At the beginning of the three thousand Taoist scriptures, I became a saint

Chapter 396 The sage's words, repay grievances with virtue

Chapter 396 The sage's words, repay grievances with virtue

Like the Immortal Shouzheng, whose age is less than two thousand years old, his realm has already reached the point of soaring. From the end of ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of such characters in the Xuanhuang Realm.


After all, Xuanhuang Realm is still a world that respects strength. In the past, although the Shouzheng Immortals were strong, they were only first-class, not top-notch.

Therefore, even though he intends to reform the system of Zixu Palace, he still seems powerless in the face of various resistances.

But now, after he has enough strength, the situation will change immediately. The strong strength is enough to fully implement his will, and many resistances will disappear virtually.

The reason is very simple, many interest groups in Zixu Palace dare to offend a head teacher whose strength is only first-rate, but they dare not offend a head teacher whose strength has reached the top.

This is the essence of the Xuanhuang Realm, where the weak prey on the strong.If you are weak, no one will dare to bully you.On the contrary, if you are strong enough, not only will everyone not resist you, but they will even take the initiative to surrender to you.

It's not that Zixu Palace's past masters haven't thought about reforming Zixu Palace, but they are not strong enough to suppress internal objections.

Later, when they gained enough strength, they were no longer the head teachers of Zixu Palace, and naturally they had no reason to continue to intervene in the specific affairs of the sect.

This is the rule of Zixu Palace, after the Supreme Headmaster abdicates, he is not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the sect.Otherwise, everything will be handed over to the Supreme Headmaster, so why do you need the current Headmaster?



"The teacher asked the disciple to come here, shouldn't he be talking about these things?"

Jiang Chen is not interested in discussing the reform of the sect system with the Shouzheng Immortal. The so-called is not in his own right, and he does not plan for his own affairs. He is just a disciple. The matter of reforming the sect is something that high-level people need to worry about, and it is not his turn to care about it. .

Moreover, Jiang Chen didn't think that Immortal Shouzheng called him over to chat with him about these matters.

"That's right, the matter of the Inner Sect Grand Competition is the sect's fault and has nothing to do with Mr. On the contrary, we have to thank Mr. for making us realize our mistakes."

Immortal Shouzheng didn't say his purpose first, but first expressed his thanks to Jiang Chen, and by the way, expressed the attitude of the sect's high-level officials.

Jiang Chen was not at fault for the Inner Sect Grand Competition, it was their fault that they failed to detect the loopholes in the sect rules in time.On the contrary, Jiang Chen was able to detect the loopholes in advance and reminded them in time. This is meritorious and they should be grateful for it.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen just smiled and didn't say much.He knew in his heart that the reason why the senior sect leaders could take the initiative to admit their mistakes was not because they really did something wrong, but because his status was too special, so special that the senior sect leaders had to make concessions for it.

There is always someone responsible for the inner sect competition, since this person can't be Jiang Chen, then it can only be the fault of the sect's senior management.

Right or wrong?

After reaching the top, there is no distinction between right and wrong, only benefits.Zixu Palace couldn't bear the price of forcing Jiang Chen away, so after weighing the pros and cons, they took the initiative to take a step back, admitting that they were wrong, in order to maintain Jiang Chen's position.

"The headmaster called his disciples, is he planning to discuss with me about Elder Shoulong?"

The Immortal Shouzheng talked about it for a long time, but he didn't get to the point. Jiang Chen couldn't help it, and took the initiative to explain the purpose of the Immortal Shouzheng calling him.

Since it wasn't because of the Inner Sect Dabi, it could only be because of Elder Shoulong.After all, he is an elder, the pillar of the sect, the problem is much more serious than that of the inner sect.

"Hey, I really can't hide it from Mister."

Seeing that Jiang Chen took the initiative to break through, the Immortal Shouzheng stopped pretending, shook his head with a wry smile, and revealed his real purpose: "Pimpedao hopes that, for the sake of Elder Shoulong's hard work, Mr. past."

Immortal Shouzheng was also very helpless in his heart, no one would have thought that Jiang Chen would be so narrow-minded that he would not let go of this matter.

If they had known this earlier, when they punished Elder Shoulong, they would have dealt with it more severely, instead of taking it lightly, making it difficult to impose additional punishments now.

If an elder was forced to self-exile because of a disciple, what would the rest of the elders think?It is inevitable that the thought of the death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox will not be born, that is the big trouble.

