Chapter 372 Yin Yang Five Elements
Of course, those who can refine the supernatural power of the Zhoutian Temple to the level of Dacheng are probably not far away from completely refining the Huang Ting Jing.

In a sense, the supreme supernatural power Zhoutian Temple is just a supernatural power derived naturally after the completion of the Huang Ting Jing.

In addition, after Huang Ting Jing has achieved great success, it can also derive supernatural powers such as Zhou Tianwuji, moving stars and changing places, and formations such as Zhou Tianxingdou.

In short, after the Huang Ting Jing is completely refined, no matter who it is, it can transform into the most perfect creature, which can be called omnipotent, and it can also be said to be an omniscient and omnipotent god.

Huang Tingjing, the master of this sutra is developing in an all-round way, and must let the monks transform into no weaknesses.

"The mystery of the Huang Ting Jing, now I have finally grasped a point or two."

Jiang Chen knew that he, who derived the Zhoutian Temple from the divine orifice, is now the one who has truly refined the Huangting Sutra to the realm of entering the room.

The main purpose of Huang Ting Jing is to develop the potential of the human body, treat people as one, fully realize all potentials, and confirm with the outside world, so as to achieve infinite possibilities.

It corresponds to the principle that Tao begets one (person), one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things.

To put it more simply, Huang Ting Jing is a method to prove the Tao with strength.After refining this sutra to the end, you will be able to try the most difficult and most powerful method of proving the Tao, and prove the Tao with strength.

In Jiang Chen's previous life, there were many legends about Huang Ting Jing, so that everyone in the world knew that Huang Ting Jing was awesome, super awesome.

However, the Huang Ting Jing is too difficult to practice. Throughout the ages, there are many monks who have practiced this Taoist scripture, but none of them have truly succeeded in practicing it.

Weak but hard!
The monk hated Ruan Qin's house, and hated it for being difficult to cultivate.Therefore, when facing Ruan Qin's family, the monk seemed rather tangled.Want to practice, but dare; want to give up, but willing to win.

As long as thinking is a slippery slope, the solution is less than easy.After struggling for a long time, no one came up with a solution.

Is the Huang Ting Jing easy to practice?That's good, you dismantled the Huang Ting Jing, 880 seven heavenly orifices, and you disassembled it into 880 seven parts, one for each orifice.

So far, the cultivation world has lost all kinds of methods for cultivating divine apertures, some specialize in Yin-Yang divine apertures, some specialize in seven-element divine apertures, and some specialize in inner scene 77 divine apertures...

Those exercises are all evolved from the Huang Ting Jing, because the number of orifices increases, the difficulty of cultivation naturally decreases a little.

It's just that there is no gain without giving up, and the increase in the number of divine apertures will inevitably lead to a decrease in strength.But more or less can improve strength, which is weaker than improving everything.

Before the Huang Ting Jing was decomposed into various exercises, there were few temples in the world, such as the inner scene 77 temple, which is divided into four scenes: lower, middle and upper.There is also no Seven Emperors Temple, Yin Yang Temple...

Those are all transformed by the temple in the orifice.

Before a monk's strength reaches a certain level, he can manifest the temple in the orifice, and if his cultivation is weaker, he can even turn the temple into reality and become the innate Ruan Qin.

Therefore, before cultivating a divine orifice to the point of deriving a temple, it is called entering the hall.Even if there is no way to regress a few days ago, the temple can be strengthened with peace of mind, saying that it must be able to turn it into a magic weapon and serve as the foundation of one's life.

If you take another step back and make the innate gods in the temple be born, this is already close to trivial.It can directly fuse with the innate gods, replace them, and transform itself into the innate gods, so as to change the heels.

Before the Huang Ting Jing was dismantled, although the possibility of proving the Tao with strength was lost, another path was developed, that is, before the evolution of the orifice to the limit, the monk can transform himself into an innate god.

The innate gods of Lingbao's later generations are equivalent to the innate true spirits in the Xuanhuang Realm. The kind of birth destined to become a fairy is bad no matter what.



"Before the divine orifice evolves to the limit, replace it with the innate gods outside, and turn yourself into a god. This move is suspected to fall to the upper class, and loses the true meaning of the Huang Ting Jing."

"The true meaning of the Huang Ting Jing is to open up all the 170,000 170,000 orifices in the body, derive [-], [-] innate gods, and then fuse all these innate gods together to transform into the most noble innate sacred , have the power to open up the world, and directly prove the way with strength."

Before the Huang Ting Jing was dismantled, it was true that he practiced several times, but how can the power of one god compare with the power of 170,000 gods?

The limit of one aperture is a fairy.But before the whole body is fully opened, the achievement is transcending the world, and the achievement of ten thousand kalpas is the realm of grinding, so the gap between them can be said to be small.

