It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 246 Bloodline Exposure

Chapter 246 Bloodline Exposure

"Boom boom boom!" There were waves of talisman explosions in the valley.

Yunyao inspired one after another of the third-order talismans. The power of the third-order talismans was enormous. After a while, countless crazy beasts were blown to pieces.

The human monks got a chance to breathe, heal the wounds, and replenish the spiritual power.

Yunyao has been inspiring talismans to fight against the maddened beasts. The spiritual power in her dantian is consumed very quickly. Standing beside Yunyao, Dun Dun sees that the spiritual power in Yunyao's dantian is rapidly depleted, so she keeps feeding Yunyao. Panacea.

With Dun Dun's cooperation, the spiritual power in Yunyao's body recovered very quickly.

Human monks got a chance to breathe, and they were full of gratitude to Yun Yao.

"Boom!" Yun Yao threw out a handful of talismans again.

She shouted to everyone: "Everyone, heal your wounds quickly and replenish your spiritual power. My talisman is almost used up."

Seeing tens of thousands of murderers roaring from a distance, and the third-order talisman given to her by senior brother Gu Ruochen was quickly used up, Yun Yao was a little anxious.

Although there are many fourth-order talismans in her storage ring, her cultivation in the foundation period cannot activate those talismans at all.

But now, all the ferocious beasts in the Jiuning Mountains are rioting, and the talismans in her hand can't hold up at all.

Furthermore, the big monster exuding a prehistoric aura in the distance has not yet come.

They are the turtles in the urn now. If all the attack methods on their bodies are exhausted, there is really only a dead end.

Yun Yao's heart is extremely anxious, she dare not even enter the space now.

Because, the aura emitted by that prehistoric monster is similar to that of her master. If her space is exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable. ,

Yun Yao took a deep breath, seeing that most of the beasts were wiped out by the talisman, she took this opportunity to set up several defensive formations above the crowd.

Under Yunyao's deployment of the defensive formation, a burst of white light flashed.

The monks looked at Yun Yao excitedly.

They don't know who this young girl who protects them is, but this young girl is extremely great who can use so many high-level talismans to protect everyone.

Yun Yao was very tired, very tired. Seeing that the defensive formation was successfully set up and the number of monsters decreased a lot, she quickly flew into the defensive formation to take a rest.

When the monks in the formation saw Yunyao's return, they saluted and thanked Yunyao in unison.

"Thank you fellow daoist for saving your life!"

Yun Yao waved her hand and said, "You're welcome, everyone is trapped here, and only by working together can we break through the siege of the beasts and get out alive."

Everyone was very grateful. They looked at the little girl who was wearing a pale white dress, but with a bit of dusty temperament in her elegant part. Their excitement could not be described in words.

The Jindan cultivator among the crowd looked at Yunyao and couldn't help guessing.

A little girl who has built a foundation and cultivated herself can take out so many third-order talismans to fight against the monsters at the same time, her status must be extraordinary.

Even if they are inner disciples with Jindan cultivation base, they can't have so many third-order talismans at the same time.

Who is this little girl?Could it be a descendant of a certain Da Neng, or a Da Neng personal disciple?
However, in the sect, there is no news about this little girl!
Seeing that the defensive formation would not last long, everyone began to discuss countermeasures.

In the crowd, regardless of their cultivation level, everyone regards Yunyao as the backbone.

Yun Yao also told what she knew without hesitation.

Everyone here is ready for a decisive battle.

They want to survive and get out alive, but the power locked by the big monster is too powerful for them to resist at all.

Not to mention the big monsters, they couldn't even resist the current group of monsters.

What should I do?
Yun Yao tried to use the sound transmission talisman to contact her master and senior brothers, but found that the sound transmission talisman could not fly out of Jiuning Mountain.

Everyone was extremely anxious, and a strong premonition told them that they were doomed this time.

Yun Yao frowned, and tried to contact the master again. As soon as the message talisman flew into the sky, it turned into a ball of flames and instantly burned to ashes.

Therefore, Yun Yao shouted to everyone: "Now, the communication talisman cannot fly out, we cannot seek outside support, we can only rely on ourselves."


As soon as she finished speaking, there was a strong wind on the mountain, and two huge monsters appeared together, each of which was seven to eighty meters long. They were covered in black fluff, and they were like tigers, with a ferocious appearance and wings.

It turned out to be a terrifying storm tiger, and it came to two ends at once!

The storm tiger was disliked by the tigress because of its strange appearance, and it was left alone without breastfeeding. It will startle the mountains and forests fiercely and devour all kinds of beasts.

The storm tiger is extremely ferocious, and it is a famous giant beast among fierce beasts.

Right now, the two storm tigers appeared together, which is really amazing, far more ferocious than ordinary beasts, and difficult to deal with.

With a sound of "Huh", a gust of wind blew past, and a huge storm tiger moved, swooped over, opened its bloody mouth, and crushed the defensive formation at once. With a click, the defensive formation was broken, and one of them was killed by the storm. The tiger bites, and half of the body falls from the tiger's mouth, blood gushes out violently, it's horrible.

This was too sudden, the ferocious Storm Tiger could fly, and its speed was like a gust of wind. Such a behemoth suddenly appeared, and naturally it was impossible to guard against, causing a bloody massacre in an instant.

"Ah!" The heart-piercing screams resounded through Jiuning Mountain, Yun Yao was extremely fast, jumping over the huge mouth of the storm tiger, but many monks were not so lucky, and were directly torn into pieces by the storm tiger .

Even if Yun Yao had seen the bloodiest scene, it was not so terrifying.

With her eyes protruding, the World Extinguishing Sword and the Tier [-] Burst Talisman rushed towards the Storm Tiger with lightning speed.


The two storm tigers took pain and locked their targets on Yunyao.

Yun Yao shrank her pupils and looked at the crowd below, another burst of talismans rushed towards the storm tiger.

"Boom boom boom!" The talisman exploded, the mountain peak was blown to pieces, the rubble collapsed, and the monks below ran away quickly.

Yun Yao yelled at the monks below: "I will lure these two storm tigers away, you guys hide quickly, if anyone can get out alive, please report to Zhangbang Peak."

As soon as the words fell, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, her body shook, and blood flowed out of the scabbed wound on her body instantly.

The two storm tigers smelled the bloody smell that drove them crazy, "Roar!" they opened their bloody mouths, fiercely biting towards Yunyao.

Yunyao's figure was as fast as lightning, she controlled the Mieshi Sword, and flew in the direction of the great monster in the deep mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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