Moreover, Elder Shoulong said that he has a special status, and there is an immortal-level master behind him, how can he be disposed of at will?

Therefore, even if he didn't want to, Immortal Shouzheng had no choice but to come to Jiang Chen to ask for favors.

"Tsk tsk, this elder, it's such a big show, he actually invited the head teacher to intercede."

Jiang Chen clicked his tongue twice, and couldn't help shaking his head. At this time, he wouldn't hypocritically say that he was just a small disciple, and he was not qualified to embarrass an elder.

Immortal Shouzheng has already made his words so clear, obviously he believes that Jiang Chen has a way to deal with the elders, in this case, naturally there is no need to deny it.

If it was usual, after such a big incident happened, and the head teacher had personally interceded, Jiang Chen took advantage of the opportunity to ask for some compensation, and this matter should have come to an end.

However, what he experienced just now made Jiang Chen have other thoughts.He must hold on to this matter, even if it's just for the sake of standing up.

Yes, Jiang Chen was going to take advantage of this to build his prestige, he just discovered that he somewhat overestimated his status in the eyes of the Zixu Palace's senior management.In other words, the senior officials of Zixu Palace said that they valued him very much, but they still regarded him as a junior in their hearts.

If not, what happened just now would not have happened.It is understandable that the elders were dealt with lightly before.But just now, the innocuous punishment to Daozi has stimulated Jiang Chen, which clearly shows that the Zongmen didn't take him seriously, otherwise, the Zongmen should punish him severely instead of perfunctory him.

Daozi is about to cut his treatment. If the sect really has the heart, it should severely punish a few Daozi, so as to give him an explanation, instead of fooling around casually like just now.

Whether you take a person seriously or not, you can easily tell from the details.If you really care about a person, then no matter what happens to him, you have to treat it as a major event, so as to express your importance.

The result is obvious, Zixu Palace's high-level executives did not do this.

So, it wasn't that Jiang Chen insisted on clinging to this matter, but that he needed to use this matter to establish his prestige, let Zixu Palace put his attitude right, and knew that Jiang Chen was not easy to mess with, let alone be manipulated by others.

It can only be said that Elder Shoulong was unlucky, just when Jiang Chen needed something to stand up, he took the initiative to bump into him.

The so-called God does not take, but bears the blame, since the Elder Shoulong came to the door on his own initiative, then he can't be blamed.


"Headmaster, did I show too good a temper after I came to the sect, and I have been contributing silently without asking for anything in return, so that I gave you the wrong perception? Do you think I am an honest person and easy to bully?"

Jiang Chen didn't answer Immortal Shouzheng's question, but said something else.

"No, nothing?"

While shaking his head in denial, Immortal Shouzheng gradually realized that something was wrong, but before he could say anything, he heard Jiang Chen continue:

"Since you don't think so, why does the headmaster keep embarrassing me again and again? Not to mention that he wants me to die, you not only don't let me blame him, but also let me forgive him."

"Just say, you really asked me to forgive him, but you should also show due sincerity? But the result? Until now, I haven't even received a due apology, let alone received it, that elder Get the news of severe punishment."

"All I got was that the top sect officials appeared in front of me one after another, putting pressure on me to forgive a person who wanted me to die."

"Or, I'm just a disciple, and my status is low. How can I ask an elder to come over and apologize to me?"

After Jiang Chen's heartbreaking words, Immortal Shouzheng's expression changed, he opened his mouth, and remained silent for a long time.

Indeed, thinking about it from Jiang Chen's standpoint, he got nothing, but asking him to forgive a person who wanted him to die, is it fair?Of course it's not fair!
But in this world, where is the fairness? If Jiang Chen was really an ordinary disciple, then Elder Shoulong would not be punished for it at all, let alone receive pressure from the head teacher.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen is not an ordinary disciple. His existence is even more important to Zixu Palace than that elder. Therefore, Elder Shoulong paid the price for his actions, and Jiang Chen also got the title of teacher because of this. exert pressure.

This is the crux of the problem. Logically speaking, since Jiang Chen has a higher status than Elder Shoulong, it should be Elder Shoulong who is under pressure, but how could it be Jiang Chen?
At first, Immortal Shouzheng didn't think about it carefully, and didn't think there was anything wrong, but now after hearing Jiang Chen's words, he felt a faint realization in his heart.

It's not like what Jiang Chen said, because he usually behaves so kindly that everyone subconsciously thinks he's easy to bully.

