Chapter 129

I'm curious because I haven't seen it.

Xiantian Lingbao, the legendary treasure, who is not curious?
"Sir, let's go to the Dharma Palace!"

Talked to Jiang Chen about the Palace of Punishment, Immortal Shouzheng took him away and went to the Palace of Law.

The Dharma Hall is located to the west of the Punishment Hall, which belongs to the Gold Line. After Jiang Chen came to the area where the Dharma Hall was located, he suddenly felt that the aura around him became much fiercer.

The Hall of Qi belongs to the fire row, the Hall of Medicine belongs to the row of wood, the hall of punishment belongs to the row of water, and the hall of law belongs to the row of metal. The four halls are located in the four directions of east, west, south, north and south, forming a circle and enclosing Zixu Peak.

According to this calculation, Zixu Peak should belong to the earth element. In this way, the five elements can be born together and generate infinite good fortune.

It was also at this time that Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the entire Zixu Palace was a huge five-element formation.

"Actually, the layout of Zixu Palace is very similar to that of Xuanhuang Realm. The four halls correspond to the four prefectures in the east, west, north and south, and Zixu Peak corresponds to Zhongzhou. A Zixu Palace contains the Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth as one." The Immortal Shouzheng said as he walked, telling Jiang Chen, the entire Zixu Palace was arranged by the patriarch according to the Xuanhuang Realm.

The five states correspond to the five elements, and this is the first time Jiang Chen has heard such a statement. From this point of view, the entire Xuanhuang Realm can also be said to be a huge five-element formation.The five elements circulate, and good fortune arises on its own. This world is much more mysterious than Jiang Chen thought.

The mountain where the Dharma Palace is located is called Chuan Dao Peak. This peak is extremely important and is the foundation of Zixu Palace. The Zongmen’s Library Pavilion is built here. It collects a vast array of magical powers and exercises, which are the foundation of Zixu Palace. where the heritage lies.

Therefore, Daoist Peak is extremely important, and there are many masters hidden in it.When it comes to strength, Chuan Dao Peak should be number one.

"What a pure purple void air!"

Arriving at Chuan Dao Peak, the surrounding aura changed again. In addition to the sharp golden aura, there was also some pure purple aura.

"The Dharma Hall is extremely important, and the disciples are the most important of the four halls, shouldering the important task of inheriting the sect. Therefore, the Dharma Hall and Zixu Peak share the same spiritual vein. The Zixu Qi here comes from this." See Jiang Chen was puzzled, and Immortal Shouzheng explained.

Among the four halls, the Hall of Punishment has the greatest power, the Hall of Law is the most important, and has the most disciples. Most of the masters of Zixu Palace come from the Hall of Law, which can be seen from this.

"The disciples of the Palace of Fa are mainly swordsmen. Almost everyone has a sword, and their combat power is extremely strong. If it is said to slay demons and demons, they are no worse than the disciples of the Palace of Punishment."

"In the depths of the Dharma Hall, there is a fragment of an ancient Venus, because it continuously releases the energy of the Golden Spirit, which creates the special environment of the Dharma Hall."

Immortal Shouzheng was born in Fadian, lived here since he was a child, and knows this place very well, so he introduced it in great detail.

Venus fragments, this Jiang Chen knows.According to the records of Xuanhuanglu, in the ancient times, the stars twinkled in the sky. In addition to the two stars of the sun and the moon, there were five powerful stars, which were gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five stars, corresponding to the five continents.

It's a pity that the catastrophe broke out in the last years of ancient times. Except for the sun and the moon, all the other stars were broken, and the five stars were no exception.

Hearing that there was a piece of Venus in the Dharma Palace, Jiang Chen was surprised, but he was not shocked. He was already numb from the shock, and he had developed a strong heart, which would not be shaken.

"I've met senior brother, I've met Mr. Jiang."

Master Shoufa, the master of the Fadian, appeared and greeted the two of them.

"Well, let's lead the way ahead, let's go to Zangshu Pavilion." After arriving at the Dharma Hall, the Shouzheng Immortal seemed much more casual, as if returning to his own home.

The most attractive thing about the Dharma Palace is the Book Collection Pavilion. Apart from the Immortal Scriptures, all the inheritance of Zixu Palace, including first-grade classics, are included in it.

If you don't go to Zangshu Pavilion when you come to Dharma Hall, that means you didn't go to Dharma Hall.

"Yes, brother!"

The master of Fadian smiled and led the two towards Zangshu Pavilion.

"Mr. has awakened the blood of the Immortal Monarch, so there should be no lack of skills. Even if it is the classics of my Zixu Palace, the Zixu Immortal Sutra, it is only deduced from the Tianyang Immortal Sutra, and it cannot be compared with it."

"Sir, after obtaining the Heavenly Sun Immortal Scripture, it is reasonable to look down on other exercises. However, in the library of my Zixu Palace, there are not only exercise books, but also the cultivation experience left by the predecessors, as well as all kinds of exercises. Knowledge, this is the most precious thing, it is the true heritage of the sect."

