president of the 51 Research Institute and the vice president of the Joint Research Institute.

Gu Yawen chaired the meeting.

First, Gao Yang officially introduced Li Kaifu, and the audience warmly welcomed him. Li Kaifu's name is well known in the circle.

Next, Fang Jian, President of 51 Holdings and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, preached and arranged the mobile strategy of 51 Series.

"Dear colleagues, 51 Company has grown from a small media company back then to a large enterprise group with nearly 3 employees. This year, we established a group holding company.

We still have new business companies coming out, such as 51 Technology in the mobile phone business.

We have been pursuing innovation and have the courage to stand on the top of the wave of the times, so we have today's 51 holdings and 51 series.

Now, the biggest wave of the times is coming, that is, the wave of mobile Internet, and a mobile Internet era is about to begin.

In recent days, the two projects 51 Toutiao and 51talk will jointly hold a grand press conference.

We will release the mobile version of 51 Toutiao, as well as the new mobile Internet instant messaging software 51 WeChat.

These two products have been developed by the research institute since last summer, and then conducted a long-term internal test.

The internal testing period of 51 Toutiao is two months, and the internal testing period of 51 WeChat is three months. Most of the colleagues here have participated in the internal testing of these two innovative products.

Colleagues engaged in technology basically know that there is an international wireless transmission standard called WiFi, and the domestic standard is WAPI announced in 2003.

Now that 6 years have passed, WAPI has not developed, but WiFi is all over the street. This is our helplessness and embarrassment that we are behind in the right to speak in technology.

This year, WiFi mobile phones have been put into the Chinese market, and the policy has been loosened.

We decided not to wait, and immediately released the mobile version of 51 Toutiao, as well as 51 WeChat.

This is the beginning of the mobile strategy of the 51 series. From now on, every project company and Internet product of the group will transform to mobile, and we will occupy the wireless market.

This is also the main battlefield of the 51 series in the next 10 years. Network connection terminals are rapidly shifting to mobile terminals such as mobile phones.

In a few years, maybe everyone will have an intelligent mobile phone that can easily access the Internet.

Our mobile strategy, no matter how important it is, cannot be overemphasized. If we step out, stand firm, and take the lead, the 51 series can further develop and grow.

If you can't get out, then maybe the survival of the company will face a severe test.

The guidelines for the development of the mobile strategy, the board of directors will send it to everyone’s work mailbox today, next, each company must come up with a solution as soon as possible, and the research institute will cooperate to complete the product development of the mobile terminal within the first half of next year..."

Next, He Guangwen from 51 Research Institute introduced the basic situation, technical characteristics and application status of overseas and domestic mobile Internet development.

Finally, Gao Yang spoke.

This was the first time Gao Yang spoke at a company-wide meeting after the Spring Festival last year.

The audience was solemn.

"My colleagues, I don't need to emphasize how important a mobile strategy is.

Just like Mr. Fang and Dean He said just now, the transformation to the mobile Internet in an all-round way is a major test for the 51 series.

Colleagues who have worked in traditional paper media, especially IT media, know how much the Internet has impacted paper media.

The revenue of IT newspapers has been declining continuously since around 2006, and no newspaper has the ability to reverse it.

Such a trend still appears in niche industries such as solar energy, which Sun Media does.

And the mobile Internet will have a similar impact, impacting both newspapers and PCs.

In the current situation, the official implementation of the WiFi standard in China is also the general trend.

Maybe next month, maybe next year, no one knows, but what is certain is that it won't be long.

Therefore, I hope that the management of any company in the 51 series, especially the main person in charge, will strictly follow the group's mobile Internet development strategy guidelines and actively respond.

I have received news that 51 Technology will launch a batch of internal trial test models after the Spring Festival.

At that time, the entire group will distribute 1 51-brand mobile phones for internal testing.

We will have our own brand of smartphones, which is the best platform for us to promote mobile applications.

The era of mobile Internet has begun. I hope that all colleagues here will not be left behind.

Once you are left behind, you will be eliminated by the tide of the times..."

After Gao Yang finished speaking, the audience applauded thunderously.

Li Kaifu saw it and was secretly surprised. He was deeply impressed by the company's discipline and Gao Yang's prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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