Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 74 Great success, signing 260 million

Chapter 74 Great success, signing 260 million

When Feng Maonan returned to the office, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

If this group of super topic selections planned by Gao Yang can be successful, the advertising revenue and newspaper content will both reap a bumper harvest, it will be too embarrassing.

At that time, the national version requested by the boss will improve the quality of original content, and there will be a huge improvement.

Even the fourth channel forum at the end of this year may benefit from this unprecedented planning.

Feng Maonan called Gao Yang into his office, talked a lot, and gave a lot of advice.

Feng Maonan also promised that he would provide support as much as possible.

Gao Yang responded with a smile all the time. After revising the PPT and the topic selection implementation plan, he sent emails to Feng Maonan, Wan Hong, and He Jin.

Feng Maonan read it carefully, and saw that Gao Yang's plan was so detailed, he left a message on QQ and praised it.

The next day, March 3th, Tuesday, Gao Yang went to the brokerage business department, took out 28 yuan in cash, contacted Chen Sen, and planned to send back 1.9 yuan in cash for the supermarket project.

Chen Sen asked with a smile, "Aren't you going to collect rent?"

Gao Yang said: "Almost forgot."

Chen Sen said: "I discussed it with Lao Yong and Xiao Jin. Your rent will be calculated from March, and you should pay it every three months. You won't be paid a deposit, so you will deduct three months' rent. It's five thousand and four in total, call me the rest and I'll pass it on to Xiaohong."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, please send me your card number, don't make a mistake, and call me back after you receive the money. By the way, I suggest installing a public phone in the supermarket for easy contact in the future. Contact the supplier, install a public phone in that location, and you should be able to make a little money."

Chen Sen said with a smile: "We also discussed this matter two days ago, and we are going to discuss it with you and Miss Gu."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This kind of trivial matter, you can arrange it."

Chen Sen said again: "I'll tell you the bank card number, you write it down."

Gao Yang quickly found a place to sit down, took out the interview book, and wrote down Chen Sen's card number.

Then I found the bank and called Chen Sen 1.46, and the share capital will still be recorded as [-].

After deducting 5400 yuan of shop rent, Gao Yang remembered that he would have to repay the mortgage on April 4, so he went to ICBC and deposited 8 yuan in it.

Next, wait until you have saved another 1 yuan, continue to invest in the stock market, and increase your position in Zhongtian Real Estate, the annual bull stock.

On March 3th, Wednesday, at 29:4 p.m., the large conference room of CPI’s Beijing branch was filled with more than 60 people.

We invited 20 public relations companies, all serving first- and second-tier IT brand manufacturers.

There are four people from Aomei, Gu Yawen and Liu Ke, and two more, they are the account directors of COMPAQ and IBM project teams.

Today is a topic selection promotion meeting for public relations companies, and Gao Yang will be the keynote speaker on the topic selection plan.

For today's event, last night, Gao Yang had to go to the mall, used his shopping card, and spent nearly 3000 yuan to buy a suit, tie, shirt and leather shoes. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes.

Gao Yang talked about the topic selection plan on the PPT in detail, and finally when he talked about selling the layout for cooperation, the visitors from the public relations company were also very surprised.

It is creative and fresh, and no IT media has ever done this before.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Everyone, this group of regional market surveys planned by CPI is of a large scale. No matter in terms of breadth or depth, it is unprecedented in the IT media circle. Only CPI has such structural resources to do such topic selection.

Under the general trend of channel flattening, developing the third-tier and fourth-tier markets is also an extremely urgent demand for IT manufacturers. We believe that such a set of topics is extremely valuable for the marketing and channel promotion of IT manufacturers.

For your companies, this is also a good opportunity to do incremental business. We have carefully planned this topic selection plan, which also provides you with a good selling point.

Many IT companies have a large budget for media promotion, and we will work together sincerely to persuade our common customers to participate in the CPI's surely influential topic selection report..."

There is no doubt that CPI provides a good incremental business selling point for PR companies.

PR companies also do planning. Compared with the media, they are more like working behind closed doors.