"Sir, if you're free, you might as well come to Zangshuge to have a look, it's just to increase your experience."

The fact that Jiang Chen obtained the Heavenly Sun Immortal Scripture is not a secret, anyone can guess it.Zi Xuzhong holds the inheritance of Tianyang Immortal Monarch in his hand, and now that he has met the descendants of Tianyang Immortal Monarch, if he doesn't hand over the inheritance to him, could it be that he still keeps it in his hand and eats ashes?

"Cultivation is one way. It is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors. It is better to see more, see more, and listen more. The words of the master should be kept in mind by the disciples."

While a few people were talking, they came to the Library Pavilion on the mountain. It was a nine-story building. Although it looked not small, Zixu Palace had been established for thousands of years, and the collection of classics could be said to be countless. The nine-storey building in front of you A high-rise building should not fit.

With doubts, Jiang Chen walked into the Book Collection Pavilion. Immediately, the space in front of him changed and became extremely vast, many times larger than the outside world. Rows of bookshelves were neatly placed, and I don't know how many books were placed on it.

"Mustard Seed Nasumi!"

Jiang Chen realized in his heart that this nine-storey building may not look very big, but the space inside is several times that of the outside, and it cannot be seen at a glance, obviously using the magical power of space.

This is a method that can only be mastered by third-rank Yangshen. Jiang Chen can see it, but he can't understand it.

"Sir, this is the first floor of the Library Pavilion. There are miscellaneous books in it, which record all kinds of knowledge and knowledge of my Zixu Palace disciples. Although the value is not great, it can also pass the time and increase experience."

"There are nine floors in the Zangshu Pavilion, and the first three floors are full of such records. All my Zixu Palace disciples can read them at will."

"The third and sixth floors contain exercises and spells below the third rank, as well as the cultivation experience and knowledge of many true disciples of the sect. If inner sect disciples want to enter it, they need to complete the sect's mission and obtain the mission just click."

"As for the third floor and above, the collection is the exercises and supernatural powers above the third grade, as well as the cultivation experience and knowledge of many elders of the sect. Here, only true disciples are eligible to enter. If inner disciples want to enter, only Only by making great achievements.”

The nine-storey Library Pavilion, one floor and one floor, contains countless supernatural powers and techniques, and countless secrets, which are the embodiment of the powerful foundation of Zixu Palace.

"By the way, teacher, there is one thing I don't understand. Magical treasures and pills have grades, but why are there no spells and supernatural powers?" Speaking of spells and supernatural powers, Jiang Chen remembered something, and asked Immortal Chao Shouzheng.

When people in the world talk about magic treasure pills, they always talk about several grades of pills and magic treasures, but when it comes to supernatural powers and spells, it is not like this, but this kind of magic, that kind of magic power, Jiang Chen finds it very strange.

"Speaking of this, sir, you should know the relationship between spells and supernatural powers. The so-called supernatural powers are the advanced version of spells."

"Spells have been refined to the highest level, turned into runes and integrated into the body. There is no need to open the altar, pinch and recite mantras. Once the mind moves, it can be released, just like instinct. In this way, the spell becomes a supernatural power."

Immortal Shouzheng did not rush to answer Jiang Chen's question, but first explained to him the relationship between supernatural powers and spells.

Jiang Chen understands what the Immortal Shouzheng said. The simplest example is the Taoist mantra he cultivated. Although the power is extraordinary, before casting it, he often has to recite the mantra first to maximize the power of the mantra. .

This is the spell. Before it is cast, it needs to go through a series of preparations, which is extremely time-consuming.But supernatural powers don't need these, it is like the instinct of the body, which can be released with a thought.

Just like the Golden Light Mantra, if you master the five thunders through mastery, you don't need to chant the mantra, and you can control the thousands of thunders with a single movement of your mind, and you can strike wherever you point.

"Spells are the basis of supernatural powers, and it doesn't make much sense to rate them, because supernatural powers have no levels." After introducing the relationship between supernatural powers and spells, Immortal Shouzheng began to answer Jiang Chen's question.

"Whether the supernatural power is strong or not has nothing to do with the supernatural power itself, but with people. Dao has no superiority, law has no superiority or inferiority, but human beings have strengths and weaknesses."

"The same supernatural power, when displayed in the hands of different people, has completely different powers."

Speaking of this, the Immortal Shouzheng suddenly took Jiang Chen out of the Library Pavilion, and came to the outside world, above the Chuan Dao Peak, in a vast cloud and mist.

"Sir, look, this is a supernatural power to summon wind and rain!"

The Immortal Shouzheng raised his hand above his head.

woo woo woo...

In an instant, within ten thousand miles, the wind howled, and the endless clouds flowed, gathered into a ball, and turned into dark clouds.

clap la la...

Immediately, the pouring rain fell with the strong wind.

