It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 280 Entering the Palace

Chapter 280 Entering the Palace
Seeing Xiao Li'an holding a big knife and slashing towards Yunyao vigorously, everyone in the audience couldn't help sweating for Yunyao, and started discussing one after another.

"It's over, Xiao Li'an is serious, that girl is over."

"Although Xiao Li'an is an idiot, his force value has reached the eighth level of innate warriors, which is quite powerful. That woman is thin and thin. It can be seen that she has never practiced martial arts. She will definitely die a miserable death."

"Don't worry, Xiao Li'an, that pervert, won't kill a woman easily."

Even the emperor on the high platform, the fourth prince and the national teacher all paid attention to Yun Yao.

Especially the third prince, looking at Yunyao's beautiful face like a fairy, wished he could snatch Yunyao over and hold him in his arms right now.

As for the national teacher, his eyes are complicated, his eyes are rolling continuously, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

The emperor squinted his eyes and kept looking at Yunyao.

The fourth prince Wu Ganyu called someone over, and if something happened later, he would protect Yunyao.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the competition stage.

This fight is extraordinary.The match between the prime minister's only son and the weak woman, they knew the result without thinking about it.Still, I'd love to see this show.

Everyone saw that Xiao Li'an's gleaming sword had already reached the top of the woman's head. Seeing that the woman would die tragically under the knife, they saw that the woman on the stage turned slightly, raised one leg, and kicked Xiao Li'an. Li An's chest.

With a "bang", the big knife in Xiao Li'an's hand fell to the ground.

Xiao Li'an was kicked away by Yun Yao right under everyone's noses.


Xiao Li'an fell to the ground, blood gushed out of his mouth instantly, and he fell into a coma instantly.


Prime Minister Xiao yelled, he couldn't care less about anything, and hurried to the stage.

The corner of the emperor's mouth twitched, and he ordered the officials beside him, "Hurry up and ask for the imperial physician."

Prime Minister Xiao quickly ran to the stage, hugging the unconscious Xiao Li'an, crying miserably, crying:

"Li An, Li An, father only has one son, you must not die! Imperial physician, imperial physician..."

Everyone at the scene was stunned, Prime Minister Xiao's miserable voice resounded throughout the arena, and they realized that on the high platform, that thin woman kicked Xiao Li'an, an innate warrior, into the air.

Everyone was puzzled.

"That's not right! Shouldn't it be that the woman was slashed by Xiao Li'an's big knife, and the blood spattered on the spot? Why did it happen the other way around?"

"Isn't that woman a stepping stone sent by Prime Minister Xiao?"

On the high platform, the emperor was thoughtful.

A gleam of joy flashed across the corner of the fourth prince's eyes, and his eyes were very hot looking at Yunyao.

The national teacher, on the other hand, stared at Yunyao closely, and murmured in his heart: "Two foreign stars, Nanping has changed."

The host looked at Prime Minister Xiao, who was in tears, and trembled with fright, not daring to announce the result of the competition.

When the imperial physician arrived and carried Xiao Li'an down, the referee glanced at the officials beside the emperor, and then boldly announced:

"Xiao Li'an competed with Yun Chuyao, and Yun Chuyao won."

After the result was announced, Yun Yao walked off the high platform coldly.

At this time, everyone watching the battle stared at Yun Yao with regret.

"This woman is finished, even if she wins No.1 in this competition, she will be hated by Prime Minister Xiao."

"I don't know where this woman came from. She dared to injure the young master. She is asking for death."

The voices of these people's discussions reached Yunyao's ears, she didn't pay any attention to it, and walked down the high platform calmly.

He Yujun heard everyone's discussion, and looked at Yunyao worriedly, and Yunyao gave her a reassuring look.

He Yujun knows the ability of the master, and she trusts him.

Not surprisingly, Prime Minister Xiao arranged for the most powerful contestants in every competition in Yunyao in order to avenge his son.

All the contestants received Prime Minister Xiao's orders at the same time, whoever can kill Yunyao or maim Yunyao can be promoted by him, and there will be no obstacles in the future in the court.

As for Xiao Ruotai's arrangement, he did not hide the truth from the emperor sitting at the top. The emperor's wise eyes flickered, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Ruotai, that old fox finally couldn't sit still.

The competition took a total of three days, and the final result was that Yunyao won No.1 in the Nanping National Martial Arts Competition. She also became the first female champion in the history of Nanping Kingdom to pass the competition.

He Yujun became No. 3 and No. 2, and she was an innate tenth-level martial artist in Nanping Kingdom.

As a medical trainee, He Yujun didn't pay much attention to combat. She usually spent most of her time and energy on the research of pills, and she didn't pay much attention to combat.He even didn't deliberately train his body. No, he lost to a martial artist from Nanping Kingdom.

Yunyao and the others returned to the inn, and He Yujun said embarrassedly: "Master, I only got No.3, did I lose the face of my master?"

Looking at He Yujun's blinking eyes, Yun Yao just thought it was funny.

He Yujun is already in her twenties, and she has also cultivated to build a foundation. Her actual age is only three years younger than her. Why is He Yujun still like a child, with a pure heart?

Could it be that this is what Master said, stepping into a certain "Tao" wholeheartedly, and clinging to a certain "Tao"?

At this moment, Yunyao had a feeling in her heart that she wanted to choose her own way, a way that could reach the summit.

Seeing that Yunyao was lost in thought, He Yujun exited the room and closed the door gently.

In the early morning of the next day, in the main hall of the Nanping Kingdom's palace, Yun Yao, who was dressed in green, and He Yujun, who was dressed in light yellow, followed the Nanping Kingdom's ministers into the palace.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Everyone knelt down to salute, but Yun Yao and the others still did not salute.

At this time, Prime Minister Xiao's embarrassing voice resounded throughout the hall: "Yun Chuyao, you two girls dare to despise His Majesty, you should be executed for this crime."

"Prime Minister Xiao has great official authority. Your Majesty didn't speak, so you spoke first. Do you still have His Majesty in your eyes?"

Yun Yao finally came to the palace, felt the thick dragon aura in the palace, and noticed that there was a comfortable aura here, but Xiao Ruotai came to stop her, how could she be a soft persimmon?The two words made Xiao Ruotai speechless.

A smile flashed in the fourth prince's eyes, and then he straightened his face and did not speak.

The emperor looked deeply at Xiao Ruotai on the ground, and said, "Yun Chuyao, He Yujun, Li Guihai, the three of you stepped forward to accept the seal."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yunyao and the others ignored Xiao Ruotai and walked straight forward.

"Yun Chuyao, you won No.1 in the martial arts competition, and you are the Jin Kewu champion. I will give you the title of emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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