It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 272 The Legend of Phoenix Mountain

Chapter 272 The Legend of Phoenix Mountain

The next day, at dawn, ten hunters, including Yun Yao and Qiao Da, carried their prey and headed down the mountain.

The three wives of the Qiao family and several other Orion wives were at the entrance of the village and watched them leave before returning home.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Qiao family was in tears. She wished her husband was still alive.If Da Lang is still alive, and their mother and son are three, they will not have such a difficult life.

Qiao's second and third daughters-in-law hurriedly comforted the sister-in-law.

Since the elder brother passed away, no one knows better than them how hard the elder sister-in-law has been through these years.

However, they are too poor, and there are not many who can help the sister-in-law.

Qiao's second child looked at the crying sister-in-law, and thought of what his second child said.

If it weren't for that beautiful girl, she and the third daughter-in-law would have become widows just like the elder sister-in-law!

Thinking of this, the second and third daughter-in-law felt even more grateful to Yun Yao in their hearts.

"Cross the mountain in front of you and you'll be Phoenix Town."

Qiao's second son carried the prey on his shoulders and said excitedly to Yun Yao.

God knows, he has been hunting for so many years, and he has never seen so many prey.

Although these prey are not his own, it is exciting!
Yun Yao nodded and walked towards the narrow mountain road.

Along the way, the hunters explained many legends about Phoenix Mountain to Yunyao.

Yun Yao also learned that according to legend, a phoenix once lived in Phoenix Mountain, and that phoenix was reborn from nirvana, and the flames started a prairie fire, and the entire Phoenix Mountain was burned to ashes.

Although Fenghuang Mountain has rugged mountain roads and many big trees and medicinal materials grow in the mountain, it is impossible to grow crops at all.

This is also the reason why the villagers of Fenghuang Village are impoverished.

Fenghuang Village, unable to grow food, was attacked by ferocious beasts in the mountains, so it was quite difficult.

He Yujun asked puzzledly: "In this case, why don't you leave here and live in other places?"

Qiao's second child smiled wryly: "We have lived here for generations. We are already poor, but we can't eat enough. If we go to other places, we may not even have a place to live."

"Hey!" He Yujun sighed, the world is so big, there are so many poor people, she can't do anything.

Fenghuang Mountain, Fenghuang Village, Fenghuang Town, legends about Fenghuang Mountain.

Yun Yao went through this series in her head, thinking.

"When we woke up from here, the space crack appeared here. Does that mean that the opportunity for us to leave is here?"

From the looks of it, this Phoenix Mountain is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Several people came to Fenghuang Town, Fenghuang Town is very small, not as big as Yunyao and the others imagined.

The people walking on the street were all dark-skinned and dressed in hunter costumes.

Even the children here are playing hunting games on the street with their homemade bows and arrows.

Yun Yao was a little confused, Qiao Er explained to Yun Yao with a smile.

"It is said that Phoenix's Nirvana not only affected Fenghuang Village, but also the entire Phoenix City. The scorched land could not grow food. Therefore, within the jurisdiction of our entire Phoenix City, hunting is the most important thing. pregnancy."

Yun Yao was a little surprised, why in the mountains, those towering trees grew densely and lushly, but food could not grow.

However, these are not the things she cares about now.

She is now going to sell these prey, and then return to Phoenix Mountain to investigate again.

Now, their spiritual power, consciousness, and mana cannot be used, and money is indispensable to walk in this utterly spiritual place.

Thinking of this, Yun Yao's eyes were full of excitement.

Yunyao and the others sold their prey at the biggest shop in the town.

According to Qiao Er, this shop was the one with the highest bid in the town.

When Yunyao held 300 taels of silver, she was speechless.

With so many prey, they only sold a total of 300 taels of silver.

The honest shop that Qiao Er said was more ruthless than Zhou's skinning.

"All the prey we hunt are sold here. This shop is really the one with the highest bid in the whole town. In other shops, these prey can only be sold for 800 taels of silver at most."

Qiao Er's eyes were full of excitement.

He has been hunting for many years, and it is the first time he has seen so much silver.

Usually, the prey he hunts can sell up to 50 taels.

More than 1000 taels of vain silver!

This is the first time he saw it.

Yun Yao nodded, understanding Qiao Er's words.

The prey they hunted here had to travel a long distance to reach the county seat. After several rounds of turnover, they could sell for more than 1000 taels, which should be good.

Just like those modern vegetable and fruit farmers, the local price is very cheap, but the price will be many times higher when shipped to other places.

Ten people from Yunyao returned to Fenghuang Village excitedly.

She divided the money between 500 taels and gave it to He Yujun.

Holding the silver, He Yujun asked strangely, "Master, what did you give me the silver for?"

She is a cultivator, so it is useless to ask for this money.

Yun Yao rolled her eyes, "Don't underestimate these money, you know, we don't know when we will be able to go back to a poor family, if we can't find a way out, we can only stay here for a while. If there is no money, It will be very inconvenient."

He Yujun thought for a while and put away the money.

Whatever the master said was right, she just had to listen to what the master said.

When Yunyao called Qiao Laoer and Qiao Laosan's prey over, she put 300 taels of silver in front of them, which surprised Qiao Laosan and the others.

They looked at the silver on the table, and looked at Yun Yao for no reason.

Yun Yao smiled and said, "The 300 taels of silver here are the money from selling that leopard, so you divide it up."

"No, the benefactor killed the leopard and saved our lives. How can we ask for the benefactor's money?"

The honest and honest Qiao Er quickly waved his hands.

Although they are poor, they cannot ask for money from benefactors for no reason.

Qiao Laosan and the others also quickly declined, "Benefactor, you have eliminated the great harm in the mountains and saved our lives. We are grateful. Now, how can we ask for the benefactor's money. The benefactor quickly put away the money! "

Yun Yao looked at Qiao's second child and the others, and said seriously:

"I still have 500 taels of silver here, and I can't use it up. Silver is nothing to me. However, these silver can make you and your family live for several years."

In the end, Qiao's second child couldn't hold back Yun Yao, so they could only accept the money.

Yun Yao was very happy to see the joyful faces of Qiao's second child.

Qiao Lao Er and Qiao Lao San are simple in nature and sincere in dealing with others.

Their families are also very nice.

To Yunyao, money is really nothing, but to these hunters, it is life-saving money.

Furthermore, Qiao's second brother and brother have helped the sister-in-law's family a lot these years, and they are really rare good people.

Yun Yao doesn't mind helping others.

(End of this chapter)

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