Chapter 283 Trapped
Here, the plague just broke out, and the city was surrounded by a group of officers and soldiers.

Fourth Prince Wu Ganyu and Yun Yao stood on the city wall, they looked at the densely packed officers and soldiers outside the city gate, frowning.

Seeing that he and others were trapped in the city, the county magistrate thought that he could only die of the plague in the city, so his legs became weak and his whole body became limp.

"It's over, we're over. Why are they so vicious? The fourth prince is in the city! This is the fourth prince!"

The county magistrate has been an official for many years. Although he was a small official, he is well versed in the way of being an official and understands the twists and turns in the court.

Now, the emperor's health is deteriorating. There are only two princes, the third prince and the fourth prince, who have already reached their thirties. Now, he is about to become a victim of the imperial power.

Thinking of this, the county magistrate couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Yun Yao was very calm. She stood on the city wall and asked the general outside the city: "This general, why did you seal up Langfang City?"

Let these people tell the truth.

Under the city wall, a general in silver armor riding a tall horse snorted coldly and said loudly:

"Now there is a plague in Langfang City, and the epidemic has not spread to other cities. This general was ordered to seal Langfang City. All the people in the city who dare to leave the city will be killed without mercy."

The fourth prince Wu Ganyu's face was ashen, he was ordered, whose order was he?His majestic prince, the new champion of military affairs, and the imperial envoy appointed by the emperor were in the city, and they actually surrounded the city and let them fend for themselves inside.

You know, in order to reach Langfang City as soon as possible, they went into battle with light vehicles, and most of the medical supplies and food were in the rear team.

Presumably, the Third Prince's people had already intercepted those supplies, causing them to contract the plague in the city and die in pain.

The third prince's heart is really vicious!

Yun Yao also thought of this, but she is calmer than the Fourth Prince.

She looked coldly at the general below, and asked in a cold voice: "Whose order did you follow? I am the Minister of Disaster Relief appointed by His Majesty the Emperor, and the fourth prince is also here. Whose order did you take to do this? Aren't you afraid that His Majesty will punish your nine clans?"

The following general shifted his eyes to the face of the fourth prince, and said with disdain: "You are all going to die here, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, who will punish my nine clans?"

Seeing that the fourth prince had a bad face, he sarcastically said: "Your Majesty the Emperor punished my nine clans, you are thinking too much, haha, when the time comes, the new emperor will ascend the throne, with my current achievements..."

Hearing this, the fourth prince turned pale and pointed at the general below, wishing he could go down and kill him right now.

Yun Yao gently tugged at the corner of the fourth prince's clothes, and said softly: "Your Highness, don't worry, let's find out what they said first, and then talk about other things."

"Master, no, sister Chuyao, I have found a solution to the plague!"

Just as the two sides were at a stalemate, He Yujun's voice full of surprise sounded.

Yun Yao didn't pay any attention to the officers and soldiers outside the city gate. It would be very difficult for these people to trap her!

At this time, He Yujun stepped onto the city wall in two or three steps, and said to Yunyao excitedly:

"Sister Chuyao, I have already found out a cure for chickenpox, and now I only need some medicinal materials."

As she spoke, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, her face full of uncontrollable excitement.

The fourth prince who was already in despair was overjoyed when he heard the good news about He Yujun.

He didn't care about those people outside the city anymore, he ran over in two or three steps, and asked with disbelief on his face, "Are you sure you've found a cure for chickenpox?"

He Yujun glanced at the fourth prince, and said happily: "Of course, you don't even look at who I am, but I..."

"Yujun, what medicine is missing?"

He Yujun was about to speak, but Yunyao immediately interrupted He Yujun.

If this simple girl told about their coming from the realm of comprehension, then the two of them would definitely be regarded as monsters and burned to death by the people here.

The soldiers on the wall screamed at the thought of fire.

"It's not good, people outside set fire to it, we're done."

The fourth prince was excited because he had found a cure for chicken pox. When he heard the bad news, he hurried to the city wall. He looked down and saw soldiers outside the city pouring vegetable oil on the city wall.

Wu Ganyu was flustered, his third brother, his good third brother, really wanted to put him to death.

Wu Ganyu was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Yun Yao's cold voice reached his ears.

"You should have thought of that earlier, didn't you?"

Wu Ganyu's eyes were full of dullness, and he recounted decadently:

"I thought he just wanted to seize the throne and kill me, but I didn't expect him to be so mad. Not only did he want to attack the father, but he also burned so many people in the city to death. He is simply a beast!"

Wu Ganyu was in extreme pain, why did the third brother pull so many people to support him?
Seeing Wu Ganyu's decadent and desperate look, Yun Yao snorted coldly, "Didn't you expect that when you wanted to take that position? Since ancient times, the battle between kings has been extremely bloody, how can it be so clean?"

"In this world where the weak prey on the strong, the weaker you are, the stronger the other party is. Just like this, you are already desperate. Even if you sit on the throne in the future, you will not be able to sit firmly. Because too many people want to sit on the high position , obtained supreme power and wealth.”

Speaking of this, Yun Yao's figure flickered and flew down.

"Master, let me help you."

When He Yujun saw Yunyao flying out of the city, she followed Yunyao and flew down.

Both of them are foundation-building monks, even if they jump off the city wall, they will not be injured. The distance from the city wall to the ground is nothing to them who are as strong as iron.

"The weak eat the strong, that's not good, Yun Chuyao..."

Wu Ganyu muttered to himself, but found that the two people around him had disappeared. He suddenly came back to his senses and looked outside the city wall.

When he saw Yunyao and the other two flying down the city wall with ease, and then attacking the enemy directly, his eyes widened.

The county magistrate was startled when he saw Wu Zhuangyuan and Mrs. Tanhua flying down the city. He got up quickly and looked out of the city.

When he saw the scene outside the city, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then pinched his arm.

"Oh my god! Those are Wu Zhuangyuan and Mrs. Tanhua, they actually beat ten thousand with one?"

The soldiers on the tower saw that the officers and soldiers outside the city were holding torches and were about to set fire to burn them to death inside the city.

They didn't want to die, they didn't want to be burned.

You know, there are only a few hundred soldiers in the city, but there are more than 1 officers and soldiers outside the city.

The most important thing is that the strength of the two sides is very different. The people on their side are all sallow and emaciated because of the epidemic. Only the hundreds of people brought by the imperial envoy are stronger.

And the enemy soldiers outside the city gate actually have more than 1 people.The two sides not only have a huge disparity in strength in number, but also a huge difference in body.

When the soldiers on the city wall saw the strong men and horses outside the city, their legs were already weak.

But he didn't expect that the two women, Mr. Imperial Envoy and Mrs. Tanhua, would be so fierce.

The soldiers on the tower couldn't help but rubbed their eyes, and asked in disbelief, "Are the bodies of the two adults solid? Why did those swords have no effect when they fell on them?"

(End of this chapter)

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