It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 325 Here Comes Our Chapter

Chapter 325 We Are Back

"It won't become immortal, but its physical strength is stronger than that of ordinary human monks. So, don't think too much about it."

The World Extinguishing Sword Spirit poured a basin of cold water.

Yun Yao was not discouraged, it would be great if her body was much stronger than that of a human monk.

She came out of the bath, put on a new dress, and began to check Weihua's storage ring.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it, Weihua's storage ring was full of various training materials.There are several large boxes for top-grade spirit stones alone.

Looking at the big boxes full of spirit stones, Yun Yao couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Weihua has looted so many treasures!He is too rich!

The location of Canglan Nation is remote, and the cultivation materials are scarce. Perhaps the Daoist Weihua has half of the cultivation materials of the entire Canglan Sect?

Weihua is here to give her money!

Yunyao was full of joy, this time when Weihua came to her, she not only solved this big trouble, but also obtained so many cultivation materials.

It was a blessing in disguise for her this time.

Yun Yao got better and left the space.

When she opened the door and stepped out of the deck, Bai Haoxuan and the others looked at Yun Yao in shock!

Especially Situ You, when he saw Yun Yao in front of him without any serious problems, he was very envious.

Yunyao's resilience is too good, right?
"What's the matter?" Yun Yao asked suspiciously to the dazed people.

"No, it's nothing, we're going to Yuncheng soon." Bai Haoxuan's ears turned red, and he quickly changed the topic.

He is a big man, how can he stare at the little girl like this?
Yun Yao let go of her spiritual sense and saw that she was indeed going to Yuncheng.She smiled and asked Yun Zhiyuan: "Cousin Zhiyuan, have you thought it through?"

"Thinking about what?" Yun Zhiyuan patted his head, not understanding what Yun Yao said.

Ji Ziqian couldn't stand it anymore, so she slapped Yun Zhiyuan on the forehead.

"You idiot, sister Chuyao is asking, do you want to replace her as the city lord of Yuncheng?"

She couldn't help being happy when she thought that she was going to be the wife of the city lord.

Although Yuncheng is small and Qingyan City is not as big as his father's, it's different!Qingyan City belonged to her father. Although she was her father's only daughter, she did not make her happy to be the wife of the city lord of Yuncheng.

She likes Yun Zhiyuan, no matter how bad Yun Zhiyuan is, she is willing to follow Yun Zhiyuan.It is the best thing for Yun Zhiyuan to be the lord of a city.

After being beaten by Ji Ziqian, Yun Zhiyuan seemed to be enlightened, and said, "I really want to be the lord of the city, but, my cultivation is really bad!"

Being the lord of a city is not so easy. He has to be ready to be attacked and challenged at any time, and he has to manage the entire city. He thinks he doesn't have the ability.

Yun Yao thought about it, and it was indeed the case. Yun Zhiyuan only had a foundation-building cultivation base, so it was difficult to manage the city. The Yun family head who used to be a Jindan cultivation base lost the city, let alone Yun Zhiyuan.

Yun Yao fell into deep thought.

She originally wanted to take back the city for the Yun family, but now Yuncheng is like a hot potato, which is worrying.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after returning to Yuncheng. Yuncheng belongs to the Yun family, so we must keep it."

This is her private property, and it is also a reward to the Yun family.

Several people did not discuss this issue any more, the speed of the flying dharma boat accelerated, and it took only an hour to reach the outside of Yuncheng.

Yunyao and the others landed the flying dharma boat on an uninhabited mountain, and they got off the dharma boat and started to fly with the sword.

The flying dharma boat is too dazzling, even the big sect of Canglan Kingdom only has two, if Yunyao and the others drive the flying dharma boat back, they will definitely attract many people to watch the fun, too high-profile is not good.After all, they still don't understand the situation in Yuncheng.

A few people flew with their swords to the outside of Yuncheng City. When Yunyao, Yun Zhiyuan, and Shaya came outside Yuncheng City again, they couldn't help sighing when they saw the re-established city gate.

Their painful memories are recorded here, and this is the place that grandfather and patriarch tried their best to keep.

The two young people watched helplessly as the patriarch's grandfather and Yun Moyang blew themselves up to resist Zhong Hunxiao.

The heart-wrenching feeling is something the two of them will never forget.

Shaya also recalled the scene when she returned to Yuncheng back then, when she returned to Yuncheng under the leadership of her eldest brother, seeing the messy ruins and so many familiar and stranger corpses in Yuncheng, her heart ached so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Yuncheng is the place where Yunyao and the others lived since they were young, and it is their hometown.

The three of them just stood outside the city without speaking for a long time.

Bai Haoxuan and Ji Ziqian stood aside, and did not urge Yunyao and the others.Although they have not experienced the tragedy of being massacred by demon cultivators, they can imagine the tragic scene.

Yun Yao took a deep breath and shouted to Yun Cheng, "Yun Cheng, I'm back."

This sound seemed to shout out the pain that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time, and shouted out the voice of her heart that she had been away for many years.

Yun Zhiyuan knelt down with a plop, and shouted to the sky: "Yuncheng, I'm back, we're back!"

After shouting, he couldn't help crying bitterly: "Grandpa patriarch, I'm sorry! All members of the Yun family, I'm sorry! The people of Yuncheng, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm back, and I will never do anything to harm the Yun family again! "

Yun Zhiyuan's long-suppressed pain finally broke out. He had been guilty for many years, repented for many years, suffered for many years, and finally broke out again.

Before Yuncheng was slaughtered, the patriarch and Yun Moyang jointly blew himself up and pushed him and Yunyao out of the center of the explosion. The bone-eating hatred made him unable to breathe.

Shaya also burst into tears, and carried her back to the Yun family. The grandfather who raised her was gone, and the members of the Yun family were gone. When she came to this city again, memories flooded her, making her very sad.

Yun Zhiyuan wept bitterly and confessed, "We are back, Grandpa, you did something wrong. You were really wrong. The Yun family is our root. The Yun family is gone, so where are we!"

Ji Ziqian stepped forward and patted Yun Zhiyuan on the shoulder, as if she felt the same way.

After Yun Yao yelled, she hugged Sha Ya tightly, and said to Sha Ya: "Sister Sha Ya, we are going home."

"Yes! Yaoyao, we are going home." Only here is their real home.

The two sighed, Yun Yao walked up to Yun Zhiyuan, helped Yun Zhiyuan up, and comforted Yun Zhiyuan:
"Cousin Zhiyuan, don't cry. The dead are gone, we living people must live well."

Yun Zhiyuan uttered all the suppressed words in his heart, and felt a lot better. With the support of Yun Yao and Ji Ziqian, he stood up.

He agreed with Yun Yao's words and nodded vigorously.

Yun Yao took a serious look at him and Ji Ziqian, thought for a while, and said, "From now on, Yuncheng will be our base, and we must protect Yuncheng and the Yun family well. The descendants of the Yun family rely on You have come to continue. Whether the Yun family will prosper in the future depends on the hard work of you and sister Ziqian."

Yun Zhiyuan roared angrily, "Yun Chuyao, you dead girl, what are you talking about? Do you want to be beaten?"

 Thank you very much sister Tang Miao for voting monthly!so excited!
  Thank you very much, book friend baby: 854**8878 voted for 2 monthly tickets!
  Last time I said Gagen, I forgot, sorry!Babies, add up today.Thank you for your support and encouragement to Qingfeng, love you!

(End of this chapter)

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