It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 210 Blood Drops

Chapter 210 Blood Drops
When Yun Yao saw the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall, she almost understood that these people might come to trouble her again.

When the two brothers Jiang Yunhai and Jiang Yunfei saw the people in the Law Enforcement Hall, their legs trembled and they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Yun Yao ignored the changes of the two brothers, but was ready to confront these people.

She can no longer be arrested and sent to the Law Enforcement Hall. If she enters the Law Enforcement Hall again, she will be tortured to death by the law enforcement elder, Daoist Weihua.

Now the only way to fight back desperately and attract the elders of the sect is to gain a chance of life.

Seeing that the people from the Law Enforcement Hall were about to arrive, Jiang Yunhai gritted his teeth, took Jiang Yunfei's arm, and walked forward.

"I'm going to tip off the news."

When he passed by Yunyao, he finished speaking in a low voice and ran away quickly.

Before Jiang Yunfei understood what happened, he was dragged away by Jiang Yunhai.

He looked at Yunyao, then at the menacing law enforcement disciples, and involuntarily followed Jiang Yunhai to run forward.

The corner of Yunyao's mouth curled up into a sneer, and she had already held the Mieshi Sword in her hand.

The leading disciple of Law Enforcing Hall walked up to Yunyao, and said to Yunyao coldly:

"Yunyao, you are suspected of killing sect disciples in the secret realm of Tianling, now follow us."

Yun Yao showed no fear at all, she sneered, and then asked in a deep voice: "Excuse me, which sect disciple am I suspected of killing?"

The leader looked down at Yun Yao condescendingly, and the murderous aura radiating from his body was as cold as ice, making the disciples in the surrounding spiritual fields tremble all over, and ran away, one by one desperately fleeing.

The atmosphere was stalemate for a moment, and the leader said coldly: "The Law Enforcement Hall is doing business. You don't need to ask more questions. Now I order you to go with us to the Law Enforcement Hall for investigation."

"Heh! I did nothing wrong, so I won't go to the Law Enforcement Hall with you."

Yun Yao sneered, turned around, waved her sleeves, and in the blink of an eye, a third-tier defensive formation enveloped the entire Luoxia Mountain.

"Dare to refute the Law Enforcement Hall's work, it's courting death!"

The leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, his face sinking like water, was like a demon coming out of hell, with a murderous look.

At the same time, more than [-] Law Enforcement Hall disciples quickly dispatched to surround Yunyao.

"It seems that you must take me to the law enforcement hall today!"

Yun Yao took a glance. Everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall, who were full of murderous looks, sneered at the corner of their mouths, and they were ready to fight.

"Then take your life."

The voice of the leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, like a demon from hell, is chilling.

As soon as he finished speaking, more than [-] sharp blood droplets "huhuhu", like gusts of wind, covered Yunyao's head from all directions with terrifying murderous aura.

Yunyao held the World-Exterminating Sword, her figure was like a flying swallow, she quickly dodged the attack of the blood drops, the Spirit of the World-Extinct Sword in her hand, "swish, swish, swish" carried countless sword energy, and slashed at the blood drops who picked people's heads.

"Kang Dang", the incomparably sharp Mieshi Sword Spirit slashed on those terrifying blood drops, spinning rapidly one by one. The blood drops with many sharp teeth were cut into several pieces by the Mieshi Sword and fell on the ground. land.

The leader did not expect that Yunyao's strength was so strong.

He stared at Yunyao closely with wolf-like eyes, a blood droplet like a birdcage with many sharp teeth on it, with a strange cry of "woo woo", like a shooting star, violently attacked Yunyao and go.

In the distance, Jiang Yunfei, who was standing on the top of the mountain watching all this, broke out in a cold sweat, tremblingly, he said to Jiang Yunhai:

"The Law Enforcement Hall is terrifying, Yunyao is finished."

