It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 112 Troublemaker

Chapter 112 Troublemaker

Jiang family?

Could it be that Xiao Kun from Skystar City has already used this method to take revenge on her?

It seems that life in Canglan Sect will not be easy in the future.

Even so, Yun Yao was not afraid.

She looked at the woman opposite and said:
"Aren't you afraid of being punished by the sect if you attack your fellow sect for no reason?"

The woman smiled coldly, "You are such a waste material with five spirit roots, dare to offend our Jiang family, don't even think about getting along in the Canglan sect."

The children in the square were already jealous of Yunyao's entry into the hall, and after hearing what the woman said, they hurriedly made trouble.

"I said, she offended the Jiang family and dared to enter the Canglan Sect. She is looking for death."

"Who said it wasn't? She doesn't know who founded the Canglan Sect?"

"Hey! Looking at a very smart person, why is he so blank? No wonder he was kicked out by the elders in the hall."

Discussions rang out one after another, Yun Yao looked at the children pointing at her.

I just feel that children in the cultivation world are too precocious!
She doesn't have so much thought for a soul in her twenties.

But well!Since you want to survive here, you still have to adapt to the environment here.

She smiled and said: "I didn't do anything to offend the Jiang family, and I don't believe that this Canglan Sect is the home of the Jiang family."

Everyone looked at Yunyao as if they were fools.

Didn't she know that the Canglan Sect was founded by the Jiang family of the Canglan Kingdom?
What is the surname of Canglan Kingdom's lord, doesn't she know?
The Canglan Sect originally belonged to the Jiang family!
Yun Yao can't control so much now.

Even if he offended the Jiang family, the Jiang family would not blatantly deal with her, a little qi training disciple.

Even if there are a few jumping clowns, they are not enough to be afraid of.

The Canglan Sect has been established for so many years, and it will not tolerate disciples with other surnames.

Otherwise, the Canglan Sect would not make people flock to it.

The woman in front of her actually dragged the Jiang family out in front of many new disciples in public.

Hehe, it's not her who is going to have an accident now, but this woman who provoked her.

Thinking of this, Yun Yao chuckled, then asked blankly:

"Could it be that the Canglan Sect can't tolerate disciples with other surnames? Could it be that the status of disciples with other surnames in Canglan Sect is so low? Any Jiang family disciple can bully disciples with other surnames for no reason?"

As she spoke, she lowered her head aggrievedly.

Yun Yao's words resonated with the disciples with other surnames.

Just now they pointed the finger at Yunyao, but now, they feel that their position in Canglan Sect is threatened.

You know, most of the disciples in this square are people with foreign surnames!
The wind direction changed instantly.

"That's right! The woman from the Jiang family wanted to attack her out of nowhere just now, but she didn't provoke this woman!"

"Can the Canglan Sect really not tolerate people with other surnames? Why is it different from what my father said!"

The woman who troubled Yunyao was anxious, she pointed at Yunyao, trembling with anger, not knowing what to say.

This bitch changed the conversation in a few words.

She hated Yunyao so much that she couldn't speak in the face of everyone's accusations.

Everyone was questioning the Jiang family's approach, and the voices of discussion became louder and louder, pointing and pointing at the woman surnamed Jiang.

When Yun Yao saw this, a sneer flashed in her eyes.

This woman is really stupid!She finds trouble with others, and doesn't look at the occasion.

Deciding to add another fire, Yun Yao raised her head, looked at the woman, and said aggrievedly:
"I really didn't provoke the Jiang family, so don't bully me."

"You, you bitch, I'm going to kill you."

Seeing Yunyao's lovely and pitiful appearance, the woman trembled with anger, called out the magic weapon, and attacked Yunyao.

While dodging, Yun Yao shouted:
"Killed, the people of the Jiang family, for no reason, killed."

When the new disciples saw this scene, they were afraid of being implicated, so they hurriedly avoided, talking about everyone in the Jiang family.

At this moment, their jealousy towards Yunyao had turned into a conflict between the disciples of the Jiang family and those with other surnames.

In the face of their own interests, the little bit of jealousy towards Yunyao in their hearts disappeared long ago.

