Chapter 211

Yun Yao knew that what happened today, the Law Enforcement Hall would not be kind, so she didn't kill her.


Yun Yao yelled loudly, and the other dozen disciples of Law Enforcing Hall were scared out of their wits and fled in all directions.

She looked at the devastated land, and a fireball technique cleaned up the surrounding area, ready for battle.

Daoist Weihua of the Law Enforcement Hall got into a fight with her.

The death of her adoptive parents should be related to Lord Weihua.

Yun Yao only felt that she had fallen into a wolf's den.

The Canglan Sect is the sect founded by the Jiang family, and the conflict between the Jiang family and the head has been going on all the time.

Did her adoptive parents stand on the side of the suzerain, so...

At the foot of Luoxia Mountain, a raging fire was extinguished in less than a quarter of an hour, leaving only a pile of black ashes on the ground.

Yunyao held the World Extinguishing Sword, picked out several storage bags from the black ashes, used a cleaning technique to clean all the contents inside, and then put them into the storage ring.

The howling wind blew away the dust on the ground, and the entire Luoxia Mountain was silent.

"Hope it stays this peaceful."

Yun Yao sighed softly, and was about to set foot on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, a voice full of killing intent resounded in Canglan Sect.

"Yunyao, how dare you take action against the law enforcement officers, breaking the rules of the house, the crime should be wiped out."

Accompanied by this loud shout, a terrifying force struck from the direction of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

Yun Yao's hairs stood on end, her eyes flashed coldly, and the Mie Shi Sword in her hand shot straight into the sky and collided fiercely.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Two terrifying energies, like two meteors colliding together, produced terrifying energy fluctuations.

Luoxia Mountain collapsed suddenly, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The monks near Luoxia Mountain trembled with fright, and fled in all directions.

"Boom!" Yun Yao spit out blood, clutched her chest, her face full of shock.

How powerful is Daoist Weihua so strong?

What a terrible power!

Yun Yao struggled to stand up, and quickly collected the blood on the ground.

"Hehe! A mere cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period dares to be so presumptuous in front of me. Today I will let you experience the consequences of being an enemy of the Law Enforcement Hall."

Daoist Weihua yelled again, and Yunyao trembled all over, as if an invisible force pinched her neck, making it difficult for her to breathe, almost suffocating.


Her neck was strangled by a terrible force, and she fell heavily to the ground.

"Bang bang bang!" "Bang!"

Yun Yao was like someone pinching her neck and shaking her violently.

At this time, her blood was surging all over her body, she was dizzy, and she was in severe pain.

Daoist Weihua did not kill her, but tortured her slowly, which is the cruelest torture.

This is to torture her mentally and physically.

"Hmph! I want to turn you into a useless person who is worse than life and death."

The voice of Daoist Weihua sounded, and Yun Yao felt like she had entered hell.

The Mieshi Sword burst into brilliant brilliance and slashed at that invisible force. However, no matter how it attacked, it couldn't hurt this force in the slightest.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? I'll help you."

"Roar!" Dun Dun roared out.

Beside Yunyao, a huge ice crystal white tiger emerged and roared, trying to resist the energy, but was quickly knocked down to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Dun Dun!"

Yun Yao's voice was hoarse, and she wanted to save Dun Dun, but she didn't have any chance.

She was like a marionette, being thrown around, and she couldn't get rid of this force no matter what.

The Canglan Sect, the head of Zhongxuan, and a group of elders are all welcoming the distinguished guests from the Qiankun Sect.

An earth-shattering roar shocked the head of Zhongxuan, his complexion changed drastically, and he quickly released a wisp of divine thought.

He frowned, smiled and said to the man: "It's getting late today, please rest first, I will gather disciples in the square tomorrow, and then select disciples here, what do you think?"

The envoy nodded and said seriously:

"It's really late now, let's talk about it tomorrow morning! However, there is a sentence in Ben, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"It's my blessing to be able to get the guidance of the envoy. If you have anything to say, the envoy should say it."

The head of Zhongxuan's forehead was sweating, and he didn't know what advice this envoy from Qiankunzong had.

Seeing that Master Zhongxuan was so polite, the envoy nodded slightly and said casually:

"Although the Canglan Sect is a sect of its own, please don't forget that the head of Zhongxuan, the disciples of the Canglan Sect, to a certain extent, also belong to the disciples of our Qiankun Sect."

Without waiting for Sect Master Zhongxuan to answer, he stood up, turned around and left.

"Congratulations to the envoy!"

The elders in the hall immediately stood up and bowed in salute.

The head of Zhongxuan quickly said: "Thank you, the envoy, for reminding me, and my subordinates will bear in mind the envoy's teachings."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ordered Xiu Qi Daojun to lead the way for the envoy.

When the envoy left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Nian Xun Daojun asked suspiciously to the master:

"Sect Leader, what did the envoy mean just now?"

Sect Master Zhongxuan was furious and cursed:

"What do you mean? It means that we have to treat the disciples of the sect better. The elders should not rely on their own cultivation to bully the disciples indiscriminately. Old Weihua, you must fight against me, don't you?"

Before the elders in the hall came back to their senses, the head of Zhongxuan disappeared into the hall with an angry expression on his face.

After falling down the mountain, Yun Yao was about to faint.

She is now dying and can barely breathe.

She looked at Dun Dun laboriously, regretting letting Dun Dun come out very much.

"Dun Dun, how are you? You don't want to die."

Yun Yao felt extremely uncomfortable.

She once promised Dundun's mother that she would take good care of Dundun and raise him, but now, Dundun is on the verge of death because of herself.

She would rather lose her own life than let Dun Dun be tortured to death.

"Hey, it's really a blessing that a little girl in the foundation building period can sign a contract with the ice crystal white tiger. Well, this sword is also a good thing, and it can withstand my blow without breaking. Unexpectedly, your luck is actually So good."

Yunyao's head felt like it was about to explode, and it hurt so badly.

She really wanted to take Dun Dun into the space, but she didn't have any spiritual power in her body, and her whole body was bound by a powerful energy, so she couldn't get close to Dun Dun at all.

"It's ridiculous that you, a dignified Yuanying Taoist, bully a mere spirit beast. If you have the ability, you will kill me."

Yun Yao deliberately directed her anger towards herself.

"A little bastard dares to be so presumptuous in front of me. Don't worry, I won't make it so easy. I told you to go to Yun Qiyuan. I will skin your cramps and use your soul to light the lamp."

In Yunyao's space, after hearing Yun Qiyuan's name, Yangshenmu flashed a light.

Yunyao resisted the pain, and asked Weihua Taoist hoarsely:

"The death of my parents is related to you?"

"Hehe! You are not qualified to know."

Daoist Weihua was furious, and the palm formed by the condensed spiritual power in his hand became more and more forceful.

"Roar!" Dun Dun roared, and was about to go to the rescue.

Yun Yao was short of breath, feeling as if she was about to die.

At this moment, Sect Master Zhongxuan shouted angrily:
"Weihua, you don't want to die!"

A powerful force struck, and Taoist Weihua's spiritual power surged, and the suffocation on Yunyao's neck was swept away.

 Thank you very much Qile AB for voting for a monthly ticket!
  Thank you very much for your support and encouragement, I have been busy recently, and I have a cold and pain all over my body, which is very uncomfortable.The update is a bit slow, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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