Lingbao naturally knows how to choose!
"Other people have built a Zhoutian Temple, even if they have entered the hall, but what you practice is the broken Huangting Sutra, and you have built a Zhoutian Star Temple, you can only say that you have entered the door. You have to build 880 before the seven Zhoutian Temples. Come in."

"As for Dacheng, at least one thousand seven hundred and four thousand and eight hundred Zhoutian temples must be cultivated."

Ruan Qin is familiar with the Huang Ting Jing, so he naturally knows that there are far more than 880 seven orifices, but 170,000 or [-].

Opening up 880 seven orifices is only the first realm of Huang Ting Jing.In the seventh realm that follows, a total of 740 orifices need to be opened up.

As for the eighth realm of the Huang Ting Jing, it is necessary to understand the principle that one orifice can penetrate all orifices, and expand the 740 or eight divine orifices to 170,000 or [-].In this way, all the orifices of the body will be opened up.

Practicing the Huang Ting Jing, Lingbao is the end, and there is still a long way to go before Xiaocheng.The road is long and long, Lingbao can only work hard.



"Sloppy calculations, the eight top-level fetishes are basically enough for your cultivation. If you want to open up all the divine apertures in your body, you may have to drain the entire Xuanhuang Realm."

The lower the cultivation base, the more you can feel that the resources needed to practice Huang Ting Jing are few.In the eyes, although the resources under Lingbao are sufficient.But what about the future?As my acupoints are opened up less and less, sooner or later, the eight gods under me will be squeezed dry.

Therefore, for the sake of long-term consideration, Ruan Qin can be idle, and I have to go out to look for opportunities before the Zixu Palace True Biography Lesson begins.

Sitting and eating mountains and empty mountains, if so!
"Cultivate first. If you want to obtain resources, how can you do it with or without weak strength?"

Lingbao felt that he had fallen into a vicious circle and couldn't extricate himself.If you want resources, you must have strong strength, and if you want to have strong strength, you must have a small amount of resources.

In order to find resources, you have to desperately become weak.Before weakening, fewer resources are needed...

There is really a solution.

"One's life is doomed to struggle!"

Why do you say that every life is a miracle?Before a person is born, he has to compete with hundreds of millions of brothers, and only those who fail to win can be qualified to conceive.

The odds are one in a billion!Could that be a miracle?

Moreover, the condition was already so good before he was born, and he had to compete with the next [-] million brothers, which already explained the problem.

When people are not born, they are doomed to fight, and they have to fight for everything!

Whether it is fighting or being able to live!

Lingbao was feeling it, and at the same time, he used the newly learned method of raising swords, re-differentiated the innate seven-element sword light into seven seven-element sword lights, and placed them in the seven-element orifices for cultivation.

brush brush...

For a moment, the sword light in Ruan Qin's body surged, showing seven-colored colors, and with a sound of brushing, it penetrated into the seven-element orifice and disappeared.

At that time, this secret method of raising a sword, obtained from the Xiantian Taibai Sword Sutra, was used by Ruan Qin in cooperation with the Taixia Ningjian Jue.

In an instant, the seven divine orifices in Lingbao's body changed, each emitting a mysterious wave, which merged with the seven tangible sword lights.

Immediately, the mutants came into being, and saw the congenital seven emperors' god embryos in the Seven Elements Temple suddenly trembled together, and each emitted a weak suction force, sucking the seven sword lights of the seven elements and seven elements.


Sensing that scene, Lingbao was startled, and immediately diverted his attention to look at the Seven Elements Temple in the orifice.

In the hall, Lingbao did not see the trace of the Xiantian seven-element sword light, but in the Xiantian fetus, Lingbao saw that each of the seven Xiantian emperors' right hands lacked a Xiantian sword, which appeared separately. Blue, white, white, red, yellow seven colors.

"Good guy!"

Seeing this, Lingbao couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart.

I said before and after that to deduce the innate seven-element sword light to the point where it is comparable to the innate seven-element divine light.

But now, seeing the changes in the Xiantian Seven Elements Sword Light, I see that possibility.The Xiantian Seven Emperors took the Xiantian Seven Elements Sword Light into the divine womb and turned them into seven Xiantian swords, making it clear that they were conceived as innate supernatural powers.

As long as the Seven Xiantian Emperors are born, the Sword Light of the Xiantian Seven Elements is bound to undergo astonishing changes, and it is also possible to transform into the Divine Light of the Xiantian Seven Elements in one fell swoop.

Of course, it is possible to compete with Kong Xuan.Kong Xuan's innate seven-element divine light is called supernatural power, but in fact it is seven innate Jiang Chen, whose power is naturally earth-shattering, far from being comparable to supernatural power.