It is precisely because she understands this that Yun Yao did this.

She thought, just taking advantage of this opportunity to make things big.

In this case, in the future, people in the Canglan Sect and the Jiang family will have to think carefully before making trouble for her.

As Yun Yao expected, a disciple came out of the main hall after a while.

The disciple dressed in the costume of the inner sect snatched the magic weapon from the woman of the Jiang family, and said angrily:

"What are you doing?"

The woman surnamed Jiang pointed at Yunyao and cursed angrily:

"This bitch offended our Jiang family and is still arrogant here. I want to kill her."

The Foundation Establishment disciple looked at Yun Yao and asked, "What's going on?"

Yun Yao spread her hands and said helplessly:

"I don't know what's going on. She said inexplicably that I offended the Jiang family, so I don't want to live in Canglan Sect in the future. She also said that she would kill me. But, I really didn't offend the Jiang family, and I didn't provoke her! "

After finishing speaking, Yun Yao lowered her head aggrievedly.

The Foundation Establishment disciple glanced at the crowd and asked:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

The new disciples, who didn't want to be troublesome, thought of their own surnames, and accused the Jiang family woman one after another.

"She attacked others inexplicably, and said that in the Canglan Sect, disciples with other surnames should not even think about it."

"She also said that people with foreign surnames in Canglan Sect don't want to get cultivation resources and don't want to have a future."

"Yes, yes, she also said that the Canglan Sect belongs to the Jiang family, and all people with foreign surnames must listen to and beg for mercy from the Jiang family."

Yun Yao lowered her head, wishing to give these new disciples a thumbs up.

These people, young, are very good at making up swords!Ha ha……

The woman surnamed Jiang did not expect that things would turn out like this.

She angrily pointed at these disciples who were talking in a hurry, and cursed loudly:

"You bastards are just talking nonsense. Don't take it easy if you offend the Jiang family."

Yun Yao almost died laughing!
How stupid is this woman from the Jiang family!

Didn't she see that the face of the Foundation Establishment disciple in front of her had turned black?
How did Xiao Kun find such an idiot to deal with him?

"Okay!" the Foundation Establishment disciple shouted.

He glanced at everyone and said to the Jiang family woman:
"You, just after entering the gate, disregarded the sect's regulations and attacked the disciples of the sect at will in the square, which has violated the sect's rules. Now, you will be expelled from the sect and will never be hired."

The woman surnamed Jiang did not expect that things would turn out like this.

She was indignant, pointed at the disciple who established the foundation, and asked:

"Why do you deal with me? You dare to offend the Jiang family. I want to tell the ancestor that you can't eat, so you can walk around."


Everyone at the scene was ashamed of the IQ of the woman surnamed Jiang.

A smile flashed across Yun Yao's eyes, but she didn't make a sound.

Foundation Establishment disciple was annoyed by the woman surnamed Jiang pointing his nose at him like this, and his complexion gradually became ugly.

As a disciple with a foreign surname, he was usually fed up with the anger of the disciples of the Jiang family in the sect.

Now, a young Jiang family qi cultivator who has just entered the door dares to point his nose and scold him in front of everyone.

It's really unbearable.

He couldn't afford to offend those foundation-establishing disciples of the Jiang family, but he wasn't afraid of this waste material with four spiritual roots who hadn't even entered the sect.

Furthermore, the head has already ordered him to deal with this woman.

He happened to be able to use this matter to invite the new disciples of the Jiang family to show some respect.

So, the Foundation Establishment disciple said coldly:

"According to the order of the head of the sect, this woman violated the sect's regulations and was expelled from the sect and will never be hired."

The woman surnamed Jiang was not convinced, she pointed at the Foundation Establishment disciple, ready to threaten again.

Everyone saw that the Foundation Establishment disciple cast a spell, and the Jiang family girl disappeared in place immediately.

Everyone was stunned, and the scene fell silent instantly.

After getting the result she wanted, Yun Yao didn't say anything, but nodded to the foundation disciple to express her gratitude.

The Foundation Establishment disciple passed in front of Yunyao, squinted at her, and said in a low voice:

(End of this chapter)

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