Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 71 Super topic selection, super planning

Chapter 71 Super topic selection, super planning

Gao Yang took a sip of tea, passed a cigarette to the smokers, and lit one himself.

After taking two puffs of cigarettes, Gao Yang turned another page of PPT, and continued to explain:

"I just talked about the background of this group of topic selection planning. Next, I will report the specific topic selection planning ideas, what to do in topic selection, and how to do it.

First of all, this group of selected topics is an in-depth report of investigative nature, and it is unprecedented in scale. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a group of super selected topics.

My suggestion is to investigate and interview in turn according to the seven major regions of the country, one region, one province, and one city.

The division of the seven major regional markets is also recognized by IT manufacturers, and most IT manufacturers also set up regional branches according to the seven major regions.

China is very large, and there are obvious differences in the customs, economic development level, consumption level, consumption habits, etc. of each region.

There may be obvious differences in the IT market in different regions, and the business models and methods of doing business and serving customers.

China's IT market is almost completely different from the European and American markets with developed economies and transportation.

It is precisely because of this that a complex, multi-level channel agency system appears in the Huaxia IT market.

The idea of ​​the topic selection operation I envisage is that a large area, such as East China, includes six provinces and one city such as Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

CPI does not have a local branch in Gan Province, so we will not pay attention to Gan Province. The other five provinces and one city have CPI branches. We will investigate and interview each province.

Here's the general idea.

So, what do we investigate, interview, and report?

First of all, each province must have an important market survey summary, with specific content ranging from the characteristics of local conditions and customs, to macro-level, general-level content such as economic scale, development level, consumption level, and IT market scale. , and there must be some basic data.

This survey overview focuses on the characteristics of the local IT market, the survival status of IT businesses, and so on.

This is one of them.

Second, every provincial capital city will have a relatively large-scale computer city, and we will also write an investigation report reflecting the overall situation of the computer city.

The third is the IT channels of various products, such as PCs including notebooks, peripherals, servers, and even software, etc. This is the focus of our selected reports.

Reporters are going to interview local IT merchants, investigate and report product channels, the survival and development of IT merchants, and the local IT channel ecology.

In addition, for each province, we have to choose a prefecture-level city that is not far from the provincial capital city and has a representative level of economic development and city scale in the local area, and write a comprehensive market research report, and then write an article on the current situation. Comprehensive investigative coverage of the IT channel.

In each province, according to the idea of ​​topic selection, about 12 layouts are planned.

In each province, the reporter's investigation and interview time is 5 to 7 days, which is very intensive and will be very hard.

I have calculated that our CPI has published 25 local editions, including 22 provinces, two municipalities and one special zone.

After the official implementation of this group of topic selection, each issue of the newspaper covers a province and city, that is, 25 issues of newspapers, about 300 pages, and the time spans more than half a year.

It can be said that this is an unprecedented and super topic planning.

Of the hundreds of IT media across the country, except for CPI, none of the media has the ability to do such a topic selection.

If this group of selected topics is successful, it will significantly increase the influence of CPI in the industry.

Such a set of selected topics can also fully demonstrate the regional structure and resource advantages of CPI..."

At this point, Gao Yang finished talking about the basic operation ideas of topic selection.

Vice President Feng Maonan took the lead in applauding.

Feng Maonan was a little excited, and praised: "The set of topics carefully planned by Gao Yang has a grand layout, which fits the current IT market environment, and CPI's unique resource advantages. It is indeed a set of super topic selections."

Wan Hong said: "Gao Yang, your idea of ​​selecting a topic is indeed very good. It's something that people dare not think about, but it's very difficult to implement it, and the requirements for reporters are very high."

Zhang Tao, Sun Chengyi, Zhou Wenbin and others also made similar comments.

Gao Yang sat down and smoked a cigarette. After listening to everyone's discussion, he continued to speak:
"Next, let me talk about the specific implementation issues of topic selection.

First of all, we can only and must send reporters from the editorial department to investigate and interview. We have set up 10 regional reporters all over the country. After Yan Yong was transferred, there are only 9 regional reporters left for the time being.

Regional reporters, including reporters from local editions, can only undertake the task of providing assistance to reporters sent by the editorial department to carry out topic selection, such as assisting in contacting interviewees, assisting in completing a small number of interviews, and so on.

For the support of the local branch, we can seek the coordination from the general manager of the headquarters. However, the reporters who carry out the topic selection cannot rely on the support of the branch reporters. They must be mentally prepared to independently complete the task of topic selection and writing, including contacting the interviewees.

Even if regional reporters and branch reporters assisted in the interview, the executive reporter must write the manuscript when the final manuscript is written, because the selection of topics for the entire group must be unified and the quality of the manuscript must be guaranteed.

If the regional reporters and branch reporters assisted in the interview, it would be enough for the executive reporter to put their names on the manuscript. At that time, they would also be able to share part of the manuscript fee as a reward. "

Feng Maonan nodded: "It is very necessary to send reporters from the editorial department of the national edition to carry out such a heavy, even unprecedented topic selection plan. Gao Yang, do you have any specific candidates?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Nan, I have thought about this matter seriously. Among the [-] reporters in the editorial department of the national edition, including Zhang Tao and me, only Sun Chengyi and Fang Build two people."

Everyone was surprised immediately.

Let's not talk about it, Sun Chengyi is an old reporter and also a senior reporter.It's just that Fang Jian is still a newcomer and is still in the probationary period.

Gao Yang explained: "About 1/4 of the design of this group of selected topics involves interviews with SIs and ISVs. Both SIs and ISVs are businessmen who are customers in the industry, and manufacturers and general representatives are also very concerned about this issue. Class merchants.

To interview SIs and ISVs and communicate with them in depth, journalists must understand or even understand their business models, otherwise, if you don’t understand what they say, it’s like chicken talking to ducks.

Among the reporters in the editorial department, Sun Chengyi is a computer enthusiast, and Fang Jian is an assistant software engineer. Both of them have a good understanding of IT technology, so it is the most appropriate to carry out this topic.

Second, Sun Chengyi is a senior reporter with a down-to-earth work style and well-written manuscripts.

Although Fang Jian has just arrived and is still in the probationary period, everyone has seen Fang Jian's writing style, and his manuscripts are also very good.

In addition, there is still a period of time before the topic selection enters the implementation stage. According to my vision, the implementation will start in the middle and late May at the earliest.

I have arranged for Fang Jian to contact and interview IT merchants in Beijing, especially SI and ISV, from now on, so as to understand and become familiar with IT channels as soon as possible.

When this set of topics is officially implemented, Fang Jian should be fine. "

After Gao Yang explained it like this, Feng Maonan, Wan Hong and others realized that it was indeed the case, and these two people were really the only ones who could carry out this super topic selection.

When Sun Chengyi and Fang Jian heard the words, they just shook their heads and smiled wryly.

When the two of them thought about going on a business trip in another city, their scalps were numb due to the tight schedule and heavy tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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