Chapter 245
Yun Yao sensed something was wrong, the beast roar just now was not something that an ordinary ferocious beast could utter.

She quickly ran out of the cave, only to see that the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the entire Jiuning Mountain Range was shaking violently.

Yun Yao felt a burst of dangerous aura, as if some prehistoric monster was coming from afar in the dark, her eyes were icy cold, staring at this area, her back felt cold, and she controlled the World Extinguishing Sword, and quickly flew towards the outer mountain.

The disciples in the Jiuning Mountains panicked and fled quickly.

Seeing the prehistoric power coming from a distance like a tide, everyone rushed towards the periphery quickly.


Suddenly, five beasts appeared one after another, each as big as a house.

Showing his snow-white fangs, he suddenly rushed towards the crowd. Countless disciples were bitten to death by fierce beasts, and the living monks ran for their lives.


In the depths of the mountains, rocks collapsed, and countless beasts ran wildly.

The howling sound continued, and the ferocious beasts ran for their lives as if they had encountered something terrifying.

At the same time, there was a long cry in the air, the wind was strong, and several fierce birds flew in. Each of them was five or six meters long, and their wings spread out to 20 meters. They swooped down and tore six or seven people on the spot. all over the floor.

This bloody scene, not to mention the people who experienced it personally, even Yun Yao, who was fleeing for his life in the distance, couldn't help but shudder.

In Jiuning Mountain, most of them are the disciples of Qiankun Sect. These disciples automatically gather together in the process of fleeing for their lives, and they want to use the number of people to resist the riot of monsters and beasts.

"Oh my god! Beast horde!" Everyone was terrified, and the beasts mobilized together. This was a huge disaster!


Sure enough, the beasts roared one after another in the mountains, and the beasts and birds that were scared away by the ferocious monster earlier all ran towards the outskirts of the mountains.

During this period, many low-level disciples were unable to dodge in time, and were trampled into flesh by the beasts.

Those innocent disciples were desperately slaughtered by ferocious beasts. Even though Yun Yao was used to the cruelty of the cultivation world, she couldn't bear it.

Especially these Qiankunzong disciples, after she entered the Jiuning Mountains, no one came to rob her when she met them, and some even came to remind her, don't pick mushrooms, don't waste time, and quickly complete the task to go down the mountain.Because the mountain is very dangerous.

When Yunyao was flying, she sensed the aura of the big monster. The big monster had already locked this area, and the outside world couldn't see it, and they couldn't get out.

Now, they can't escape Jiuning Mountain at all.

Because, not only in this forest, but also in the mountains in the distance, all the tyrannical creatures were mobilized. For a while, the neighing of birds and beasts came and went, and the whole mountain group, the ferocious beasts rioted, ranging from dozens of meters to several feet. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of them appeared, they were all powerful species, otherwise they would not dare to attack, they came like a flood, roaring crazily.

And the same is true in the sky, all kinds of birds are flying around, with iron mouths and sharp claws, covering the sky and covering the ground, rushing towards this mountain like crazy, flying with scales and feathers, trying to escape from the scope of the big monster.


The human monks roared and flew fast. As soon as they flew into the sky, they were burned to ashes by the flames from the mouths of the birds in the sky.

On the ground, tens of thousands of beasts only cared about fleeing for their lives, and trampled on the human monks mercilessly as obstacles blocking their way out.

Soon, less than a third of the monks in the mountains remained.

"Ah..." Another scream.

A human monk was stepped on the chest by a ferocious beast, and blood spattered everywhere.

At this time, a huge snake rolled over, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed four or five people in one go.


On the other side, in the river below the mountain, a ten-meter-long golden crocodile showed its head, opened its huge mouth like a dustpan, and bit five or six people in one fell swoop, with blood flowing out from its white sharp teeth, Dye the river red.

This kind of scene made people feel cold in the bones, and the survivors fled desperately, never daring to stop for a moment.

Yunyao's flying speed was very fast. She was about to fly out of Jiuning Mountain, but she found that a terrifying power filled the entire Jiuning Mountain. Yunyao found that they were surrounded by the terrifying energy of the big monster, and they couldn't get out at all.

Behind Yunyao, many monks rushed towards him. When they found out that they couldn't get out, like Yunyao, they were full of horror.

Those roaring birds and beasts desperately hit the power, but they can't do anything, they can only vent their anger on the human monks.

As a result, the big monster fight did not come, and the fleeing beasts and humans fought each other.

As a human monk, Yunyao was naturally not immune.

The Mieshijian in her hand radiated a sharp light, one sword after another slashed at the attacking beasts.

Even so, there were too many ferocious beasts, and the spiritual power in her body was rapidly depleting. Yun Yao felt that she would not be able to escape the ferocious claws of these ferocious beasts before the arrival of the big monster.

"Ah! Brother, I'm going to fight you bastards."

A heart-piercing roar came, and in Yunyao's spiritual consciousness, a qi training man in his twenties, weeping bitterly, slashed at the frenzied monster.

Just now, the man's elder brother defended him against the attack of the big monster and died in front of the man.

For some reason, Yun Yao felt sore in her heart.

Even monks have true feelings.

As a direct disciple of Shangjun Zihuang of Qiankunzong, she enjoys such good resources of Qiankunzong, so she can't just watch these outer disciples working hard to survive and cultivate resources.

"As the upper class of the Qiankun Sect, we enjoy the offerings from the lower class disciples. It is our responsibility to protect the lower class disciples and the sect."

Master Zihuang Shangjun's words echoed in Yunyao's ears, she focused her eyes, and cut off the head of the monster in front of her with a sword.

The figure turned into a shooting star, quickly flew into the crowd below, and joined the fighting crowd.

Yunyao's unstoppable aura and her powerful attacking power won the crowd a little respite.

Disciples, seeing that there is a powerful force joining, their chances of survival are greater, there is a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and they desperately fight against the beast.

Even so, the number of human monks is far less than that of fierce beasts, and the number of human monks killed and injured has increased. Human monks are fighting against the rioting beasts.

Seeing that the human monks were about to be destroyed, Yunyao activated the spiritual power in her dantian and took out hundreds of various attack talismans from the storage bracelet.

She exercised her spiritual power and activated the talisman.

Those high-level talismans formed a powerful talisman, protecting all human monks in it, and at the same time, hundreds of talismans were activated by her.

Those talismans emitted a dazzling light, and she threw them towards the group of ferocious beasts with her spiritual power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With Yunyao and the others at the center, talisman explosions sounded from all directions.

The mountains were blown up, and the beasts were blown to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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