At the beginning of the three thousand Taoist scriptures, I became a saint

Chapter 128 Fragment of the Innate Spiritual Treasure

Chapter 128 Fragment of the Innate Spiritual Treasure

In this world, the strong are not restricted. If the weak want to live in peace, they must have strength, enough strength to protect themselves.

Jiang Chen didn't want what happened to him to happen to other people.

Therefore, he wants to give mortals great strength, not asking them to become powerful, but only asking them to be able to protect themselves, so that they will not be as helpless as he is in the face of sudden disasters.

This is very difficult, very very difficult, countless times more difficult than becoming an immortal, even more difficult than Jiang Chen's revenge on the gods and dragons, it is almost impossible.

Jiang Chen knows this, but it depends on man's effort, how will he know if he will succeed or not if he doesn't try?

Although the road is close, it cannot be done, and he is trying hard to achieve it, not overnight, but in stages.Let all living beings have enough to eat and not be disturbed by diseases, this is the first step.

If this step is completed, then he can proceed to the second step, making all living beings become monks, and then the third step, the fourth step...

Just proceeding step by step like this, one day, Jiang Chen will be able to fulfill his great wish, the world will be in harmony, and everyone will be like a dragon!

With great ambitions in his body, how can Jiang Chen give up easily when he walks with a heavy burden? Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that he cannot realize his grand ambitions.

Countless bright prospects are waiting for him ahead, how could Jiang Chen give up easily?The more he fails, the more motivated he is.

Jiang Chen kept trying, summed up the reasons for failure, and finally, he finally thought of a way, that is to use the power of yin and yang to breed food seeds.

One yin and one yang are called the Tao, and yin and yang are the mother of good fortune. In the cycle of yin and yang, good fortune arises by itself.By chance, Jiang Chen accidentally discovered that the power of yin and yang has the power to change the nature of objects.

Even the most ordinary objects, under the cover of the power of yin and yang, their nature will change, and they will gradually possess extraordinary power.Although, after leaving the yin and yang energy, their extraordinary power will soon disappear.

But this phenomenon is real, and it is from this phenomenon that Jiang Chen saw the possibility of breeding Lingmi.

This is good fortune, creation and evolution, making the impossible possible, changing the nature of objects, and even turning acquired things into innate things.

The power of good fortune creates something out of nothing!
Although the extraordinary power is temporary, it's not that the power of yin and yang is not good, but that Jiang Chen's power is too weak to completely change the nature of the object, which makes the extraordinary power not last long.

It doesn't matter if the strength is too weak, Jiang Chen can change quantitatively to cause qualitative change.

With a goal in mind, the next thing Jiang Chen has to do is much simpler. He uses the power of yin and yang to nurture the spiritual seed day and night, changing its nature, and after it takes root and sprouts and bears fruit, repeat the previous process.

In this way, the seeds were bred from generation to generation, and the seeds gradually became perfect, and finally completely changed their essence, transforming into a spiritual seed, which is the spiritual rice in Jiang Chen's hands.

It's just that although Lingmi has been made, it has a huge flaw, that is, their power will decrease from generation to generation, and within a few generations, they will completely lose their spirituality and become Fanmi again.

If this problem cannot be solved, Lingmi cannot be popularized at all.Canglong Peak's conditions are so unique, here, the hidden danger of Lingmi may be solved, so Jiang Chen moved his mind.



"Lingmi, sir, you are a great virtue, my generation is far behind."

After a long silence, the Shouzheng Immortal said with emotion.

What a cultivation level he is, and his long-term vision is even higher than that of Jiang Chen. He can naturally see the distant scenery that Jiang Chen can see, even farther than Jiang Chen.

This spiritual rice, mortals can eat it, monks can also eat it naturally.Spiritual medicine cannot be eaten as food, but spiritual rice is.If this Lingmi is successful, the changes it will bring to the Xuanhuang Realm will undoubtedly be huge.At least give more people the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation.

"It is true that the great world has arrived, and all kinds of incredible things have appeared in the world."

What he saw in front of him made the Immortal Shouzheng even more convinced that the world of cultivation is really coming.Likewise, chaos is not far away.

There is bound to be great chaos in the great world, and all kinds of disappearing treasures and secret realms are born one after another, which will naturally arouse people's hearts and cause frequent chaos.

"Sir, you are so talented!"

The master of the Medicine Palace also said with emotion that his focus is different from that of the Shouzheng Immortal. He thinks that Jiang Chen is really talented and can change ordinary things into spiritual things, which is really unbelievable.

At the same time, the master of the Medicine Palace also expressed his support for Jiang Chen: "Mr.'s actions are admirable. If you need help, just ask, and the Medicine Palace will help. As for the spiritual soil, let's give it to Mr. Approve one mu of medicinal fields for experimentation.

