Chapter 111
Yun Yao just thought it was funny, she looked at those new disciples pointing at her, a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth.

"How did you come up the mountain? Who jumped into the pool of flames?"

"Who jumped into the poison pool again?"

As she spoke, she walked up to the new disciples and asked them one by one.

"You, or you?"

"Or all of you, had the courage to jump down at that time?"

"You say I'm a trash with mixed spirit roots of the five elements. Your spirit roots are good, but who is like me who has cultivated to the ninth level of Qi training at the age of ten?"

As soon as Yun Yao's words came out, the new disciples all shut their mouths.

They blushed and wanted to refute, but they couldn't say anything.

They boast that they have good spiritual aptitudes, but their cultivation is not as high as this little girl with mixed spiritual roots of the five elements in front of them.

They claim to be geniuses, but when they were tested, they didn't have the courage of this little girl with mixed spiritual roots in front of them.

Yun Yao is slapping them in the face.

They are slapping the faces of these people with excellent spiritual roots.

After being slapped in the face by a trash with five spiritual roots, these genius disciples wished they could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Situ You on the side gave Yunyao a thumbs up. He stepped forward and agreed:
"Yes, what Yunyao said is right, you cowards, if you don't thank me and Yunyao, you will add insult to injury."

Just now, Situ You finally made a decision, summoned up his courage, and said to Yun Yao:
"Yunyao, I figured it out, Canglan Sect can't tolerate you, I don't want to be here anymore, let's go, let's go together."

Situ You originally wanted to fulfill his mother's wish and enter the Canglan Sect smoothly.

He was very happy and surprised to be accepted by the elders of the Canglan Sect.

Unexpectedly, these elders of the Canglan Sect would treat Yun Yao like this.

They are too much!

What they did was simply insulting!
Yunyao is a ten-year-old child who honestly participated in the sect test and didn't provoke them, so why should they treat Yunyao like this?
Between entering the Zongmen and Yunyao, Situ You decisively chose Yunyao.

Yun Yao never expected that Situ You would give up such a good opportunity and stand by her side.

An indescribable feeling welled up in her heart.

How could she implicate Situ You?
Yun Yao abducted Situ You with her arm, and whispered in Situ You's ear:

"Don't be stupid, you finally got this chance! Don't let it go."

Situ You was taken aback for a moment, feeling warm in his heart.

He wanted to say something more, Yun Yao gave him a look, and he immediately stopped talking.

In the main hall, the elders did not expect that Situ You and Yun Yao had such a good relationship.

They were slightly touched in their hearts. This kind of friendship is already very rare in the world of comprehension!

Master Yutang looked at Situ You, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him.

The new disciples in the main hall gritted their teeth and looked at Yun Yao and the two, wishing that Yun Yao and Situ You would be expelled from the sect by the elders in the hall and be severely punished.

"You two children are too ignorant. Hurry up and apologize to the master Taoist." Xiu Qi Taoist smoothed things over.

Yun Yao glanced at Daoist Xiu Qi, feeling a little fond in her heart.

She didn't speak, and wanted to hear how the headmaster would solve it.

She didn't mean to contradict the head and all the elders.

Her original plan was to enter the Canglan Sect in a low-key manner, but for some reason, the head would summon her.

As soon as she entered the hall, the head of the sect gave her a blow.

This is bearable, but these people are too bullying!
The hall was silent for a moment, and the headmaster made some calculations in his heart, and said in a deep voice:
"Yunyao contradicts me, she has no respect for her elders, and her aptitude is extremely poor, so she entered the outer door."

"The head" Daoist Xiu Qi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was interrupted by the head's eyes, so he had to lower his head.

In the main hall, other elders did not speak for Yun Yao.

Those new disciples looked at Yun Yao mockingly.

Situ You pulled Yunyao's sleeve and signaled Yunyao to thank him.

Yunyao's heart turned a thousand times, since the head of the sect took the initiative to show her favor, what else could she say?
This is already the best result.

Yun Yao sighed inwardly.

"With low strength, there is no right to speak. Only when one's own strength reaches a certain level can one be free."

Borrowing the donkey from the slope, Yun Yao made a disciple salute to the master.

"Thank you Master Taoist!"

The master waved his hand, "Well, let's go!"

Yun Yao was about to ask about Situ You, when Master Yutang spoke.

"Situ You, are you willing to become this seat's disciple?"

Situ You was stunned.

Yun Yao tugged at Situ You's sleeve, signaling Situ You to answer quickly.

Only then did Situ You regain his senses, stepped forward, and saluted Master Yutang as a disciple.

"Meet Master!"

Master Yutang was very happy, and said to Situ You with a smile:

"Good disciple! Come behind the teacher."

Situ You turned around and said to Yun Yao:

"Yunyao, I'm going to Master's side first, and I'll come and see you when I'm free."

Yun Yao was very happy that Situ You was able to worship under Jindan Daoist's sect.

She smiled and said, "Well, go! I'll play with you when I have time."

Everything was settled, there was no need to stay in the hall anymore, Yun Yao saluted the head and left the hall.

After walking out of the hall, Yun Yao took a deep breath.

It was too risky just now!
As soon as she entered the Canglan Sect, she offended the elders of the sect. Presumably, her life would be difficult in the future.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Yun Yao said to herself:
"Yunyao, man is a sword and I am a fish. Only when I have strength can I live well."

The new disciples in the square were very surprised to see Yunyao coming out alone.

Under normal circumstances, the disciples who can be called into the main hall are those who the elders have taken a fancy to and are ready to accept as disciples.

But now, Yunyao came out alone, which meant that Yunyao lost the election.

The disciples in the square began to taunt Yunyao.

"Look at her, she entered the hall in such a high-profile way, but she didn't want to, and came out disheveled alone."

"It's true, it's wishful thinking for her to enter the inner sect as a waste material with five elements' spiritual roots."

"Isn't it? The pheasant also wants to become a phoenix, and doesn't look in the mirror."

Envy and jealousy flashed in the eyes of these disciples who taunted her.

Yun Yao glanced at them, remembering their appearance in her mind, and ignored these people who made trouble.

Yun Yao passed through the crowd and walked towards the edge of the square.

A female disciple wearing a gorgeous dress quickly stepped forward, trying to grab Yunyao.

With a flash, Yun Yao quickly dodged the stinky trotter.

A coercion suppressed the person who provoked her.

"You, what are you going to do?"

The female disciple who was suppressed by coercion pointed at Yun Yao in pain and asked angrily.

Yun Yao asked coldly:

"What do you want to do? Want to sneak attack?"

"You, you bitch, let me go quickly." The female disciple ordered Yunyao in unbearable pain.

Make sure this woman, she doesn't know.

Yun Yao really couldn't laugh or cry.

With her unlucky physique, she is always picked on by others for no reason. This feeling is really bad!

She didn't know this woman at all, but this woman took the initiative to provoke her, it was really annoying!

Yun Yao clenched her fists and walked in front of the woman. "Why are you attacking me?"

The woman stared at Yunyao resentfully, gritted her teeth and said, "You killed my Jiang family members, and you still want to dominate the Canglan Sect, you are looking for death!"

(End of this chapter)

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