Chapter 398 End
Immortal Shouzheng was speechless. He had already spoken to such an extent that there was nothing left to say.If you really don't give Jiang Chen a satisfactory explanation, you're driving people away.

"Shoulong, let him go to the East China Sea, go to the front line against the dragon clan, life or death in the future depends entirely on his own fortune."

Immortal Shouzheng gave in and let Elder Shoulong go to the most dangerous battlefield.As for letting him cut himself, it is obviously impossible.

After all, it is an elder, even if he is to die, he should be given the dignity he deserves, and he should die at the hands of the enemy, not at the hands of his own people.

"He wanted to hand me over to the Dragon Clan, and now he pays for it, but he went to the Dragon Clan first, which is reasonable." Jiang Chen nodded, and it was considered to have exposed the matter.

"As for the Daoists of Taixiao, the poor Taoist will let them go outside the territory to sharpen for a period of time. If they still can't figure it out, then they don't have to come back."

Immortal Shouzheng might be a little reluctant when punishing Elder Shoulong, but he has no scruples when punishing Taixiao's disciples.

After all, Tai Xiao and the others, rather than offending Jiang Chen, might as well offend all the higher-ups. If they don't teach them some lessons, what is the majesty of the higher-ups?

"This matter is decided according to the teacher's will. No matter what the result is, the disciple has no objection."

After all, Jiang Chen didn't have any deep hatred with those Taoists, so there was no need to hold them tight.

"It's great that sir can think so."

Immortal Shouzheng couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard the words, he was really afraid that Jiang Chen would pursue this matter fiercely, Jiang Chen was willing to give in, that would be great.

"By the way, sir, you don't have to take the words of Tai Xiao and others to heart, the decision of the sect will not be changed because of this."

Thinking of the fuse of this accident, Immortal Shouzheng couldn't help but add a sentence.

"Is the head teacher talking about the Grand Ceremony of True Inheritance? That's nothing, isn't it the Grand Ceremony of True Inheritance? I just need to participate, and no one can take the first place from me anyway."

"Also, no matter what the reason is for lending the fairy artifact to Li Xian this time, it is still a mistake. The rest of the disciples will be punished for this. As the leader, how can I stay out of it?"

"Deprive me of the honor and punish me to participate in the True Inheritance Ceremony, even if it is my punishment, it can also give an explanation to the countless disciples in the inner sect."

"The prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. In my Zixu Palace, no matter who breaks the rules of the house, he will be punished."

Jiang Chen's words were eloquent, and between the lines, there was a sense of fairness. Every word was considered for Zixu Palace, and it really made people unable to find fault.

Logically speaking, Immortal Shouzheng should be very moved after hearing Jiang Chen's words, but in fact, it was not the case. Immortal Shouzheng wanted to scold people very much, and he really didn't want Jiang Chen to participate in the True Inheritance Ceremony.

As Jiang Chen said before, if he wants to participate in the True Inheritance Ceremony, he must be number one, and no one can compete with him.And this time, the reward for the first place in the True Inheritance Ceremony is extremely generous. The sect intends to cultivate a frontman, so it has spent a lot of money.

This reward, no matter which disciple is given, can make it undergo a completely new change.But it is useless to give it to Jiang Chen alone.Give it to him, it's a waste.

The True Inheritance Ceremony is for cultivating disciples, Jiang Chen has already exceeded the scope of disciples, and it is a waste to use disciple-level resources to train him, and it also occupies a disciple's share.

If Jiang Chen is not allowed to participate in the Inheritance Ceremony, then the resources saved can cultivate one more outstanding disciple. This account is very clear to the senior management of Zixu Palace.Therefore, from the very beginning, they had no intention of letting Jiang Chen participate in the True Inheritance Ceremony.

Giving Jiang Chen special treatment is exactly the best of both worlds strategy that Zixu Palace executives came up with.It not only showed the importance he attached to Jiang Chen, but also saved a lot of resources, why not do it?Unfortunately, all of this was ruined by those stupid Daozi.

Can't even understand this point, it's a joke to be so stupid and want to be in charge of the sect.


Even though Immortal Shouzheng was unwilling in his heart, what Jiang Chen said was justified and well-founded, all for the sake of the sect, he really had no reason to refuse.

I saw him pretending to be moved, and said to Jiang Chen movedly: "Mr. can think so, but I am ashamed."

He said so, but in the heart of Immortal Shouzheng, he was already secretly thinking about where to make up for the lost resources.

Regardless of the fact that Zixu Palace is huge and has a lot of resources, there is no need to haggle over a disciple-level resource.But the actual situation is not like this, Zixu Palace's resources are actually very tight.

Zixu Palace has been inherited for nearly ten thousand years, and the masters accumulated in the past generations have already exceeded three digits.Do they need resources for cultivation?No matter how many resources there are, it will not be able to support too many people.

It's just that the cultivation needs of these supreme elders occupy the majority of the sect.Followed by the head teacher, hall master, elders, and Daozi, they will occupy the bulk of the remaining resources.

