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Chapter 62 Come back to life, keep fighting...Thank you!

Chapter 62 Come back to life, keep fighting...Thank you!
Report to the readers who care about and support me:
On the morning of the second day of the first lunar month, I had been unable to sleep for fifty or sixty hours. I felt extremely uncomfortable at that time, and my whole person was on the verge of collapse.

I went to the hospital for an emergency call, and came back and took a sleeping pill, but it still didn't work.

Yesterday morning, I went to another tertiary hospital and got a neurology specialist.

I told the doctor about the condition, and the doctor's first reaction was to prescribe sleeping pills to help sleep, and first adjust the sleep problem.

I said, "I took a sleeping pill yesterday and it didn't work."

The doctor must have seen it too often, so he said simply and rudely, "One tablet doesn't work, so take two..."

Then, I was prescribed 20 tablets.

In addition, two more antidepressant drugs were prescribed. This is the drug, and I feel a little uncomfortable after taking it.

The medicine is still effective, and I finally slept for about 5 hours last night.

Today, we will continue to fight.

I am not afraid of anything now, one is afraid that there will be no support from the reader, and the other is that I will not be able to sleep.

If I can't sleep, I can only go to our third hospital, a third-level hospital with a psychiatric department, and be hospitalized for depression.

I really don't want to go there.

I have been there with someone, the ward of the inpatient department is opposite to the ward of the mental patients.

I hope that by relying on medicine now, I can regulate my sleep well.

In the past few days, readers have been voting, rewarding, and commenting, supporting this book, encouraging me, and cheering for me.

Really appreciate everyone's support.

Thank you, once again I wish you all a happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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