Chapter 324
Yun Yao was sweating like rain, picked up the storage ring that had fallen on the ground and put it into the space, her legs were about to fall when her legs gave way.

With a flash of his figure, Bai Haoxuan picked up the collapsed Yun Yao.

When the two returned to the flying dharma boat, Yun Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Weihua was finally solved by her, from the moment she entered Canglan Sect, the enmity between her and Weihua was doomed.

When she was in the Canglan Sect, she was always framed and hunted down by Weihua. If it wasn't for her fate, she would have lost nine lives long ago.

This life-and-death duel will come one day sooner or later, and now, if this potential danger is eliminated, she will face less danger in the future.

After all, some things are impossible to guard against, and it is safest to kill the crisis in the cradle.

Silly and the others looked at Yun Yao who was seriously injured and felt very distressed.Yaoyao is only 15 years old, she is about to be hunted down by Nascent Soul Da Neng at the age of 15, how cruel is this?

Bai Haoxuan fed Yunyao two high-level healing elixirs, and then used the power of Yuanying to channel the medicinal power in Yunyao's body. Seeing that Yunyao was tired, he left the room.

Ji Ziqian and Yun Zhiyuan stayed outside the door, seeing Bai Haoxuan and Shaya coming out, they hurried forward to inquire about the situation.

"Is Yun Chuyao okay?" Yun Zhiyuan was very anxious and worried.

"It's not a big problem. It's time to rest for a while."

"It's fine, it's fine." Yun Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

How much he hated Yunyao when he was a child, and now he is so worried about Yunyao.

Only after experiencing the calamity of life and death, can we understand the importance of relatives.

Ji Ziqian also breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help admiring: "Sister Chuyao is really amazing! That's the Great Cultivator of the Empress Yuan! You know, even if my father fights against that Weihua Taoist Lord, he will definitely be beaten and disabled."

She is not destroying her prestige and growing others' aspirations.

The great monks in the late Yuanying period belonged to the high ranks in the entire comprehension world, possessing overwhelming power, and they were not low-ranking monks like them who dared to provoke them.

Yunyao was able to rely on her golden core strength to fight against the late Yuanying's peak power, and also behead the great monk after the Yuan Dynasty, she was simply an idol in her heart.

"Yes! Junior Sister Chuyao is amazing!"

Bai Haoxuan really admired Yunyao, just imagine, at Yunyao's age, let alone dealing with late Yuanying monks, even seeing Yuanying monks, he felt apprehensive in his heart.

And Yunyao actually defeated the great cultivator of the late Yuanying stage alone, what kind of courage and strength did she possess!
Canglan Sect, in the Soul Lamp Hall, a disciple who guarded the lamp was stunned when he saw the soul lamp of Daoist Weihua go out instantly. Climb the ground and run to Zhangmen Peak to report the letter.

As soon as the disciple who kept the lamp ran to Zhangmen Peak, he was stopped by the disciple who kept the lamp.

"Which peak are you a disciple of, and what are you doing here?"

The disciple who kept the lamp was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said: "Zhang San, the disciple who keeps the lamp of the Soul Lamp Hall, please report to the master, the soul lamp of the Taoist Master Weihua has gone out."

The peak guard disciple was stunned for a moment, his face full of disbelief.

"What did you say? The soul lamp of Daoist Weihua is off?"

Who is Weihua Daojun?In the sect, he is the second greatest master besides the head of Zhongxuan.A Nascent Soul late stage peak power, the soul lamp goes out, who would believe it?
In the Canglan country, who dares to challenge the majesty of Weihua Daojun?That is the big devil who kills without blinking an eye.Who doesn't know that to offend Daoist Weihua is to offend the entire Jiang family. Who would dare to provoke Daoist Weihua?

Could this disciple be crazy?

"Don't make such jokes with me. No one knows the majesty of Weihua Daojun. If you talk nonsense, you will die a miserable death."

Shoufeng disciple reminded Zhang San.

Zhang San was so frightened that his eyes shrank slightly, and he quickly explained: "Senior brother, what I said is true. Daoist Weihua's soul lamp has really gone out!"

Zhang San is about to cry!
How dare he make such a joke!Do you want to die?
"What you said is true? Is it true that Master Weihua's soul lamp has gone out?" Shoufeng's disciple's expression changed drastically, and he hurried forward and shook Zhang San's shoulder vigorously.

"Yes, brother, go and report to the head."

"Oh my god! The soul lamp of Daoist Weihua is off!"

The peak guard disciple turned pale with shock, shouted, and ran towards the main hall of the sect master...

In the palace of Tianxing City, the emperor Jiang Ruohai sighed after receiving the news that the Taoist Lord Weihua's soul lamp had gone out, and muttered to himself: "Weihua is too proud! Don't bully the young and poor, he is Suicide!"

Jiang Ruohai was very heartbroken. Their Jiang family lost three Nascent Souls and one golden elixir at once, which was a heavy loss for a small country like Canglan Nation.

Just when Jiang Ruohai was heartbroken, the Patriarch of the Canglan Sect appeared in front of him.

Jiang Ruohai saw the ancestor coming in person, so he hurriedly got up to meet him.

"I don't know that the ancestor came in person, but the grandson never greeted him from afar."

The old ancestor waved his hand, "Don't care about those red tapes, this seat is here for Weihua's affairs."

The ancestor said as he walked towards the seat on the other side.

At this time, he was staggering, looking very tired.

The emperor hurried over and followed the ancestor respectfully, waiting for the order of the ancestor.

The ancestor sat on the chair, glanced at the emperor, and then said: "I have heard about Weihua and the other unworthy descendants of the Jiang family. It was Yun Chuyao who did it."

Jiang Ruohai was taken aback for a moment, and stared blankly at the old ancestor, his mind turned a thousand times, trying to guess what the old ancestor meant.

The old ancestor sighed and said: "You did a good job, you didn't go against Yun Chuyao."

Seeing that Jiang Ruohai was stunned, the ancestor continued: "From the first time I saw Yun Chuyao, I knew that she was not someone in the pool. Weihua was making trouble for her in the sect, and I ordered Zhongxuan to take care of her." of."

Jiang Ruohai didn't understand why the ancestor was so nice to an outsider.

The ancestor saw Jiang Ruohai's thoughts, sighed, and shouted sadly:

"Yun Chuyao is here to save our Jiang family! Ruohai, you are focused on cultivating instead of focusing on managing the country and the family. Do you know what the Jiang family is like now? Yun Chuyao is doing this for Let's Jiang family get rid of the harm!"

Half a month has passed, because of Yunyao's injury, Bai Haoxuan's flying dharma boat was very slow, they stopped and went, and they were about to reach Yuncheng.

For the past half month, Yunyao has been recuperating in the space. Since she activated the defensive formation, Bai Haoxuan and the others thought she was recuperating in the room, and they didn't realize that she had entered Chuyao's space.

Although the silly girl really wanted to go in and see Yunyao's situation, after she saw the defensive formation in Yunyao's room, she didn't bother Yunyao.

Yunyao was lying in the bathtub in the space. She had just swallowed a healing elixir. After melting the medicine, she looked inside at the injuries in her body and couldn't help but marvel at the healing power of this body.

Her body is simply too strong!If an ordinary monk suffered such a serious injury, even if he took high-level healing pills, the injury would not heal so quickly.

And the internal injuries in her body are surprisingly healed, which is simply a miracle.

"You have the blood of the nine-tailed fox, and your body has super healing power."

The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit solved Yun Yao's doubts.

Yun Yao joked, "You mean that the nine-tailed fox will become immortal after cultivating to a certain level?"

(End of this chapter)

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