Changing the sky with a thought, calling the wind and rain with a wave of your hand, this is the power of the Shouzheng Immortal, just like a god.

"Sir, you also know the magical power of calling the wind and calling the rain. If you were to use it, how powerful would it be?" In the torrential rain, the Immortal Shouzheng turned his head to look at Jiang Chen.

"The power is far inferior to that of the head teacher. If a disciple uses his supernatural powers to summon the wind and rain, even if he uses all his strength to make a move, it will only affect a range of a hundred miles. Unlike the head teacher, who can change the sky for thousands of miles with just raising his hand." Jiang Chen shook his head. There is no way at all. Compare.

He shot with all his strength, but it only affected Baili Tianxiang, but the Immortal Shouzheng waved his hand easily, and Wanli Tianxiang changed as soon as he said it.

"Sir, do you think this is strong? I want to tell you that there are even stronger ones. There is a senior in the Hall of Punishment who has refined the supernatural power of calling the wind and calling the rain to the level of transformation. The wind that he breathes is the wind of the nine heavens. Calling the rain is nine days of weak water."

"Back then, there was a rank-one monster in Dongzhou who caused chaos, and it was this senior from the Hall of Punishment who made a move, and with the supernatural power of calling wind and rain, he melted the troubled rank-[-] monster."

"Slaying a first-rank big monster, is this supernatural power strong?"

The Immortal Shouzheng asked Jiang Chen again.

"Calling Nine Heavens Stellar Wind and Nine Heavens Weak Water, these supernatural powers are of course strong, but that senior is even stronger."

There was a light in Jiang Chen's eyes, the strong wind of the nine heavens, the weak water of the nine heavens, these are treasures from beyond the sky, containing powerful power, and they are the catastrophes that monks must endure when they become immortals.

That senior was able to summon such a powerful force with the supernatural power of calling wind and rain, and his strength was terrifying.

"Senior Xingdian is certainly strong, but he is not the strongest. When Pindao was young, he was fortunate enough to see the Dragon King of the East China Sea make a move."

"That was in Southern Border. When the old Dragon King summoned the wind and rain, most of the celestial phenomena in Southern Border changed, and a mighty force surged out, defeating the alliance of the three barbarian gods in Southern Border in one fell swoop."

"On that day, Pindao knew that no matter how I practiced, it was impossible for me to surpass the old Dragon King in the supernatural power of calling wind and rain."

Immortal Shouzheng suddenly talked about the old Dragon King of the East China Sea, saying that his supernatural power of calling wind and rain is the best in this world.

"Speaking so much, Pindao just wants to tell Mr. that every supernatural power has infinite potential. How powerful it is depends not on the supernatural power itself, but on the person. The stronger the user's strength, the greater the power of the supernatural power."

"In the hands of Tianyang Xianjun, even a small fire-controlling supernatural power can exert the power to destroy the world."

Immortal Shouzheng said so much just to tell Jiang Chen a word.Dao has no high or low, law has no high or low, but people have strengths and weaknesses.

"Thank you for your guidance, the disciple understands."

Jiang Chen has a clear understanding in his heart, just like his water and fire supernatural power, at the beginning he could only master the power of water and fire, but as he passed through the tribulations again and again, now the water and fire supernatural power has evolved into the sun and moon divine light, and he can grasp the fire of pure yang With the water of pure yin, it has become more powerful.

Even the most common supernatural powers will transform and possess stronger powers as their masters become stronger.This is supernatural power, which can grow with the master.

"Let's go back!"

Immortal Shouzheng chuckled, and the surrounding space suddenly changed, turning into the environment of Zangshu Pavilion again.Such a change happened so fast that Jiang Chen didn't even realize it, and thought that everything he experienced just now was like a dream.

"Brother in charge is really getting more and more proficient at the space technique in his hands. After watching for so long, the younger brother didn't see any superfluous traces."

Not only Jiang Chen was surprised by the methods of the Shouzheng Immortal, but also the Master of the Dharma Hall, who was also amazed.

"Sir, you don't need to read the exercises and supernatural powers in Zangshu Pavilion, but you can pay more attention to the cultivation experience and various knowledge of the seniors."

"Especially the knowledge of seniors, some of which are personal experiences, and some of which are hearsay. The content can be said to be varied, and there are all kinds of rumors. Some of these knowledge and knowledge are worthless, but there are also some that may hide A clue of some kind of chance."

"Even the seniors who wrote down these news back then may not have realized this, but when future generations look through these classics, if they are lucky, they will be able to find some clues from them, and thus find a great opportunity."

"Zixu Palace has existed for tens of thousands of years. It is not uncommon for this kind of thing to happen in the past dynasties. Among them, the biggest harvest is that a senior found a fairy artifact."

Immortal Shouzheng didn't talk to the Master of the Dharma Hall, but talked about some legends with Jiang Chen, saying that there might be clues of fate left in the experience of those seniors.

(End of this chapter)

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