It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 353 Double Dragon City

Chapter 353 Double Dragon City

Yun Yao left Yunshan City and walked on the official road. Along the way, seeing those people going to Yunshan City, she felt a little relieved.

Yunshan City has just started and needs to develop slowly, especially the economy of Yunshan City needs to be well developed.

Yunshan City is located in a remote place with little spiritual energy and no mineral veins or resources, so it can only be developed economically.

"What should I do?"

Yun Yao was thinking while walking, but she didn't notice the person following behind her.

"What are you thinking, sister?"

Seeing that Yunyao was lost in thought, Bai Haoxuan patted Yunyao's shoulder lightly. Yunyao immediately became alert. Seeing that it was Bai Haoxuan, he smiled and asked, "Why did senior brother Haoxuan come out?"

"I also want to visit Shuanglong City."

Bai Haoxuan looked at Yunyao with clear eyes, and felt a little protective desire in his heart.

He absolutely did not admit that he was afraid that Junior Sister Chuyao would be in danger, so he came here on purpose.

"Hey, that's good. With Senior Brother Haoxuan, the Nascent Soul's great power, I will have the confidence."

Yun Yao smiled brightly, a little joyfully.

If there is a Nascent Soul that can use it, it is a fool.

Brother Haoxuan himself was willing to take this muddy water, and she didn't mind, and she felt a little flattered in her heart.

Bai Haoxuan saw what Yunyao was thinking. He looked at the little junior sister in front of him, and felt more and more that the junior junior sister was pretty.

"Brother, let's go!"

Yunyao is not hard-hearted either, she has already remembered Bai Haoxuan's kindness to her, and she has decided to repay Bai Haoxuan in the future.

The two went to Shuanglong City while admiring the beautiful scenery. For a while, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

In Shuanglong City, Bai Haoxuan hid his cultivation until the early stage of foundation establishment, and Yun Yao hid his cultivation until the late stage of Qi training.

For her age, in a place like Shuanglong City, it is pretty good to be able to enter the late stage of Qi training.

In order not to reveal her identity, Yun Yao hid her cultivation until the late stage of Qi training.

Only after wandering around Shuanglong City did Yun Yao realize why the Xiao family used Yunshan City as a place for monks to enjoy themselves.Because, Ssangyong City is also in this style.However, Shuanglong City is more prosperous than Yunshan City.

On the streets of Shuanglong City, there are brothels, casinos and fighting venues everywhere.

There is a lot of traffic here, and many monks come here inexplicably.

Yun Yao and the others found a restaurant, sat in the lobby of the restaurant, and listened to the conversation of the monks.

"Have you heard? The Xiao family's city in Canglan Country was robbed."

A male cultivator at the next table said to the same table.

Another cultivator pricked up his ears and asked curiously: "Can someone snatch the city from the Xiao family?"

The previous monk looked around and said in a low voice, "I heard that she is a little girl from the Yun family." The monk was afraid of getting into trouble, so he whispered to his friend: "You must not tell it, if Xiao Everyone knows that I passed it on, and I will be finished by then."

But his friend said with an indifferent attitude: "Everyone in Shuanglong City knows about this matter, don't be afraid."

Another person asked in a puzzled tone: "Why didn't the Xiao family go to Yuncheng and snatch that city back? This doesn't look like the Xiao family's style! You know, the Xiao family has always been known for being cruel and merciless. Even those big families dare not provoke them."

"Yeah! I also find it very strange why there is no movement in the Xiao family this time."

"The Xiao family is probably plotting something. Don't forget the fate of those who offended the Xiao family in the past."

A few people seemed to recall something, they couldn't help but shivered, and immediately fell silent.Although their voices were very small, they did not escape the ears of Yun Yao and Bai Haoxuan.

Yun Yao and Bai Haoxuan looked at each other, and continued to eat, but they had already analyzed the Xiao family's style from the words of several people in their hearts.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the hotel, Yunyao and the other two quickly reached out to check what happened, but saw an 11-year-old child kicking an old monk out.

"You disgusting person, you dare to stain my young master's clothes, you are looking for death."

Relying on the guards following behind him, the child kicked the old monk's chest, ignoring the old monk's begging for mercy, and kicked hard.

Yunyao and Yun Yao have never seen such a vicious child before, and they both have some indescribable feelings in their hearts.

Even so, they are not prepared to meddle in their own business.After all, I didn't understand what happened.

The three people next to them saw the scene outside and started talking again.

The talkative monk shook his head and murmured in a low voice: "The people of the Xiao family are really bad to the core, even children are so cruel. I know that old man, he is quite miserable."

"Keep your voice down, who doesn't know the virtues of the Xiao family? Does anyone dare to fight against injustice? I'm afraid they will be wiped out by the Xiao family before they speak!"

The person next to him reminded the monk that they dare not mess with the power of the Xiao family.

After listening to the conversation of the three people at the next table, Yun Yao probably understood what was going on.

She glanced at Bai Haoxuan, but saw disdain in Bai Haoxuan's eyes, she was a little puzzled, and said to Bai Haoxuan: "Senior brother Haoxuan, the old man is so pitiful."

Bai Haoxuan saw Yunyao's thoughts, and with a casual attitude, he explained to Yunyao: "Junior Sister, in the realm of cultivation, there are many such things. The realm of cultivation always preys on the weak, so I'm no longer surprised by it, brother."

Yunyao had some indescribable feelings in her heart. Senior brother Haoxuan, who was always gentle and elegant, thought so, so did the others think the same?

Bai Haoxuan saw Yunyao's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Junior sister, you are still too young. There are too many injustices in this cultivation world, and we can't handle them. If you want to survive in the cultivation world, you must You have to be strong yourself. Relying on others is worse than relying on yourself, the weak can only be bullied."

"I understand, it's just that I don't like it!" Yun Yao also knew that she was too kind-hearted, and she couldn't help being angry when she saw such unfair things.

Bai Haoxuan liked the kind-hearted Yun Yao very much. He smiled and said: "Junior Sister, it's okay to be kind-hearted, but don't trust people too much. Poor people must have something to hate, not everyone deserves sympathy. You You have to learn to be selfish, learn to be kind to yourself, and don't be too kind to others. Otherwise, you will be hurt in the future and will feel very uncomfortable."

Yun Yao stared blankly at Bai Haoxuan, she never thought that Bai Haoxuan would say such heartfelt words to herself.

Bai Haoxuan smiled and said to Yunyao: "Junior Junior Sister, you are too simple, and you will have to go to the realm of cultivation more in the future."

Yun Yao nodded, and said seriously: "Senior Brother Haoxuan is right, I will remember it."

She began to reflect on herself in her heart. Now that she thought about it, she was indeed very generous, and it was easy to trust others.Fortunately, no one around her betrayed her. If everyone around her betrayed her, what would be the result?
Just as Yunyao was deep in thought, the old man outside whose chest was being kicked by the Xiao family child let out a miserable cry.

However, on the entire street, no one came to help him or save him.The old man pleaded helplessly and pitifully, but was constantly bullied and beaten by the children.

Just when the old man was in despair, a gust of wind flashed by, and the child who was beating the old man with a whip was instantly killed, and the old man disappeared on the street in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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