It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 248 The Ugly Demon

Chapter 248 The Ugly Demon
At this time, in Jiuning Mountain, rocks exploded, and the monsters that were still alive ran away quickly.

"Roar!" At this moment, a loud roar spread across the sky.

A huge and shocking prehistoric force spread throughout the entire mountain range, and time stood still at this moment. The disciples who were looking for a way out, the monsters, the rolling rocks, everything was imprisoned by that terrifying force.

"Haha, the hard work pays off, and I finally found the opportunity to advance to the tribulation."

A hoarse and scalp-numbing voice resounded through the mountains.

Whether it is a monster or a human being imprisoned by the power of the wild, the heart beats like a drum, and they are terrified and speechless.

Yun Yao felt that a cold eye was staring at her.

In the look of this eye, it seems that she is regarded as a piece of delicious fat.

Yun Yao felt terrified when she thought of the blood flowing in her body.

"This big monster has a human soul in its body. It was taken away by humans, and its power is terrifying now. It has reached the late stage of human distraction." The Extinguishing Sword Spirit said anxiously.

It doesn't want Yunyao to die, if Yunyao dies, it will fall into a deep sleep again.

Yunyao is a good master, it doesn't want Yunyao, a talented master, to be wiped out so soon.

Yun Yao has been imprisoned and unable to move, she can only talk to the World Extinguishing Sword Spirit with her heart and soul.

"Then what should I do? I can't break through its confinement at all."

"Your blood is the opportunity for it to advance through the tribulation, and it will not let you go."

The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit didn't know what to do.

Its power follows Yunyao.

Yunyao now only has a foundation-building cultivation base, and its power is only the foundation-building strength.

Yun Yao was already desperate, and the bad premonition in her heart told her that she was doomed this time.

At this moment, a puff of black smoke suddenly appeared in the depths of the Jiuning Mountains, and the black smoke condensed instantly, turning into a terrifying and ugly monster.

"What monster is this?"

Yunyao's pupils widened, and she asked the Sword Spirit of Extinguishing World.

Just at this moment, that terrifying and ugly face instantly appeared on top of Yun Yao's head.

This one looks like a horse face, with an elephant's nose, wolf-like eyes, and sika-like deer-like horns.

Suddenly, the thick lips on his face spit out words.

"Hehe, this Qiankun Sect is really outstanding. I actually found such delicious food here. It is simply the pity of the heavens for me."

Yun Yao felt a stench coming from the huge mouth, she frowned slightly, and wanted to seal her mouth and nose to resist the stench, but she couldn't move, feeling extremely sick in her heart.

"You want to eat me?"

Yun Yao had already prepared for the worst, she asked the ugly monster fearlessly.

"Of course, how can I let go of such delicious food?"

The ugly big monster licked his scarlet tongue, which made Yun Yao want to vomit.

This ugly human monster is really disgusting.

The ugly monster seemed to see the disgust in Yun Yao's heart, and rioted.

"Do you think this seat is disgusting? You are a small ant, what right do you have to think that this seat is disgusting? This seat is going to show you sanctimonious things today. What is disgusting?"

The big demon was angry, the Jiuning Mountains shook, the wind roared, and the sky was dark.

Yun Yao's heart palpitated for a while, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Killing people is nothing more than nodding, but this big monster with a human soul and beast body wants to disgust people first.

What should I do?
Yun Yao's mind turned quickly, thinking about the way to escape.

The big ugly monster seemed to see what was on Yunyao's mind. It hadn't come out for a long time, and when it saw the delicious food in front of it, it didn't eat it right away, but resentfully wanted to humiliate the human beings in front of it.

Seeing the terrified eyes of Yunyao and Qiankunzong disciples, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Haha, you self-proclaimed sons of heaven, how do you know the difficulties of us poor people?"

"You disciples of the Qiankun Sect, how do you know that a small casual cultivator is suffering in the realm of comprehension?"

"If it weren't for the disciples of the Qiankunzong, I wouldn't be like this now. Hahaha, I can take revenge now, and I can eat all of you, the proud sons of the Qiankunzong! If I eat you, I can live forever. Hahaha..."

Yun Yao didn't speak, she didn't know what to say.

From the big ugly monster's words, she heard a lot of useful information.He even heard the sadness and pain of the big demon.

After the big demon vented, the corner of his mouth curled up, and Yun Yao was instantly rushed to the outskirts of the Jiuning Mountains by the force of the prehistoric.

But at this time, when the living Qiankunzong disciple saw Yunyao, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

They thought Yun Yao was dead, but they didn't expect that Yun Yao was still alive.

Seeing that they and others would die in the mouth of this ugly monster, the disciples of Qiankun Sect thought that Yunyao was fighting for their own chance to escape, and seemed to forget the fear of death, and shouted at the ugly monster one after another.

"You eat me first! I have already cultivated to the golden core, and it will be of great benefit to you to improve your cultivation."

"You eat me first, I don't want to live anymore."

"The meat on my body is tender, eat me first!"

In the mountains, the shouts of disciples scrambling to be the first sounded.

Yun Yao couldn't move, she looked at the disciples below and was deeply moved.

Everyone is afraid of death, and these disciples are even more afraid of death, but now they actually mustered up the courage to fight for their own chance of survival. Is this the most primitive kindness of human beings?

Before she knew it, a tear flowed from the corner of Yunyao's eyes.

She did not face death and cry in fear, but in emotion.

The big ugly monster seemed to really want to see the tears of these disciples, it didn't rush to deal with these disciples, but laughed out loud.

"Haha, you humans are really funny. Do you think you can save this female cultivator by doing this?"

It seems to enjoy the supreme feeling of being in charge of life and death.

Seeing that the plea was hopeless, the disciples were very angry.

An angry breath surrounded the entire mountain range, and there was no fresh breath in the mountain range.

Yun Yao spoke at this time, "Don't be sad, people are bound to die, isn't it just death? What are you afraid of?"

After speaking to her disciples, she yelled at the big ugly monster:

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you."

"Then I'll eat you first, haha, delicious fat meat! The most delicious thing in the world."

The big demon's eyes showed a fierce light, and his bloody mouth suddenly bit Yunyao.

Feeling that death was approaching, Yun Yao closed her eyes in despair.

"do not want!"

The disciple below shouted loudly and shed tears sadly.

"Who dares to bully my little apprentice, die!"

Just at this moment, a domineering voice descended from the sky.

The ugly big demon was smashed to pieces by a huge fist.

The terrified roar of the big demon resounded throughout the world, "Ah! Don't! Let me go!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yunyao's heart beat faster, and she opened her eyes excitedly, only to see that the sky was clear again, and a slender figure appeared in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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