It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 326 Great Changes in Cloud City

Chapter 326 Great Changes in Cloud City
After the Yunyao and the others finished venting their anger, they calmed down and walked towards Yuncheng.

Today's Yuncheng has already been built, and the number of people coming and going is much less than before.

Seeing this scene, Yun Yao and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and already had a guess in their minds that Yuncheng had already been occupied.

But it's right to think about it, Yuncheng is a big city with a radius of thousands of miles, even if there are not many cultivation resources, it is still a city!
It's normal to be occupied by others, but what puzzled Yun Yao and others was that the emperor of Canglan Kingdom didn't mention a word about Yuncheng.Could it be that Jiang Ruohai, the emperor of Canglan Country, doesn't care much about Yuncheng?

Jiang Ruohai didn't pay attention to Tianxing City in the imperial city at all, let alone Yuncheng which was far away from the imperial city.

It would be best for others to help build Yuncheng.

As soon as Yun Yao and the others arrived at the city gate, they were stopped by a city soldier. They did not reveal their identities, but only asked about the fee for entering the city.

The soldier glanced at Yunyao and the others, and stretched out his hand: "100 yuan per person for low-grade spirit stones."

Yunyao and the others were stunned. The entrance fee of 100 yuan per person for low-grade spirit stones was actually higher than the entry fee for the lower Qiankunzong.

The silly girl asked angrily: "Why is the entry fee so high? Other cities only need a low-grade spirit stone."

The city guard raised his eyebrows, looked Yunyao and the others up and down, and sarcastically said with disgust: "Where are you country bumpkins from, don't you know that the 100 yuan low-grade spirit stone is used to build the city? "

Yun Yao saw that the silly girl was angrily asking for a theory, so she grabbed the silly girl and explained to the soldiers guarding the city with a smile: "This fellow Taoist, I don't mean that. We have been to Yuncheng before, and the entry fee is only one piece of low-grade spirit. Shi, now I suddenly hear you say 100 yuan, and I can't accept it."

The soldiers guarding the city scolded impatiently: "Gun Gun, don't enter the city if you can't pay the entrance fee. This is not some Yuncheng, this is now Maple Leaf City."

"Maple Leaf City?" Silly Ya's eyes widened, and when she looked up, there was indeed a plaque with three big characters of Maple Leaf City engraved on the city wall.

Yun Yao had seen the three big characters of Maple Leaf City a long time ago, she just wanted to find out which force occupied Yun City now.

However, now is not the time to be in a hurry, I will inquire after entering the city.

Yun Yao took out 500 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and handed the low-grade spirit stones to the guards with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be angry, we haven't been here for a long time, I don't know the current situation."

The soldiers guarding the city collected the spirit stones, and then let them enter the city.

Seeing that Yunyao had given so many spirit stones, the silly girl couldn't help being angry, "Why don't they grab so many spirit stones?"

100 yuan low-grade spirit stone is equivalent to a year's expenditure of an ordinary Qi training monk, which is really too overbearing.

"Sister silly, don't be angry, we don't know what's going on inside right now, so don't worry, wait until we understand the situation clearly."

Yun Yao already had a guess in her heart that Yun City was forcibly occupied.

Judging from the entry fee, the character of the person occupying the forces in Yuncheng is not very good.However, she didn't jump to conclusions, and she had to understand the matter clearly before talking.

Several people entered Yuncheng again, and Yuncheng had taken on a new look. The ruins from the battle with Zhong Hunxiao had been dealt with, and new buildings were rebuilt in Yuncheng.

If a few people were not familiar with the geographical location of the city, they would never have imagined that this was the former Yuncheng.

Although the current Yuncheng is much smaller than the previous Yuncheng, it looks more prosperous than the previous Yuncheng.

In the past in Yuncheng, most of the people walking on the streets were monks and mortals who practiced Qi cultivation, and even few people built foundations.

But now, there are many Foundation Establishment cultivators among the pedestrians, not only the Foundation Establishment cultivators, but also the Golden Core cultivators.

Yun Yao and Yun Zhiyuan couldn't figure out what was going on.

The geographical location of Yuncheng is here, and it is doomed that the cultivation level of the monks who come and go is not high.But now, why are there so many monks above the foundation?

Is there anything in Yuncheng that attracts these monks?

When they saw pairs of male and female monks arm in arm walking on the street, they had some guesses in their hearts.

There are many gorgeously dressed male monks, accompanied by gorgeously dressed female cultivators. Under the blue light, not only the words they say make people blush, but even the actions they make are surprising.

Ji Ziqian looked at those female cultivators kissing male cultivators on the street twisting their water snake waists, her face blushed, and she quickly lowered her head.

Yun Zhiyuan also looked at Ji Ziqian with a red face, and asked Yunyao suspiciously: "Are we entering Lanyue Tower?"

Looking at the behavior of men and women on the street, Yun Yao already guessed the current situation in Yuncheng.

Her eyes were cold and her hands were clenched tightly.

Lanyuelou, the former Yuncheng was turned into a huge Yuelanlou.

Yuncheng was completely turned into a den of prostitution.

Immediately, she suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to Yun Zhiyuan and the others: "Don't worry, let's go to the location of the Yun family first."

The few people came to the former location of the Yun family, and when they saw the former house of the Yun family again, they couldn't help recalling the past.

What is unexpected is that the building of the house is exactly the same as before and has not changed.

The only difference is that this place has been replaced with a plaque of the City Lord's Mansion.

Yun Yao had been mentally prepared for a long time. It was quite normal for Yun City to change hands and the Yun family's house to be occupied by someone.

Several people looked in front of the house, and unanimously decided to find a restaurant to live in first, and then slowly search for the reason.

However, they walked in the city for a day, but they couldn't find a suitable restaurant to stay.

Ji Ziqian said speechlessly, "How could it be like this here! There isn't even a single restaurant."

"Didn't they say that? There are restaurants here where you can stay, but they are all brothels."

Yun Zhiyuan was very angry, Yuncheng, what a peaceful place it used to be, has now turned into a majestic place that provides entertainment for monks.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhiyuan hated himself for being useless for making Yuncheng like this.

You know, in the cultivation world, this kind of place is the most despicable place, and it is also the cruelest place for female cultivators.

Yunyao is okay, she is not like the one she was in Lanyuelou when she was a child.

However, thinking of those female cultivators who were forced to do so made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, let's find accommodation."

Just at this moment, a little boy ran over and asked Yunyao who was there.

"Several brothers and sisters, do you need accommodation?"

"Yes!" Yun Yao nodded kindly.

She glanced at Situ You beside her, and thought of the scene when she just met Situ You.

The little boy was very happy, "Brothers and sisters, we have a house for rent at home, you can live in my house."

"Okay, you take us there!"

Yunyao and the others followed the little boy to the outskirts of the city. When they saw the little boy's father, their bodies shook.

(End of this chapter)

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