Chapter 271 Revenge

Yunyao and He Yujun were carrying a big tiger in one hand and several small rabbits in the other. On their tiny backs, there was also a long boa constrictor dragging along.

This scene stunned everyone in the village.

The villagers looked at Yun Yao and He Yujun's not burly figures, and Jiang Ran was able to carry hundreds of catties of prey with ease, so they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

When they saw the five-meter-long boa constrictor behind Yunyao and the others, they were terrified.

Thinking that the python attacked the village, the villagers were so frightened that their legs became weak and they ran away.

"My mother! There really is such a big python on Phoenix Mountain."

"Oh my God! It's so scary! If we go up the mountain and meet this python, won't we be eaten by it?"

"It won't come to eat us! Run for your life."

Some bold little men ran forward curiously, and saw a hole in the python's seven-inch hole, then looked curiously at the closed eyes of the python, and shouted excitedly.

"Haha, this python is dead, it won't bite us."

Seeing that the children were so excited, the frightened adults quickly surrounded them. When they saw that the boa constrictor was indeed not breathing, they were full of doubts.

"This boa constrictor is dead, why is it crawling by itself?"

Just at this moment, a white fluffy mass appeared under the body of the super boa constrictor.

The villagers stepped forward and rubbed their eyes in disbelief when they saw the kitten covered in white.

"This little cat dragged such a big python down the mountain?"

"A little cat has such great ability?"

Dun Dun enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by everyone, it feels that it is amazing!
Not only was he able to hunt and kill such a big boa constrictor alone without spiritual power, but he was also able to bring it back.

"Hey, I can finally do something for my sister."

Yunyao and He Yujun ignored the surprise of the villagers, and they returned to Qiao's second child's house with their prey.

Qiao Er Er, who was waiting for Yunyao and the others to have dinner at the table, was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him!
He hurried forward and asked Yun Yao in surprise.

"Benefactor, here, you actually hunted and killed two big tigers?"

"Um, where should I put these two tigers?"

"That, over there."

Qiao Er Er pointed to a thatched hut, and quickly stepped forward to take the big tiger from Yun Yao's shoulder.

However, when he first picked up the tiger, his head was covered with cold sweat, and his whole body was squatted down.

If Yunyao hadn't lifted the tiger up, he would have been crushed by this 300-jin big tiger.

Seeing that Qiao's second child was sweating all over, Yun Yao lifted the tiger with his right hand, swung it on his shoulder, and walked towards the thatched shed with the tiger on his shoulders.

Qiao Er Er wiped the cold sweat off his brow, looked at Yun Yao, and was stunned.

Is that benefactor who easily lifted more than 300 catties really a girl?

Just at this moment, a big boa constrictor suddenly appeared behind him, which startled Joe's second child.

He jumped up and was about to run, but saw the children who followed the python laughing.

Qiao's second face was flushed, and only then did he see the kitten under the boa constrictor.

This white cat, he recognized, was the benefactor's pet.

However, this humble little cat was able to carry a huge boa constrictor.

Joe's second child looked at the big python head, his heart beat faster, and he wiped his cold sweat.

"My mother! After so many years of hunting in Phoenix Mountain, this is the first time I have seen such a big python."

Immediately, he rejoiced again.

Fortunately, I haven't encountered this python before. If people like myself encounter such a big python in the mountains, how can they survive?

At this time, the Qiao family became lively again.

Qiao Laosan and several other preys rushed over when they heard about Yunyao.

When they saw the big python, their legs felt weak.

Fortunately Yunyao got rid of the python.

Otherwise, they don't know when they will face the crisis of entering Shekou.

The village chief also heard about the python, so he entered the yard with a cane.

When he saw the giant python in the yard, he was startled, opened his mouth wide, and stared at Yun Yao who had just come out of the hut.

The village head looked at the calm and calm Yunyao, full of thoughts, and a tear of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The village head hurried forward and said excitedly to Yunyao:
"Thank you benefactor! Thank you benefactor for saving the life of Orion in our village."

Yun Yao was about to carry the boa constrictor into the house, when she saw the village chief salute to her, she glanced at Qiao Lao Er for no reason.

Only then did Qiao's second come back to his senses, and hurriedly bowed to Yunyao.

"Thank you benefactor for saving the life of Orion in our village."

The others also understood what the village chief meant, and hurriedly bowed to Yunyao.

This big boa constrictor was five meters long, and its two pointed fangs gleamed dazzlingly in the sunlight.

The spit out snake letter was half a meter long.

If the hunters in the village who went hunting in the mountains encountered it, would they not be swept away by it?

Thinking of this, the villagers were sweating coldly, their legs were weak, and they looked at Yunyao with gratitude and admiration in their eyes.

Yunyao didn't expect the villagers' reaction to be so strong, she just went to the mountains to hunt.

This big snake was bitten to death by the little tiger Dun Dun.

She hurriedly walked up to the village head, helped the old village head up, and said with a simple look:

"Village chief, I'm just hunting. I'm not as great as you say. Hurry up. If you're like this, I don't even know what to do."

The village chief raised his head excitedly, seeing Yun Yao's face like a fairy, he became more and more excited.

The goddess has already arrived at Fenghuang Village, and the prophecy in the village may come true.

Seeing the village head get up, Yun Yao said to the other villagers:

"Don't be like this, everyone. We are really just going hunting. If you are like this, I will be embarrassed to go out in the future."

After Yun Yao said that, the villagers stopped insisting on thanking her.

Seeing this, Qiao's second daughter-in-law hurriedly said to the villagers.

"Today, the benefactor killed the giant python in the mountain, and saved us from a great harm! Everyone's wishes, the benefactor has received. The benefactor is also tired, everyone go back first!"

Seeing Qiao Er's daughter-in-law say this, the villagers left one after another.

Yun Yao was dragging the boa constrictor when she saw Qiao's daughter-in-law crying like tears.

Qiao's daughter-in-law looked at the python with hatred in her eyes. She stared at the python angrily, and knelt down with a plop.

"Thank you benefactor for avenging my family's Dalang. There is no way to repay my benefactor's great kindness."

As she spoke, she pulled the three children and gave Yun Yao three head-kowtows.

"Sister-in-law of the Qiao family, don't be sad. You can't come back to life after death. You still have three children. You have to work hard to live."

Yun Yao finally understood what the villagers did just now.

It turned out that Qiao Jia Dalang was eaten by this python.

"Da Lang, your great revenge must be avenged at last, you can rest in peace underground! Woooo..."

The sister-in-law of the Qiao family burst into tears holding the three children.

(End of this chapter)

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