It's not easy to cross the fairy

Chapter 385 The Ugly Woman

Chapter 385 The Ugly Woman

"Ah! My eyes..."

The two burly men covered their bleeding eyes and screamed in pain.

The woman didn't expect that this little pig would seriously injure her foundation-building subordinates with just one move.Full of anger, Chao Huanhuan grabbed the animal trap with sharp teeth.

Huanhuan's pupils shrank when he saw the animal trap carrying huge mana, and with a roar, his body instantly grew bigger, and he bit the woman.

"Roar" Dun Dun roared, his rapidly growing body opened his bloody mouth and bit the woman.

The two little beasts instantly became several times bigger, and they were so ferocious that the spectators around them ran away in fright.

"Kang..." The woman saw that the animal trap that was shining with cold light was shattered in an instant, she was shocked and her legs trembled in fright.

Seeing that her master was about to be bitten by two ferocious beasts, the two guards behind her flew up and attacked Dun Dun, regardless of the pain in their eyes.

The battle was about to break out, and the two cute and unusual little beasts instantly turned into extremely ferocious beasts, which surprised everyone around.

They never thought that those two cute, harmless little beasts would be so fierce.Seeing the fighting power of the two little ones, everyone took a deep breath, and they were even more grateful.

They were glad that they didn't provoke the two little beasts before, and they were glad that they didn't get too big, and they didn't have itchy hands.

The woman saw that the two subordinates were about to die on the spot, and a vicious light flashed in the eyes of the two little ones.

With a flash of her hands, a huge magic weapon for trapping animals appeared in her hands.

That magic weapon is like a drop of blood, with sharp teeth. As long as those sharp teeth get into the flesh of the monster, it will break the neck and bones of the monster. However, the monster will not lose its life because of it. And it will be slowly corroded by the venom on the sharp teeth, turning into a miserable state with deep visible bones.

"You two bastards dare to behave wildly in front of this lady, die!"

The high-level traps rushed towards Dun Dun with terrifying power.

Dun Dun and Huanhuan had just killed two Foundation Establishment cultivators, and when they saw a beast trap carrying terrifying power rushing towards them, their hearts jumped, knowing that they had caused a catastrophe.

"Sister, come and save us."

The woman looked coldly at the two panic-stricken cubs, and a sneer flashed across her eyes. At this moment, there was a stabbing pain on her face, and the sharp claws of the ice crystal white tiger had already pinched her neck.

"Ah!" Huanhuan, whose combat strength was slightly lower, was caught by the animal trap, and bright red blood flowed from its neck, and heart-piercing pain swept through its whole body.

Huanhuan wanted to get rid of the cage firmly on its head, but found that the more it struggled, the sharper its teeth gripped into its neck, the tighter its grip.

"Ah! My face, let go of you bastard, this lady is going to kill you."

The woman wanted to tear the two killers into pieces, her face was disfigured!It was these two beasts that ruined her face.

Even for a monk, it is very difficult to completely repair the disfigured face, unless the body is completely reshaped when she advances to the Nascent Soul, otherwise, scars will be left on her face.

For a woman who loves beauty the most, the most important thing is, of course, her appearance.If she hadn't been restrained by Dun Dun, the two cubs would be in danger now.

"If you let Huanhuan go, I will let you go."

The strength on Dun Dun's paws became stronger.

The woman's face turned pale with fright, and she roared loudly with the uncontrollable hatred in her eyes.

"You bastard let me go quickly, ah! I'm going to kill you."

The woman went crazy, she took out a sky thunder and was about to detonate it.

Seeing the Tianleizi in the woman's hand, the people around were terrified and ran away, and some people saw that the matter was getting worse, and quickly advised the woman.

"Don't, don't detonate the Tianleizi. If the Tianleizi explodes, things will go wrong."

"Senior sister, you must calm down! The sky thunder is detonated, and you will not survive."

The woman was so angry that she realized that there were many people around her. When she thought of the disfigured face, she went crazy and instantly detonated Tianleizi.

Dun Dun and Huanhuan watched the detonated Tianleizi helplessly, their pupils shrank, and they flew up, trying to avoid the explosion range of Tianleizi.

But the crazy woman didn't give them a chance at all, she held them tightly, wanting to drag them to die together, Dun Dun was so anxious that she was sweating coldly, her heart was beating fast, but they couldn't get rid of the woman's restraint.

"Woooo, sister, we are going to die, why don't you come!"

Huanhuan is desperate...


Seeing the explosion of Tianleizi centered on the ice crystal white tiger, people shrank their pupils and ran for their lives.

People in the distance thought that the two little beasts were about to die tragically under the explosion of Tianleizi, but they saw a figure flash by. In the blink of an eye, the terrifying explosion force disappeared, and the scene instantly returned to calm.

The ice crystal white tiger stood intact, while the fierce woman collapsed to the ground.

The hearts of the people finally calmed down. They took a closer look and saw a beautiful woman with a cold face standing at the place where the explosion occurred. Everyone speculated about the woman's identity, but they didn't dare to make any noise.

You must know that being able to instantly extinguish the Tianleizi, which has the explosive power of the Jindan late stage, is not something ordinary people can do.

Furthermore, whether it is the aura emanating from the woman, or the dress and cultivation level of the woman, it is not something that ordinary disciples can possess.

The fact that the woman is not wearing Zongmen costumes means that the woman is at least at the level of a direct disciple.

While others were guessing Yunyao's identity, Yunyao saw the animal trap on Huanhuan's head, and was furious. She walked quickly in front of Huanhuan, and the animal trap instantly shattered into pieces.

"Huanhuan is fine, it's fine, sister is here."

Yunyao hugged Huanhuan distressedly, fed Huanhuan a high-level healing elixir, performed a wading technique, cleaned the wound on Huanhuan's neck, and sprinkled the hemostatic powder.

The vicious woman's eyes were red, she looked at Yun Yao viciously, and shouted heart-piercingly:

"Ah! How dare you save these two bastards, you bastard, my father will not let you go."

She wanted to step forward and tear off Yunyao's jealous face, trying to break free from the shackles on her body, but found that her whole body was imprisoned and unable to move.

"Let me go, bitch, let me go."

The woman yelled like a madman.

Dun Dun kicked the woman's body, and complained to Yunyao with great hatred: "Sister, this ugly woman wants to catch me as a pet, and let people kill Huanhuan for meat."

"How dare you call me ugly? If you, a beast, hadn't scratched my face, ah! I'm going to fight you."

Yun Yao smiled coldly, and looked at the woman coldly, as if she was a dead person.

The woman looked up at Yunyao, her body couldn't help shaking, she seemed to have fallen into hell, her whole body was cold, her head was buzzing, but a sentence came from her ear: "You want to kill contracted spirit beasts in the sect, you are looking for death!" .”

"Boom!" A ray of light flashed across, and the woman fell to the ground in an instant, but she did not lose her life.She only felt that something was eroding her face, and the endless pain hit her, like thousands of bugs burrowing into the bone marrow.

 Thank you very much for the book friend baby: Xingyun Lifang rewarded 300 book coins and voted for 1 monthly ticket!
  Thank you very much for the book friend baby: 535***324, Ping Chest Ling voted for a monthly ticket!
  I sincerely thank you all for your support and encouragement. I have been doing things outside recently, and there is no stable update. It is too difficult to type on the laptop I bring, and I start two shifts every day.

(End of this chapter)

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