It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 352 Arrangement

Chapter 352 Arrangement
Both Yunyao and Yun Tianfang had achieved their goals, and they came to the hall tacitly.

At this time, everyone heard that Yun Yao had woken up, and they all gathered in the main hall.

As soon as Yun Yao entered, she was surrounded by everyone.

Bai Bingyan was most worried, she was very happy to see Yunyao intact.

What Yun Zhiyuan and the others were wondering was why Yunyao's courtyard suddenly exploded, and why Yun Tianfang's cultivation had suddenly advanced to the Jindan stage.

You must know that it is much more difficult for a monk to practice again than to practice for the first time.

Yun Tianfang simply didn't play his cards according to common sense, and he didn't know what kind of shit luck he had these two days, and he suddenly advanced.

Still, that was enough to keep everyone happy.

After all, it is quite a good thing that Yunshan City can have one more Golden Core cultivator.

Everyone knows that Yun Tianfang is likely to get some great opportunity following Yun Yao.

Although everyone had some guesses in their hearts, no one asked Yun Tianfang the reason for his advancement. Every monk has a chance, and a monk's chance belongs to his own secret.

Yun Yao could see from everyone's eyes that their thinking had not been revealed.

She saw Situ You's envious eyes, and although she hoped that Situ You would recover soon, she couldn't help it.

After all, it was also Yuntian's chance to let himself go to the advanced level, and she has no way to help Situ You improve his cultivation now.

Now that everyone has arrived, Yunyao is going to hold a meeting with everyone to discuss the future plans of Yunshan City.

After everyone was seated, Yun Yao said to everyone: "Everyone sit down! I made you worry."

"No, as long as you're fine." Ji Ziqian spoke directly.

Yun Yao didn't care either, Ji Ziqian always spoke like this.

Seeing that everyone was sitting together, Yun Yao said straight to the point: "I didn't expect everyone to gather so neatly. It just so happens that everyone is together. Let's discuss matters related to Yunshan City!"

"We have recruited some monks, but the number of monks recruited this time is relatively small, and their cultivation level is not high." Yun Zhikuan reported truthfully.

"How many people were recruited?"

Yun Yao already had the answer in her heart, Yunshan City experienced a great battle, and the remaining monks were not of high cultivation level.

Of course, even if those monks who used to eat, drink, whore and gamble in the city came to apply for jobs, the Yun family would not recruit them.

"This job fair was held for three days, and a total of fifty qi-training monks were recruited. We have already arranged some positions for them. However, there are a little few foundation-building monks in the city. If you leave, the Xiao family will call us. It's hard to deal with."

Yun Zhikuan was very worried about this. Immediately, he reported to Yunyao: "I have taken the people from Yunjia Village to the outskirts of Yunshan City. Not only have their accommodation been properly arranged, but also two people with spiritual roots have been selected. disciple."

Yun Yao didn't expect Yun Zhikuan to move so fast, let alone that a mortal village like Yunjia Village could detect two disciples with spiritual roots. This is a good sign!
Yun Yao smiled and praised: "Good job!"

She felt very comforted. It seemed that Yun Zhikuan and the others had already formulated a series of management systems.

"You have done a good job, and you are right to be worried, especially the Xiao family. They have not moved at all recently. Such a big incident happened in Yunshan City, but they didn't move at all. Could it be that they are planning some kind of conspiracy?"

Everyone in the Yun family thought of this question and couldn't help frowning.

Conspiracy is not terrible, the most terrible thing is conspiracy.

"How about this! Let's fix the system of Yunshan City first, and then go to the Xiao family to inquire together. We have forged the Xiao family's enmity. Even if we don't make a move, the other party will take the initiative. It's better for them to attack the door. We took the initiative."

"That's right! Since the Xiao family was able to turn Yunshan City into a place of fireworks, it means that the people of the Xiao family are not very good. Moreover, they occupied the city of our Canglan country and should return it to us. Not only did they not Return it, and fight with us, then don't blame us for being rude."

Yun Zhiyuan felt that if he wanted to fight, then he would fight.

Yunshan City is his hometown, how can the Xiao family not make people angry when they turned his hometown into a place of fireworks?At the beginning, the Yun family had spent a lot of effort, and after several generations of governance, it was so peaceful.

If the Xiao family didn't turn Yunshan City into such a disgusting place, he wouldn't be so angry.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhiyuan was furious.

Yun Zhikuan also agreed: "That's the way it is in the world of comprehension. Now that the bridge between our two families has been formed, don't hesitate any longer. In the world of comprehension, the conflict of interests is either you or me."

They were all worried about the benevolence of Yunyao's wife, and they were afraid that if Yunyao didn't take the initiative to attack, it would be very troublesome for the Xiao family to send more people to the door.

Yun Tianfang also agreed with Yun Zhiyuan and the two, and they suggested to Yun Yao: "That's true, if you don't take the initiative to attack now, when the time comes, you will all leave, and Yunshan City will be very dangerous."

Seeing how everyone was sharpening their knives, Yun Yao just thought it was funny. Since when did this group of people like to fight?
Still, they're both right.

Living in the realm of comprehension, the benevolence of women cannot be tolerated. If she hesitates a little bit, the entire Yunshan City will suffer.

However, Yunyao is not a murderer, so she has to go to the Xiao family first to find out and see what the Xiao family's attitude is.

She is not easy to provoke, and those who provoke her have not ended well.

Several people put forward their own opinions, and now they are waiting for Yunyao to make a decision. For a while, the hall was extremely quiet, and everyone looked at Yunyao, hoping that Yunyao would make a choice.

Yun Yao thought for a moment, and suggested: "In this case, we will divide into two groups. Uncle Tian Fang and Situ You, Uncle Zhi Kuan, Sister Bingyan, Cousin Zhi Yuan and Sister Zi Qian, you guys stay in the city. I will guard the city, and I will investigate the enemy's situation alone, and I will think about it later. How about such an arrangement?"

Yun Yao's arrangement was carefully considered. There must be at least one Golden Core cultivator guarding Yunshan City. Situ You's injuries have not yet healed, and his cultivation has only returned to the third level of Qi training. It is better to cultivate in the city.

Sister Bingyan is a down-to-earth person, not suitable to go to the enemy's position.

Although Yun Zhiyuan and Ji Ziqian are smarter, they are also prone to bad things. After much deliberation, Yun Yao thinks that it is better to go to Shuanglong City alone to investigate.

As for Bai Haoxuan, even though he was very kind to Yunyao, Yunyao didn't want to bother him too much.

"Although I want to go too, I still listen to Yun Chuyao."

Yun Zhiyuan agreed with Yunyao's proposal, and the others also had no objections. Seeing this, Yunyao began to plan the future route of Yunshan City.

(End of this chapter)

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