After these people are divided, part of the daily expenses will be deducted, and the remaining resources will be used by the disciples of Zixu Palace.

After such a heavy allocation, how many resources are left?It is these resources that not only need to be provided to true disciples, inner and outer disciples, but also inner masters and outer deacons.

It can be said that the Zixu Palace family has a great career, otherwise it would not be able to support so many people.

Moreover, this is still a vicious circle. As time goes by, there will be more and more masters in Zixu Palace, and resources will become more and more tense.

It has been the tenth generation that Zixu Palace has been handed down to the Immortal Shouzheng. Although it is not enough to make ends meet, the Immortal Shouzheng wishes to treat every resource as two shares.

It can be said that the rewards for the True Inheritance Ceremony were squeezed out by the Immortal Shouzheng through gritting his teeth. For this reason, the interests of the high-level sect had been sacrificed.It is completely using the resources of the high-level sect to subsidize the disciples.Therefore, there will be super-standard rewards for the Inner Sect Grand Competition and the True Inheritance Ceremony.

Every resource in the True Inheritance Ceremony was squeezed out by the Shouzheng Immortal gritted his teeth, and he couldn't squeeze out a second one. It was such a loss, of course he felt distressed.Naturally, he had to find a way to recover this part of the loss.

"Since this matter is caused by those Taoists, let's seek compensation from them."

Immortal Shouzheng secretly thought in his heart, no accidents should happen in this True Inheritance Ceremony no matter what, the part Jiang Chen took away will be made up from Daozi, who made it happen to them?



"Sir, let's get busy. I have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

After discussing with Jiang Chen properly, Immortal Shouzheng didn't stay, and left directly.

He wanted to hurry back and discuss with the sect elders how to solve the next trouble.Even for Cong Daozi to seek love from him, he had to get their support.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is Jiang Chen, as long as it is solved, the remaining problems will be solved much easier.

"Hey, headmaster..."

Seeing Immortal Shouzheng leave just like that, Jiang Chen was really speechless, he still wanted to plead for Li Xian.

This time, Li Xian suffered a completely innocent disaster. Originally, there was nothing wrong with him, but because of Jiang Chen, it caused him to go to Xing Palace to be punished.

"Hey, after Li Xian comes out, we can find a way to compensate him."

Jiang Chen thought for a while, but he didn't call out to Shouzheng Immortal. At this time, it's really not suitable to intercede for Li Xian. It's better to wait for a while, and wait until the limelight passes.


Three days, fleeting!
Soon, the Inner Sect Grand Competition that announced the delay started again.It was still the dharma hall, on the platform formed by the flattened mountain, countless inner and outer disciples gathered.

The broken arena has long been reshaped, and there is no difference compared with before. If it weren't for the scene three days ago, everyone present had experienced it first-hand. letter.

Compared with the previous ones, the process of this inner sect competition has basically not changed much.There is only one more requirement, that is, during the Grand Competition, magic weapons above the third rank are not allowed to be used.

In this regard, Zongmen also discussed for a long time before coming up with this method.Since it is a place where skills are relatively high, everything depends on strength. It is better to prohibit the use of super-standard magic weapons such as Lingbao.

Of course, some people will refute that Lingbao is also a part of strength. If someone is lucky and finds Lingbao, is it fair to him not to let him use it?

Of course it's not fair, but there's no way, how many disciples have picked up the Lingbao?Among the inner sect, there are more disciples without Lingbao.Since it is necessary to be fair, it is natural to give priority to the party with the largest number.

Also, how to ensure that these spirit treasures were picked up by disciples or borrowed is also a problem.Simply, it is better to cut across the board directly. Although this will cause dissatisfaction among a few people, this part of dissatisfaction will soon be drowned out by the praise of most disciples.


"It should have been like this long ago. The Inner Sect Grand Competition is a place where skills are compared. To put it bluntly, it is a place where strength is compared. Holding Lingbao to show off your power, what kind of skill is it?"

"I have to say, Senior Brother Jiang is the one who is so powerful that he forced the sect to revise the rules of the sect that have not been changed for thousands of years."

"Only someone like Senior Brother Jiang can make the Zongmen give in, take the initiative to admit his mistakes, and replace him with other disciples, forcing the Zongmen to fail, and he would have been thrown into the Xing Palace long ago."

Compared with three days ago, the disciples who came to participate in the inner sect competition were more enthusiastic, discussing the changes of this competition happily.

It can be said that as soon as the sect banned the use of spirit treasures, the atmosphere of the entire inner sect competition rose sharply, far exceeding previous ones.

It can be seen that some disciples really hate the use of Lingbao in the Inner Sect Grand Competition.

You agreed to compete in strength, but you bully others with Lingbao. This is like when you suddenly took out a submachine gun when you were competing in boxing and kicking.

Is there such a comparison?

"Long live Brother Jiang!"

Not knowing who took the lead, everyone suddenly shouted, obviously giving all the credit to Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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