It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 247 Procrastination

Chapter 247 Procrastination
The storm tigers smelled the blood on Yunyao's body, and this unreasonable temptation made them rush towards Yunyao without any scruples.

Yun Yao wielded the Mie Shi Sword and fled quickly.

She knew that she lured the two storm tigers away so that the disciples of the Jiuning Mountain Range would have a chance to survive.

And she wants to let the two storm tigers and the big monster in the deep mountain kill each other, so as to fight for the chance of survival.

After all, she can hide in space.

And those people, there is no room to hide.

Thinking of this, Yunyao's eyes glowed with determination, and when the storm tiger's huge mouth was about to bite her, she accelerated her speed.

"Roar!" The two ferocious storm tigers were extremely destructive, the surrounding mountains were destroyed by their huge bodies, the rocks rolled down, and those small monsters were trampled into pieces.

Yun Yao flew in the opposite direction towards the tide of beasts, seeing a lot of beasts rushing out in front of her, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she rushed into the pile of beasts.

The two storm tigers went berserk, smelling the smell of blood, they rushed towards the group of ferocious beasts, and those ferocious beasts also smelled Yun Yao's blood, and they all went berserk.

As a result, the fleeing group of ferocious beasts and the two huge storm tigers frantically bit each other.

Yun Yao quickly shuttled through the group of monster beasts, deliberately attracting the fierce beasts and the group of monster beasts to fight.

She looked at the monster beasts that were bitten into pieces by the storm tiger, her heart trembled with fear, and her spine felt chills.

Seeing that the spiritual power in her body was rapidly consumed, and the two storm tigers were seriously injured, and there were not many monsters left, Yunyao's eyes flashed with joy, and she hid in the space with a flash of her figure.

The delicious smell of blood disappeared, and the two storm tigers frowned, sensing something was wrong, thinking that a monster had eaten Yun Yao, and started fighting frantically in the group of monsters.

On the side of the monsters, they also went crazy, hundreds of third-order monsters bit at the storm tiger at the same time.

In the space, Yun Yao lay panting on the grass.

At this time, there was not much spiritual power left in her body, and the wound on her body was in pain like a tear.

She quickly swallowed the healing elixir and tonic elixir.

Outside, there are still many disciples of Qiankunzong facing life crisis.

She has a space to hide from, and her life will not be in danger, but those disciples are in danger.

As soon as Yun Yao thought of the scene of those disciples being brutally bitten by ferocious beasts, she raced against time to execute her exercises.

Little Tiger Dun Dun's strength was too low, and Yun Yao had already sent him into the space.

At this time, it observes the outside through the window of the space.

Looking at the scene of the group of monsters fighting with the two storm tigers outside, the hairs on the back stood on end, thankful that he had made a contract with Yunyao.

"Sister, the two storm tigers are dying, and there are not many monsters left, but they are still biting each other frantically."

"Well, soon, the spiritual power in my body will recover immediately."

Yunyao was so anxious that she speeded up refining the spirit pill again.

At this moment, Dun Dun's pupils widened, and he shouted tremblingly to Yun Yao:

"Sister, it's not good, another group of monsters came, and those monsters flew towards the outskirts of the mountains."

Yun Yao's heart trembled, and she quickly left the space.

At this time, the two storm tigers smelled the bloody smell on Yunyao's body, and their huge heads came to bite Yunyao.

Yun Yao was shocked, her figure was like a shooting star, flying towards the group of monsters in front of her at the speed of a gust of wind.

This huge group of monsters also smelled the bloody smell on Yunyao's body that drove them crazy, and they opened their bloody mouths one after another, biting towards Yunyao.

Because of this, the two storm tigers became the targets of the group of ferocious beasts, and the huge storm tiger started biting frantically with the group of monster beasts.

Yun Yao has been circling among the Storm Tiger and the monster beasts, fighting for the chance for the disciples on the periphery of the Jiu Ning Mountain Range to escape.

Those disciples were looking for a way out while healing their wounds and replenishing their spiritual power.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find a way out.

The disciples were desperate.

"What should I do? I don't want to die. If I die, what about my old mother?"

"Ah! My Taoist companion is already pregnant, and the child is about to be born. This time, I came to Jiuning Mountain to look for opportunities for the child in the Taoist companion's womb, but I can't see my baby."

"Wuwu, mother, brother, I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

The disciples cried in despair, they didn't want to die, they just wanted to live.

A Jindan cultivator was struggling to find a way out, despair flashed in his eyes, he heard the roar of a ferocious beast in the deep mountain, and shouted to everyone.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and find a way out! Don't forget, this time it was the ancestor of Zhang Bangtang who gave us a chance to survive. We still have to go out alive to report to the ancestor, so get up."

"That's right! If the ancestor hadn't won the chance to survive for us and lured the Storm Tiger away, we would have died in the mouth of the Storm Tiger long ago. We can't despair."

"She is the patriarch Yun Chuyao from the sect of the outer sect. It is indeed her. Brothers, we cannot despair, we cannot let the painstaking efforts of the patriarch go to waste."

"Damn it, I'm not as good as a little girl. If I die, I will die. What am I afraid of? Go, hurry up and find a way out."

Everyone thought of Yun Yao's righteous behavior just now, they stopped being sad and cheered up.

Yun Yao's scheme succeeded again.

She had to marvel at the ferocity and strength of the two storm tigers.

These two storm tigers have already killed tens of thousands of second- and third-tier ferocious beasts, and there are very few of those monsters left, but the two storm tigers are still alive.

Yun Yao was shocked in her heart, thinking, only the one who survived to the end in the cruel fight is the king.

A gleam of determination flashed in her eyes, she wanted to be the king and the bravest person.

Isn't it the big monster?What are you afraid of?
At most, she can only die once, and she still has eight lives, so she won't die.

Thinking of this, Yun Yao clenched her teeth and continued to fly towards the big demon.

The two storm tigers were furious. The human who made them crazy was actually using them and must eat this human.

Yun Yao didn't know how long she had been flying, and there was not much spiritual power left in her body.

Just when she was about to enter the space, suddenly, a terrifying and huge force rushed towards her like a tide.

She wanted to hide in the space, but found that she was locked by that prehistoric force, unable to move at all.

And the two storm tigers who were chasing her closely were killed instantly by the power of the prehistoric.


The two storm tigers, which had killed tens of thousands of monsters, were instantly blown to pieces.

Storm Tiger's bright red flesh splashed onto Yun Yao's face, which shocked her heart.

This power, this power is so terrifying, like a demon from hell, it makes her heart tremble with fear.

"It's over, my physical body is over."

Yun Yao knew that she was really doomed this time.

Facing the power of the distracting monster, she didn't even have a chance to escape.

Yun Yao closed her eyes in despair, and shouted in her heart.

"Master, silly sister, Yaoyao is useless, let's take a step first."

(End of this chapter)

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