"If it's not enough, Pindao will think of a way to free up a medicine field for Mr. on Canglong Peak."

Although they are both medicine fields, there is a huge gap between the top of Canglong Peak and the bottom of Canglong Peak. The closer to the Xiantian Jianmu, the higher the level of the medicine field, and the rarer the number.

If it was the medicine field at the foot of the mountain, Yao Diandian would be able to approve an acre for Jiang Chen if he took the initiative to speak, but for the medicine field on the mountain, he would have to coordinate for a long time even if he approved one point.Because there are too few medicine fields on the mountain, each one has its own purpose, so it cannot be easily moved.

"Hall Master, you are being polite. This disciple is already very satisfied if he can get an acre of medicine fields under the mountain. As for the medicine fields on the mountain, he absolutely dare not expect extravagantly." Jiang Chen said hastily.

It was already beyond Jiang Chen's expectations to get an acre of medicine field under the mountain. You must know that his initial plan was just to get some soil.

Never thought that the Master of the Medicine Palace would directly give him one mu, a gap of tens of thousands of times, which already made Jiang Chen very satisfied, and he didn't dare to expect too much.Although the medicine field on the mountain is good, it is not what he can have now.

When his cultivation level is higher, the experiment has achieved results, and it can bring benefits to Zixu Palace, it will not be too late to get the medicine field on the mountain.

Between the disciple and the sect, there should be mutual benefits, not unilateral contributions. This kind of relationship cannot last long. Jiang Chen is well aware of this, Zixu Palace has given him too many things.

"Sir, these things will be discussed later. Pindao will take you to see Xiantian Jianmu first. The realm of daily travel is the realm of comprehending supernatural powers. Maybe Mr. saw Xiantian Jianmu and was infected by his Xiantian Dao rhyme. It is not necessarily true that one has realized a supernatural power.”

The master of the Medicine Palace took the initiative to skip this topic, and wanted to take Jiang Chen to where Xiantian Jianmu was.

In fact, in Zixu Palace, watching Xiantian Jianmu is also a chance. You need to complete a lot of sect tasks before you can get the qualification to watch Xiantian Jianmu up close.

Xiantian Jianmu, the ancient wood ancestor, the source of all wood attributes, contains an astonishing innate dao rhyme on his body. If he can comprehend a little and turn it into a supernatural power, the power will be absolutely astonishing. Many disciples of the sixth-grade realm of Zixu Palace do not want to miss it. this chance.

But now, under the active invitation of the Hall Master of Medicine Hall, Jiang Chen easily got the opportunity that other disciples dreamed of.

Continue to walk towards the top of the mountain, and everyone soon reached the top of the mountain.

Here, bright blue light circulated, and the air was filled with astonishing vitality. Just taking a sip, Jiang Chen felt that his life span had increased by several days.

The innate wood spirit energy and the opportunity of good fortune are extremely rare powers even in ancient times, let alone in today's damaged age, they are even more precious.

On the top of the mountain, where the blue light gathers, there is a huge tree of hundreds of feet tall, standing there tall, straight into the sky, it is blue in color, with blue dragon scales on the surface, it looks extremely noble.

Its canopy is hidden high above the sky, and strands of innate wood spirit energy hang down from it and spread in all directions.

This is the ancient sacred tree, the innate building tree!

The first time he saw it, Jiang Chen was deeply attracted by the texture on its body. The fine dragon scales and mysterious texture all exuded a mysterious aura.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, Xiantian Jianmu seemed to come alive, turning into a huge green dragon, roaming in the sky, roaring constantly.

ooh ooh...

The grand dragon chant came one after another, containing inexplicable majesty, constantly impacting Jiang Chen's mind.

"Great compassion and great wish, great sage and great mercy. Kaitian is the most holy, the ancient emperor, the immeasurable holy king, the Fuxi emperor, and the Yuanxi ruler of the world."

Holding his breath and concentrating, Jiang Chen praised the greatness of the ancient Qing Emperor Fu Xi in his heart, and used his old man's divine power to protect his mind.

The Qing Emperor, the Eastern Heavenly Emperor, and the Holy Emperor Fuxi are the ancient Heavenly Emperors. How could his majesty be something that the innate construction wood could compete with?In an instant, a wave of supreme imperial majesty exploded, suppressing and crushing the roaring green dragon, turning it into wisps of fresh air and sinking into Jiang Chen's liver.

These green qi are the extremely pure original qi of the wood spirit. Ordinary people can use this to awaken the powerful wood-attribute magical powers by refining it, but Jiang Chen doesn't need it. He stored this power for Then open the wood orifice for preparation.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Chen looked at Xiantian Jianmu again, and found that everything had returned to normal, and there was no abnormal phenomenon.

"Looking at Mr.'s expression, I think I've gained something." The Master of the Medicine Palace laughed at the side.

