Chapter 282 Lockdown
Yunyao, He Yujun, and the fourth prince Wu Ganyu went to Langfang City with two hundred soldiers, horses and provisions.

"The further south you go, the more serious the drought is. The drought in Langfang City is probably worse than what they reported."

Seeing those refugees, Wu Ganyu frowned and discussed with Yun Yao.

Yun Yao also saw these refugees. They set off from the imperial city and walked along the way. Not only did the weather get hotter, but there were also more refugees on the road.

This time, she was named the number one scholar and imperial envoy by the emperor, and she came to solve the epidemic in Langfang City.The emperor promised her that after she finished solving the epidemic here, she could go anywhere in the palace at will.

Although Yunyao has compassion in her heart, she wants to complete the task as soon as possible and go to the palace to find out the way back to the cultivation world.

She frowned and said to Wu Ganyu: "The fourth prince is right. According to the situation, the epidemic situation in Langfang City is more serious than we imagined."

At this time, Yun Yao missed the pills from the cultivation world even more.

There are some detoxification elixir in the world of comprehension, and only one pill, when dissolved in water, can save more than 100 mortals.However, now her storage space cannot be opened, and the detoxification pills in the storage ring and storage bracelet cannot be taken out.

This is a bit of a headache!
Yunyao's team walked for five days and five nights, and finally arrived at Langfang City.

In Langfang County, in the county government, Yunyao and Wu Ganyu sat at the head, and the county government led a group of officials, big and small, to kneel down on the ground.

Yun Yao waved her hand and said, "We are here to deal with the epidemic by order. My lord will first report the current situation in the city."

It was the first time for the magistrate to meet the imperial envoy. He broke out in cold sweat, and glanced at the fourth prince Wu Ganyu who was beside Yunyao. After receiving the approval of the fourth prince, he presented a letter and tremblingly reported the situation.

In the imperial city, in the Zhaixing Pavilion, the third prince turned blue with anger, and asked the national teacher: "National teacher, are the two broom stars you are talking about the two women Yun Chuyao?"

The national teacher's face was also very ugly, he pondered for a while, and said: "I can't be sure about this, but it is very likely that it is these two people. I sent someone to Phoenix City to investigate, and there is a problem with the identity information of the two Yun Chuyao .”

"There is a problem with the identity information of those two sluts? They have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. I must tell my father to punish them for deceiving the emperor."

The third prince was furious, that woman Yun Chuyao actually beat the prime minister's son to serious injury, that Xiao Li'an has now become a useless person, can only lie on the bed all day, and will not be able to get off the ground in the future.

It was hard for him to win Prime Minister Xiao to stand on his side and win the throne. Now, because of his only son, Prime Minister Xiao didn't want to care about the government anymore.

Thinking of this, the third prince now wants to take a knife and kill Yun Yao and the other two.

Seeing that the third prince was so impatient, the national teacher's expression changed again and again.

If it weren't for the fourth prince who didn't trust him as a national teacher at all, why would he take refuge with the impulsive and reckless third prince?

After a long time, the national teacher said: "Your Highness, don't be angry. They went to Langfang City this time, didn't they seek their own death?"

The third prince's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Hehe, they never returned this time."

In Langfang City, under Yunyao's command, several porridge sheds have been set up in the city.

With these porridge sheds, the common people can finally drink a bowl of gruel. One must know how severe the drought in Langfang City is.

The bark on the tree was stripped off by the victims, and even the Avalokitesvara soil on the mountain was almost eaten by the victims.Without water or food, many victims dug up Guanyin soil to eat, and their stomachs burst from the Guanyin soil and died.

Even the county magistrates and yamen servants here are sallow and emaciated from hunger.

Yun Yao originally thought to complete the task as soon as possible and return to the palace to find the way back to the realm of comprehension. At this time, seeing these disaster victims, it is not too late to find a way out after she is ready to settle them down.

There is a porridge shed in the city, just like rain after a long drought. Those victims who were still alive rushed to the city in order to find a way to survive.

Yunyao and the others had just returned from the porridge donation scene when the yamen servant came to report that a plague had broken out in the city.

Upon hearing that it was a plague, Yun Yao and the others set off immediately to the scene of the plague.

It turned out that the long-term drought not only caused farmers to lose their crops, but also caused countless people to starve to death, and even plagues broke out in the city.

Because the local county magistrate covered up the epidemic and did not report it, the plague is getting worse and worse.

Yun Yao came to the scene of the plague and saw that so many people were locked in a messy room, and more and more people were brought in, she was furious.

"Fourth Highness, Imperial Envoy, your subordinates have reported the truth! But, I don't know which link went wrong, and no one was sent to solve the problem of the epidemic at all. It will infect more people. In the absence of other methods, The subordinates can only lock up these people who have been infected with the plague here."

The county magistrate told what happened in tears.

The fourth prince Wu Ganyu was furious: "The epidemic is so serious, why didn't you report the situation here through the imperial court's emergency report?"

"Your Highness, the lower officials have reported it! Now, two-thirds of the people in the entire Langfang City have died, and most of the remaining people have been infected by the plague. Even those who are not infected will be killed because there is no food. starve!"

Speaking of this, the county magistrate burst into tears: "My mother, my mother died of the plague too. Why don't you want the imperial court to send imperial envoys here as soon as possible!"

The more the county magistrate said, the more he felt uncomfortable. If he hadn't been an official, he would have fled with his whole family for his life. How could he stay in such a plague-stricken county?

When Wu Ganyu heard this, he was furious. He clenched his fist tightly, wishing to kill those people in the court with one punch.

It's the third prince. The third prince must have known about the situation here long ago. People from their faction deliberately concealed it and did not report it. Taking advantage of this epidemic, they wanted to get rid of themselves.

Thinking of this, Wu Ganyu felt chills all over her body, and wished she could kill those beasts who care about human life now.

Yunyao looked around and observed the situation here. The infected refugees here had blisters all over their faces, and their stomachs swelled like a ball. This is, is this chickenpox?
Thinking of this, Yun Yao asked Wu Ganyu: "Your Highness, these people have obviously suffered from chickenpox, I wonder if the imperial doctor brought enough medicinal materials this time?"

"Chickenpox? What is chickenpox?" the fourth prince and the imperial physician asked Yun Yao.

Yun Yao looked at the fourth prince and several imperial physicians, and thought to herself, has the people here never had chickenpox?
Thus, Yunyao began to explain chickenpox.

"Varcella is a contagious disease. The onset of chickenpox is rapid, and the most typical manifestation is rash. Older children and adults may have prodromal symptoms such as fever, headache, general malaise, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain before the rash appears. In children, the rash and systemic symptoms appear at the same time. The rash first occurs on the trunk and head, then gradually spreads to the face, and finally the extremities. The rash is initially red macules and papules, and these maculopapules will soon become full of swelling after a few hours. Fluid herpes with severe itching..."

"However, it seems that the chickenpox infected by these people is more serious."

Just at this time, officers and soldiers came to report: "It's not good, Fourth Highness, Your Excellency, more than 1 officers and soldiers have come from outside the city, and the entire Langfang City has been sealed."

 Thank you very much, baby book friend: Spring Breeze Ten Miles Rolling Bead Curtain for rewarding 200 starting coins!
  I don’t have time to update today, I will add another chapter tomorrow.

  Thank you babies for your support and encouragement. Your encouragement is the motivation for me to code.

(End of this chapter)

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