Ruan Qin's innate seven-element sword light, if transformed into innate Jiang Chen, can compare with one of them, but if it's just supernatural powers, it's obviously fine.

In reality, Ruan Qin might turn the Xiantian Seven-element Sword into a magic weapon, but the resources needed to open up the orifices are already so small that it makes me desperate. There are no resources left for me to refine the Xiantian Seven-element Sword Light?
Not to mention that I intend to refine the Xiantian Seven Elements Sword Light, even if the Xiantian Seven Elements Sword Light turns into a magic weapon by itself, the Lingbao must stop it.

My energy is boundless, and I can really support other magic weapons.


Time passed quietly, and very slowly, the Xiantian Seven Elements Sword Light retreated to the right track, quietly staying in the Xiantian divine womb, growing together with the Xiantian Seven Emperors.

At that time, Ruan Qin was unaware, knowing that the time had come, let go of the suppression of the yin and yang orifices, received the innate yin and yang power, and ushered in the seventh transformation.

Yes, the seventh metamorphosis.

The completion of the seven elements can transform the Lingbao.This weaker yin-yang and seven-element consummation naturally allows me to continue to regress and transform on the basis of the seven-element consummation.

You should know that the top fetishes under Lingbao are not seven, but eight.In addition to the congenital blue dragon pearl, the blue sea sky curtain, the weapon fragments of the gods and the remnant soul of the congenital snake, I don't have the fragments of the congenital spiritual roots Taiyin laurel tree and sun hibiscus tree.

Those two treasures were obtained by Lingbao from the depths of the turbulent void. They were both fragments of top-level innate immortal artifacts, and at the same time, fragments of innate spiritual roots.

Similarly, like these seven fetishes, the two innate spiritual roots of the yin and yang attributes can also be seen and seen.

Therefore, Lingbao wants to destroy them.


After the transformation of the seven elements, it was the transformation of the seven elements of yin and yang, which did not bring much change to Ruan Qin, but only improved my overall strength by a part.

When the seven elements of yin and yang are in harmony, a bright and gorgeous multicolored glow immediately blooms, which is the weaker innate divine light of good fortune.Originally, the Lingbao's physique had reached its limit, but under the radiance of the innate divine light, the original source became weak again.

The time for Lingbao to transform into a congenital true spirit, although it is still a hundred years, but the lower limit has been raised.

In other words, if the innate true spirit transformed by Lingbao due to the power of the seven elements of good fortune is just a special innate true spirit, the innate true spirit transformed by the power of the seven elements of yin and yang has lower aptitude and lower potential. Weaker, and closer to the innate gods and demons.

Among the congenital gods and demons, there are eight, eight and four ranks, let alone congenital true spirits.

Wu's innate true spirit has been a high-level celestial being all his life, and he has even successfully cultivated to the seventh level of celestial beings.The innate true spirit, which is useless, can cultivate to the realm of immortality, that is the gap.

And the power of good fortune of the seven elements of yin and yang, the lower limit is raised.


At the same time as the lower limit is raised, the spirit treasure's orifices are also changing, mainly the yin and yang orifices in the eyes, each of which has no temple and is born as a yin and yang temple.

The power of the seven elements of yin and yang circulates, and the power of good fortune declines more and more. It first circulates in a small orifice in Lingbao's body, and gradually spreads to my whole body.

It can be seen that strands of divine light of good fortune flowed into the evil-spirited Rahu divine orifice, mixed with the surrounding evil energy, and a pitch-white temple, the Rahu Temple, gradually emerged around the Rahu divine fetus.

Not only that, as the power of the seven elements of yin and yang flowed through Lingbao's whole body, one light spot after another lighted up in my body, and it was constantly trembling, as if something was being conceived, and it would burst out enough to open up the world. the power of.

Those spots of light are within Lingbao's body, and there are undeveloped orifices in these.At this moment, in terms of nourishment by the power of the seven elements of yin and yang, those divine orifices have no tendency to open up on their own.

It's just a pity that the power of the seven elements of Yin and Yang in Lingbao's body is still too strong. Although it can induce the undeveloped orifices, it is enough to make them open up on their own.

"The Way of the Seven Elements of Yin and Yang!"

"Heavenly Dao!"

At that moment, Ruan Qin realized the Dao again, and what he realized was the Dao of Heaven.

The seven elements of yin and yang are the general outline of the heaven and earth, and all things in the heaven and earth are contained in it.Therefore, even the Rahu Divine Aperture, which was born of evil spirit, will undergo transformation in terms of the power of the Yin and Yang Seven Elements, and a Zhoutian Temple that belongs to it will be derived.

The other orifices in Lingbao's body also resonated with it.

(End of this chapter)

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