So, the pressure is all on his side.What's more, Jiang Chen's ignorance of flattery one after another made many people feel that he was too arrogant.

But if you think about it carefully, aren't they the ones who are too arrogant?They were supposed to put pressure on the Dragon Shouxian, but they all came to put pressure on Jiang Chen, and even forgot the most basic thing, that the apology was sincere.

From the beginning to the end, Elder Shoulong didn't even say a word of apology. Isn't this a sign of their arrogance?In other words, this is the expression that they think Jiang Chen is easy to bully.

"What did you say, sir? Why do we think that sir is easy to bully? Shoulong is not without punishment, otherwise, as Shoulong, why would he let his disciple participate in the inner sect competition?"

You can think this way in your heart, and you can even do things like this, but the Shouzheng Immortal knows that you can't say that in your mouth.

Otherwise, if the news of Zixu Palace bullying the descendants of Tianyang Immortal Monarch gets out, then they don't need to gain a foothold in the Immortal Dao.


Jiang Chen snorted coldly, obviously very dissatisfied with the words of Immortal Shouzheng.

It is undeniable that although the heart and soul of the real dragon is precious, if an elder really wants to pay any price, he can still get it from the sect.Therefore, Long Hong being forced to participate in the inner sect competition was indeed one of the sect's punishments for Elder Shoulong.

But this punishment is too light, even Immortal Shouzheng thinks so, otherwise, he wouldn't have been vague for a long time before saying it.

And this, at the same time, is also the most severe punishment the sect has given to Elder Shoulong. Otherwise, Immortal Shouzheng would not use this punishment as an issue, because there is no more serious punishment.

"Sir, what you just said to Shoufa Junior Brother, he has already passed on to Pingdao. Among them, the sentence 'Repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue? Repay grievances with straightness, and repay virtue with virtue!' Tao has a different view.”

The words of intercession could no longer be uttered, so Immortal Shouzheng changed the subject, intending to persuade Jiang Chen from another angle.

"What insight?"

Jiang Chen became interested, and looked at Immortal Shouzheng seriously.

Repaying grievances with straightness comes from "The Analects of Confucius Xianwen", "Or say: 'How to repay grievances with virtue?' Zi said: 'How to repay virtue? Repay grievances with straightness, and repay virtue with virtue.'"

(simply means fair)
This is the words of the sage, and it is the sage's interpretation of benevolence. Immortal Shouzheng has a profound realm, and his understanding of these words is naturally far better than that of Jiang Chen. Therefore, he also wants to listen to the opinions of Immortal Shouzheng.

"For ordinary people, this sentence makes sense. Ordinary people have limited education, and most of them complain with complaints. If you step on me on the road, I have to pay back. If you scold me, I have to pay back two." Sentence. Being able to report grievances directly is already a very high level."

"But it's different for rulers. For example, a person in politics, no matter how well he does, there will always be people who scold him. Shouldn't he ignore these people from now on? This is not a good leader; The student once offended him, so just ignore him from then on?"

"Thus, those who are superior must be broad-minded, and must repay evil with virtue."

The Immortal Shouzheng is persuading him with what Jiang Chen said, letting him be broad-minded, repaying grievances with kindness, thus letting Elder Shoulong go.

I have to admit that what Immortal Shouzheng said makes sense.Repaying grievances with honesty is the words of a sage, and repaying grievances with virtue is also the words of a sage.The difference is that repaying evil with kindness is what another sage said.

"Do nothing, do nothing, taste tasteless."

"No matter how big or small, repay grievances with virtue. The difficulty of the plan is easier than the detail; the difficult things in the world must be done when they are easy, and the great things in the world must be done in detail. Therefore, the sage will not be big in the end, so he can become big."

"If you are light on your promises, you will have little faith. If it is easy, it will be difficult. It is difficult for a sage, so there will be no difficulty in the end."

"This is the words of the sages. The so-called big starts from the small, more from the little, and repays grievances with virtue. Solving difficulties is easier, and doing more than small things. Difficult things in the world must start from easy things; great things in the world must start from small things. He is great, so he can become great. Those who promise lightly will have little faith, and those who make easy things will be difficult. Because the saint always thinks about difficulties, he will always have no difficulties."

"The teacher's words are quite in line with the holy will! Compared with me, the teacher's actions are more in line with the sage's philosophy."

From the words of Immortal Shouzheng, Jiang Chen remembered the words of Taoist sage Lao Tzu.

(End of this chapter)

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