"It's indeed something to gain. It will take a while to sort it out before it can appear." Jiang Chen nodded with a smile. These wood spirit qi are enough for him to open up the wood god, but it is not enough to give birth to the wood god.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen looked at Jianmu again.It's a pity, a pity, he can't do it, if he can pluck a leaf from Jianmu's body, it will definitely be enough for him to give birth to the wood god.

"Jianmu is only useful when we meet for the first time. If we want to achieve results in the future, we need to come to Jianmu to realize Taoism. At least it will start in ten years. For the time being, sir, there is no need for this."

Immortal Shouzheng opened his mouth and led Jiang Chen outside.After looking at Jianmu, there is nothing to see in the Medicine Hall, and it's time to go to the next place.

As for the alchemy hall where the elixir is stored, how can it be easily shown to others?

"Sir, go slowly. After the medicine fields at the foot of the mountain are sorted out, the poor will send someone to notify you."

After saying goodbye to the master of the medicine hall, Jiang Chen and Immortal Shouzheng left the alchemy hall and headed north.There is the direction where the punishment hall is located.

The north belongs to water, and the area where the Hall of Punishment is located is full of water spirit, which is completely opposite to the area where the Hall of Equipment is located.

Immortal Shouzheng took Jiang Chen for a while, and came to a black mountain, and pointed to Jiang Chen from a long distance: "Sir, there is the Hall of Punishment."

Jiang Chen raised his head, and saw a completely pitch-black palace, which was completely inlaid in the mountain, leaving only a dark door outside, like a huge mouth, swallowing all the light, giving people a stern and terrifying look. sense.

"Punishment Palace!"

On the top of the gate, there are two large characters engraved, as if they were just carved, bright and clean, exuding a strong aura.

The Immortal Shouzheng did not bring Jiang Chen forward, but said to him: "Sir, the Hall of Punishment is quite special, it is the head of the four halls, and holds the power of the sect's criminal law, and if there are monsters in the outside world, most of them are disciples of the Hall of Punishment." arrest."

"Therefore, the disciples of the Temple of Punishment are wandering between life and death all year round. They have a strong killing intent and are extremely xenophobic. They don't like to be disturbed by outsiders. Moreover, the Hall of Punishment doesn't welcome you very much, sir. You have too much merit to practice the skills of the Palace of Punishment. .”

Among the four halls, the Hall of Punishment is the least interested in Jiang Chen. There are two reasons. First, the exercises of the Hall of Punishment are mainly based on the water system, which is incompatible with Jiang Chen's Tianyang blood, so he can't practice at all.Second, all the disciples of the Hall of Punishment had a deep breath, and their bodies were filled with a fierce aura. What they were most afraid of was the golden light of their meritorious deeds.

Jiang Chen is out of tune with this place, so the Palace of Punishment naturally doesn't like him.

"The Temple of Punishment is very special. Their inherited exercises were deduced by the patriarch from a fragment of an innate spiritual treasure. Different from the inheritance of the other three halls, what they followed was not the way of purple emptiness, but the way of innate water spirit." Immortal Shouzheng further explained to Jiang Chen.

"The fragments of the innate spirit treasure are now in the depths of the punishment hall, continuously releasing the innate water spirit energy for the disciples of the punishment hall to practice. At the same time, the fragments of the innate spirit treasure have evolved into a huge black prison , I don’t know how many monsters have been suppressed.”

Each of the four Zixu halls has a treasure.The Hall of Qi has volcanoes, the Hall of Pills has innate building wood, and the Hall of Punishment has fragments of innate spiritual treasures.

Fragments of the Innate Spirit Treasure!
Hearing this news, to be honest, Jiang Chen was very curious about the fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao, and wanted to take a look, but it was not difficult to see from the attitude of the Immortal Shouzheng that the Palace of Punishment really did not welcome him.

That being the case, Jiang Chen wouldn't go out of his way to touch the door of the Hall of Punishment.

"Well, since the Hall of Punishment is happy and quiet, this disciple will not bother you. If you are free another day, come to the Hall of Punishment to see the demeanor of the Xiantian Lingbao." Jiang Chen smiled and didn't take this matter to heart.

There are people who don't like Lingshi, let alone him.If Jiang Chen were a disciple of the Hall of Punishment, he wouldn't like him, no one would like him, a person who could restrain himself.

"There will be a chance. During the True Inheritance Ceremony, the treasures of the four halls will appear, and then Mister will be able to see the demeanor of the Xiantian Lingbao." Knowing that Jiang Chen is curious about the fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao, the Shouzheng Immortal said.

Jiang Chen nodded, but didn't say anything.If there is no Bihaitianmu, he may be extremely eager for the fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao, and want to use its power to open up the water orifice, but with the Bihaitianmu, he is really just curious about the fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao.

ps: the next chapter will be later

(End of this chapter)

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