After Gao Yang's promotion ended, Wan Hong came on stage again and made the promotion for more than 20 minutes.

In the audience, the account directors or account managers of PR companies responded very enthusiastically, and they all agreed that this is a good selling point for IT companies.

After the promotion of Wanhong, an account director of a public relations company said: "Mr. Wan, your topic selection idea is really good, with clear selling points, and I believe customers will be more interested. It's just that you charge 1.2 yuan for a version, which is a bit Expensive."

Wan Hong smiled and said, "1.2 yuan per page is actually quite cheap. However, this is the first time we have adopted this kind of cooperation with a public relations company. In terms of page price, we can make a little concession."

Another customer director of a public relations company smiled and asked: "How can Mr. Wan make a concession? Can it be reduced to 1 per version?"

Gao Yang wanted to spit on him, it's really dark, a report of CPI, the public relations company reimbursed the account from the client, at least 2 yuan.

Wan Hong thought about it, and smiled: "Large quantity is good, 1.2 yuan per plate is our basic quotation, and we have divided it into three grades. Below 10 plates, 1.2 yuan per plate, 10 to 20 plates If there are more than 20 editions, you can get a certain discount. If there are more than [-] editions, you can get a bigger discount.

After you have negotiated with the customer, we can talk about the price in detail. "

Gao Yang and Wan Hong have discussed it, and if there are less than 10 editions, they will stick to 1.2 yuan per edition;

More than 10 editions, less than 20 editions, discounted to 1.1 editions;

If there are more than 20 editions, the discount will be 1 yuan per edition. 1 yuan is the bottom line, and there will be no further concessions.

In the evening, CPI invited guests from these public relations companies to dinner, and most of them stayed. Feng Maonan, as the vice president of CPI Group, also participated.

During the meal, Gao Yang toasted one by one, and when it was Gu Yawen's turn, Gu Yawen quietly asked: "Your plan is very good, who made it?"

Gao Yang blinked, not being modest: "I did it, and I've been busy for half a month."

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly: "It's amazing!"

On the morning of Thursday, March 3, the heads of marketing departments of advertising companies and some IT companies were invited to hold a second promotion meeting.

As usual, Gao Yang appeared first to introduce the topic selection plan, and then He Jin and Wan Hong appeared one after another to sell hard.

To put it bluntly, it is to give these key customers a reason to increase advertising.

And, it's a very good reason.

On April 4, after the training last week, the editorial department and advertising department of the national edition began to mobilize all staff to find the PR companies and clients I contacted and continue to promote other clients.

Selling newspaper coverage does not belong to the business of the advertising department. In order to stimulate reporters to work hard, Feng Maonan also made it clear that as long as the business of the public relations company that the reporter recruits, the commission of 6 points is given, which is higher than the average commission of 4 points for the business of the advertising department. high.

This is also an attempt to promote sales, and it is the first time that a reporter directly intervenes in sales.

Gao Yang was in charge of contacting IBM and COMPAQ. The PR companies were Aomei, so he was not in a hurry, they had already recommended them.

Gao Yang went to find Wen Liang from the marketing department of Shenma Company and talked for over an hour. Finally, Wen Liang agreed that he would report to the leader.

On April 4, the results were summed up, and the harvest was huge. In the section of the page report, the signings exceeded expectations. A total of 28 companies were signed, 9 pages, and a page fee of 150 million.

Among them, Gao Yang signed 50 editions by himself, including 25 editions from COMPAQ, 20 editions from IBM, and 5 editions from Shenma, totaling 51 yuan.

He Jin's advertising department also gained a lot. Unexpectedly, it got the exclusive sponsorship from Intel Corporation, and the sponsorship fee was 30.In addition, another 70 copperplate advertisements were pre-signed, all of which were placed for this group of topics.

Before the topic selection was officially implemented, the contract was 260 million yuan, which was beyond everyone's expectations, including Gao Yang himself.

Gao Yang was also happy. The ten years of IT reporter in the previous life were not in vain.

This time, it can be regarded as stepping on the needs of the IT company...

(End of this chapter)

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