397 Threat
Repaying grievances with virtue is exactly what Taoist Lao Tzu said, before Confucius sages repaid grievances with straightness.

Repaying grievances with virtue can be said to be a Taoist proposition, but it is not required of ordinary people.Instead, he asked the ruling class. He hoped that people in the ruling class would be broad-minded and repay evil with kindness. In this way, the people under the rule would live a better life.

Confucius sees this very clearly. He does not think that everyone in the world can become the ruling class. Therefore, what he asks of ordinary people is not to repay kindness with grievances, but to repay grievances with honesty.

Being able to treat others with a fair attitude is already a very beautiful character.

"The big starts from the small, the more comes out of the little, and the good repays the bad... Those who make light promises will have little faith, and those who make easy things will be difficult. Because the saint always thinks about difficulties, there is always no difficulty."

"The words of the sage are deafening and thought-provoking!"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Immortal Shouzheng didn't say anything for a long time, apparently in shock.

Compared with the words of the sage Confucius, the words of Taoist Lao Tzu are obviously more in line with the thoughts of immortality. Every word and deed contains the principle of heaven and earth, the rules of the operation of all things, and it is thought-provoking.

Just like the words that Immortal Shouzheng persuaded Jiang Chen just now, they contained a bit of Taoist thoughts.

"Since you understand these principles, why don't you just cling to this matter?"

"Sir, why don't you be more generous, show the character that a saint should have, and spare Shoulong this time?"

After a long time, Immortal Shouzheng came back to his senses, and asked Jiang Chen with a puzzled face.

He couldn't figure it out, why Jiang Chen clearly understood these principles, but why didn't he follow them?

"The head teacher always has too many misunderstandings about his disciples. Jiang Chen is just an ordinary person, and he absolutely cannot be called a saint. Therefore, I can't repay grievances with virtue, I can only repay grievances directly!"

Jiang Chen was speechless, he knew that because of what he had done, others misunderstood him too deeply.

In other people's eyes, he improved grain varieties and increased grain production for the sake of the common people in the world, so that everyone can have enough to eat.He researched the Qingshen Pill to completely solve the troubles of the demons.He redefines the realm of the sixth rank in order to open up the way for future generations.

These, judging from the results, are no problem.But Jiang Chen's starting point for doing these things is all for himself.

The starting point of improving grain seeds is to seek merit.The starting point for researching the Qingshen Pill is to gather a large amount of property by virtue of this product.Redefining the realm of the sixth rank is to occupy a ray of heaven and earth luck.

All of these are for the sake of a better future for myself, and then, while achieving my own goals, it will also benefit the common people in the world.

If it's about the heart and deeds, then Jiang Chen is naturally far from being a saint, and can only be said to be barely a bad person.

But how do outsiders know what he thinks in his heart?Outsiders only know that Jiang Chen's actions have indeed brought benefits to the common people in the world and benefited them.

The so-called deeds regardless of the heart, no good people in the heart.Regardless of deeds or intentions, Jiang Chen's deeds are seen by everyone, so he naturally deserves the name of a saint.

Therefore, everyone who has heard of Jiang Chen's deeds regards him as a saint. This idea can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Immortal Shouzheng also thought so, so he couldn't understand for a while, why Jiang Chen, who usually behaved like a saint, would be so uncharacteristically aggressive at this moment.

However, the incomprehension is incomprehension, and he has understood Jiang Chen's attitude after talking to this point, the sect must give him an explanation that satisfies him, otherwise he will never let it go.

Thinking of this, Immortal Shouzheng couldn't help but feel a little headache. Judging from Jiang Chen's previous performance, he can tell that an explanation that satisfies him is by no means simple, and it may require the sect to pay a huge price.


After thinking about it, the Immortal Shouzheng will continue to speak, asking him what he wants, and asking him to draw a line, so that the sect can handle it easily.

But on the opposite side of him, Jiang Chen obviously misunderstood what he meant. Seeing him speak, he thought that he would continue to persuade him, so he couldn't help but increase his tone, and said:

"Teacher, I'm already very restrained. If someone else suffered this grievance, they would go to the backstage to cry and complain, and if it was serious, they might just leave. The world is huge, and the Zixu Palace family is not the only one!"

Jiang Chen's words were not serious, it was tantamount to threatening the Immortal Shouzheng with the fact that he would leave Zixu Palace.However, he can bear to say such a thing until now, which is already a good face for the Shouzheng Immortal.

Even if other people have been wronged in the sect, they will not say the word of leaving the sect. One reason is that if they leave the sect, there may not be other places to go.The second reason is that the Zongmen has worked hard to train you for many years, and you are about to leave the Zongmen because you have been wronged. What does this sound like?If it is spread, it will be stabbed in the back, and the righteous way will no longer have a foothold.

But Jiang Chen didn't have any scruples in this regard, it was very simple, even if he left Zixu Palace, he had other places to go.Whether it is the other two palaces in Xiandao or the Jiang family in Zhongzhou, they will welcome him very warmly.

Second, Jiang Chen doesn't owe Zixu Palace anything, on the contrary, he has only been in Zixu Palace for a few years, and he has brought earth-shaking changes to it.

For this alone, after Jiang Chen left Zixu Palace, no one would say anything wrong with him, instead they would accuse Zixu Palace of not knowing people well.

In the final analysis, Jiang Chen's fame is too great, to the point where gossip and gossip have no room to survive.

"Mr. is serious."

Immortal Shouzheng heard Jiang Chen's threat, his face changed for the first time, and he said nervously: "Don't worry, sir, the Zongmen will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. I hope you don't say such things again, sir."

There is a subtext that the Immortal Shouzheng did not say, that is, such words are too hurtful and will affect the relationship between the two parties.

This point, Jiang Chen also knew, so, he could have said these words earlier to threaten, but he just endured until now to say them.If he couldn't bear it, how could he say such hurtful words?

"Teacher, since I joined Zixu Palace, I have always regarded this place as my home, but I can't be the only one who thinks this way, and Zixu Palace has to treat me as my own."

"How can there be any reason for the grievances suffered by one's own family members, instead of asking for an explanation for them, instead of letting them smash their teeth and swallow them in their mouths?"

Jiang Chen didn't like what Immortal Shouzheng said just now, he had no relatives and no reason, why should he be wronged by others?If Zixu Palace really wanted to value him, how could he be wronged?
If he has no ability, he can only hold back when he is wronged, but since he has the ability, he will fight back when he is wronged.Otherwise, what is the purpose of his hard work every day?
(End of this chapter)

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