Jiang Yunhai stared at Yunyao closely, and murmured: "It's over, the Law Enforcement Hall actually used it, a blood drop that kills without blood, Yunyao will be separated this time."

"Cousin, let's find someone for help, and find someone to come and rescue Yunyao."

Jiang Yunfei looked anxiously at Yunyao who was covered by blood drops from everyone.

"Looking for help? In the sect, who dares to offend Daoist Weihua? You are also a disciple of the Jiang family, don't you know the name of Daoist Weihua? If we go to ask for help, not only will we not be able to save Yunyao, but both of us will die." To be taken in."

"Then what should I do? A genius like Yunyao can't die! I finally saw a glimmer of hope, and she can't just die like this."

Jiang Yunfei was so anxious that he was about to cry, he was in a state of confusion, and he was so anxious that he was at a loss.

"Wait, I heard that Yunyao has a good relationship with Yutang Daoist disciple, Situ You, let's go find Situ You."

Jiang Yunhai's eyes lit up, and he ran away.

"Cousin, wait for me." Jiang Yunfei hurriedly followed.

"Ah! You bitch!"

The Mieshi Sword was like a sharp harvester, "swish, swipe, swipe" broke the terrifying blood drop formations that killed people without blood. A dozen law enforcement hall disciples were hit in the chest by the Mieshi Sword, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Seeing this, the leader of the law enforcement hall in the late stage of foundation establishment shrank his pupils. He lost his previous arrogance, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that Yunyao was about to break out of the encirclement, a vicious light flashed in his eyes, and the dazzling golden thread in his hand controlled the ferocious blood disciple to directly buckle towards Yunyao's head.

With a flash of Yunyao's figure, she chopped off the arms of two Foundation Establishment cultivators with a sword. Seeing the extremely sharp blood drop rushing towards the top of her head with a flash of shooting light, a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes. Have a drink:
"Mie Shi, you deal with them, I will meet that person."

"Okay!" The Mieshijian erupted with an unprecedented sword glow, and with unparalleled sword energy, it split open the terrifying blood droplets.

Like a shooting star, Yun Yao rushed towards the leader with lightning speed.

The leader didn't expect Yunyao to be so powerful, breaking through his murderous aura and rushing towards him.

Seeing that there was no time to take out the magic weapon, he carried powerful force with both fists, and punched Yunyao with one punch.

Yunyao's legs jumped, and she stepped on a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall. She clenched her fists with majestic momentum, and she punched the leader with a "bang" on the leader's chest.

"Boom!" The leader fell to the ground in an instant, spitting blood, and couldn't breathe anymore.

His blood droplet lost the control of its master, and fell to the ground with a "clang".

The leader was killed, and the other disciples lost their backbone in an instant.

They looked at Yun Yao in horror, as if they had entered an ice cellar, their hearts were terrified and their bodies were chilling.

At this moment, Yun Yao's expression was terrifying. Her lethality just now was astonishingly great, killing people in an instant, it was extremely terrifying.

The scene fell silent in an instant. At this moment, the disciples of Law Enforcing Hall suffered heavy casualties, and bright red blood flowed everywhere on the ground.

Those watching the excitement in the distance did not expect such a result.

You know, Law Enforcement Hall has always been a terrifying existence of the sect.

Zongmen disciples would tremble as soon as they heard the word Law Enforcement Hall, let alone confront the people in Law Enforcement Hall.

And the disciples of Law Enforcing Hall often rely on their identities to burn, kill and loot, commit all kinds of crimes, and wear the skin of justice, but they often do harmful deeds.

The disciples often dared to be angry and dare not speak out. Now, they never thought that such a group of trembling people would fall into the hands of a ten-year-old girl.

There was a hint of excitement in the hearts of the disciples.

Just at this moment, a firework rang out from the hands of a disciple of Law Enforcing Hall, and those disciples who watched the excitement trembled in their hearts, thinking:

Yunyao is over!

(End of this chapter)

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