Chapter 281
Everyone didn't expect that the emperor would grant Yunyao the number one scholar after Yunyao ruined Prime Minister Xiao Ruotai's only son, Xiao Li'an.

The word "Shangfeng" is unusual. Doesn't the emperor like Prime Minister Xiao Ruotai the most?Why would you give a seal to a woman who hurt Xiao Ruotai?

Even the national teacher couldn't help frowning.

Xiao Ruotai was furious at this moment, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out in the hall.

Seeing this, the third prince hurried forward to report: "Father, Prime Minister Xiao has passed out."

"Well, Xiao Aiqin has worked hard for the country, and now he has fallen ill. He is specially ordered to rest at home for half a month."

Xiao Ruotai, who just woke up from a coma, heard the emperor's words and passed out again.

The third prince saw the unconscious Xiao Ruotai being carried out, with mixed feelings in his heart, she gave Yun Yao a vicious look, and then turned her gaze to the national teacher.

The national teacher behind the emperor understood and immediately stood up and reported to the emperor:
"Your Majesty, I watched the sky last night, and two broom stars appeared in Nanping Kingdom."

The words of the national teacher caused panic among the officials below.

"The broom star? The broom star has come to Nanping? One broom star is not enough. First, come two broom stars? Then our Nanping country..."

"It's no wonder that the recent state affairs are not going well. Is it because of the broom star?"

Everyone turned their attention to Yun Yao and the other two.

Yun Yao really wanted to scold her, "You are the bastard, you are the bastard. You only know a little bit of arithmetic, what kind of bullshit national teacher, you are a deceitful thing."

She scolded the national teacher a hundred times in her heart, but she had a profound look on her face, ignoring the discussions of the ministers at all.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, the national teacher stepped down from the high platform, came to the center of the hall, bowed to the emperor with arms folded, and said impassionedly:

"Your Majesty, the drought in the corridor is severe, and there is a plague first, which inevitably leads to riots. I implore Your Majesty to send two officials to rescue the affected people from danger."

The national teacher spoke, and the officials on the side of the third prince quickly knelt down.

The officials on the fourth prince's side, as well as some neutral officials, also knelt down when they heard the word riot.

All the officials at the scene knelt down to beg for orders, only Yun Yao and He Yujun did not kneel.

The national teacher took a look at Yunyao, and asked in a deep voice: "I don't know why Shangfeng Zhuangyuan and Qingxia Tanhua don't kneel?"

Yun Yao didn't follow the way of the national teacher, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why do we kneel?"

"You, the disaster of the common people, such a big matter, don't you care about one of you as a military champion and the other as this year's Tanhua? Those ordinary people are in dire straits, don't you two, just Surely there is no sympathy?"

Yun Yao thought the national teacher was funny, so she asked back: "I caused the natural disaster? Did I cause the plague, or did I make the people riot? Master Guoshi, if you want to find fault, don't use such a suffocating excuse." .”

This national teacher made it clear that he was with the prime minister and the third prince, and now she wants to put a hat on her head, so she won't give in weakly!
The national teacher didn't expect Yunyao to speak so eloquently in front of the emperor, he was so angry that his fingers trembled, pointing at Yunyao in anger, but he didn't know what to say.

"You, you, you are simply stubborn."

Yun Yao didn't care about the state teacher's difficulties at all, she just wanted to enter the palace and find a way out.

It's not that she is ruthless, but that she has not recovered her spiritual power and soul, so she can't save those people at all.

The emperor at the top saw that the national teacher was deflated, and frowned, and asked the national teacher: "Langfang City, is it true that there are signs of riots?"

Seeing the emperor asking himself, the national teacher said with a sad tone:
"Your Majesty, when I watched the sky at night, there were indeed two broom stars that suddenly landed on our Nanping City. Langfang City did not drop a drop of rain in half a year. After the drought, it suffered from the plague again. Now it is very serious. Should the imperial court appoint officials? If you go, there will be big problems.”

The national teacher looked distressed, as if he was really thinking about the common people.

The emperor pondered for a while, and asked the national teacher: "Ai Qing thinks, who should be sent?"

Yunyao already understood in her heart that the national teacher sang this play because she wanted her and He Yujun to go to Langfang City, the hardest-hit area.

As long as they go to Langfang City and are not beaten to death by the people, they will be infected with the epidemic.

In short, no matter what, as long as she and He Yujun went to Langfang City, they would not come back alive.

Yun Yao snorted coldly in her heart: The national teacher is easy to calculate, but he calculated the wrong person.

Seeing the emperor's question, the national teacher hurriedly reported, "Your Majesty, I believe that it is most appropriate to send Yun Chuyao, the champion of the new department, and He Yujun, the Tanhua of the new department. They are women, and compared with male officials, they have a higher affinity. Second, the two of them have high martial arts skills, even if there is a local riot, they can retreat unscathed."

"Ha ha!"

Yun Yao wanted to laugh, but she didn't make a sound, she wanted to see what the emperor had to say.As long as the emperor speaks, she can negotiate terms with the emperor.

As soon as the national teacher said this, the people on the side of the fourth prince immediately objected.

"Although what the national teacher said is correct, the two of them have just entered the court as officials and are very young. If they go to Langfang City rashly, the situation may deteriorate."

The people on the side of the third prince began to refute again. The men of the two princes started arguing with each other in the hall.

And the emperor above yawned, listless, he glanced at Yun Yao and the two, and said: "Yun Chuyao, He Yujun, and I, I ordered you two to go to the disaster area to rescue the disaster instead of me as the supervisory censor. "

Seeing this, the fourth prince hurried forward to report: "Father, the two champions of the Shang Dynasty have just entered the court, and they don't understand many things. I am afraid that they will not take care of the disaster area, which will make the people think that the country does not take it seriously." They. Therefore, I beg my father to order my son to go with the two of them."

After finishing speaking in one breath, the Fourth Prince heaved a sigh of relief.

It was too easy for Yun Chuyao and Yun Chuyao, who had just entered the court and were of the line of the third prince, to obstruct them.

If he went to the corridor with Yunyao and the others to rescue the disaster, then even if there was a fault, Yunyao and the others would be more relaxed when questioning the crime.

The emperor pondered for a moment, then glanced at the fourth prince and Yun Yao.

Yun Yao and He Yujun's eyes were still cold, without any expression, but the eager eyes of the fourth prince did not escape his eyes.

The emperor thought for a moment, and was about to make an order when Yun Yao's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report, please retreat everyone."

Yunyao's words stunned everyone present. They looked at Yunyao one after another, thinking that Yunyao was insane. She was above the court and asked everyone to leave. How could the emperor let everyone leave? Are you kidding me?
The officials in the court have only one guess in mind, are these two women here to make trouble?Why did the fourth prince help them like this?

Could it be that there is some unspoken secret between the fourth prince and these two women?
Everyone looked at Yunyao as if they were insane, but they never expected that the emperor would agree to Yunyao's words.

"All right, the third prince, the fourth prince, the national teacher, Yun Chuyao, and He Yujun stay here, and the rest of you, please retreat outside the hall to follow the arrangement."

(End of this chapter)

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