Chapter 386 I will sue
The woman was writhing in pain on the ground, she hated it so much! ! !

"Are you in pain now?" Yun Yao's voice was as cold as ice.

"It hurts! Please let me go, please!"

The woman wanted to die already, she regretted it so much!Regret for offending these two beasts.

"Hiss!" Seeing the woman's painful appearance, the people around couldn't help but take a deep breath, and started discussing one after another.

"This woman is Shang Yujiao, a descendant of Lord Yukun's bloodline in Zhangfatang. Shang Yujiao is the only bloodline of Lord Yukun in this world. This uncle Jindan Master is doomed."

"That's right! Who doesn't know that Shangjun Yukun is the most protective, and he loves the most beloved junior in the world. Let me see! Master Jindan will peel off his skin if he doesn't die."

"It is said that Lord Yukun killed a Master Huashen because of Shang Yujiao. Let me see..."

The disciples looked at Yunyao with sympathy in their eyes.

Dun Dun heard what everyone said, and looked at Yun Yao worriedly, "Sister, let's go back! She has already been punished."

It is very regretful, regretting that it came out this time to cause trouble for its sister and put her in a dangerous situation.

All the words of the disciples fell into Yun Yao's ears. She smiled coldly and said to Dun Dun:
"Dun Dun, we don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of it. Others are bullying us. If we are afraid, why do we cultivate immortals? How good is it to be an ordinary mortal?"

Yunyao's words were solemn and full of magic power.

The disciples froze for a moment, staring blankly at Yun Yao.

At this moment, their hearts were filled with shock, as if a kind of power was born spontaneously in their hearts.

Yes!If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, why do you cultivate immortals?

The disciples stayed where they were in a daze, as if recalling their former selves, and asked themselves: Was I too fearful before?Everything is being tolerated.However, blindly giving in made the other party even more arrogant.

At this moment, the disciples were very excited, as if they saw a different sun.

Yun Yao felt the obvious changes in the disciples, and these were not her concern.She now has to wait for the legendary Lord Yukun to come over.

Lord Yukun, right?She is not afraid.Shang Yujiao has someone backing her, but is there no one behind her?There is no need to be a fool to have a backer.

As for Shang Yujiao, who is arrogant, domineering, tyrannical, bullying, and dares to bully her contracted beast, then she will bear her wrath.

Shang Yujiao's face festered instantly, black thick water flowed out from the festered wound, emitting a foul smell.

Her face seemed to be bitten by countless insects, and it was itchy and painful. The pain seemed to penetrate into her bone marrow and soul, making her life worse than death.

She frantically scratched her festered cheek, trying to relieve the pain on her face, but found that it was getting more and more painful.

"Ahh! Grandpa, grandpa, save me!"

"Dun Dun, let's go!"

Shang Yujiao was disfigured, and her face could never be restored.Yun Yao sneered in her heart, and thanked the second senior sister for giving her the world's most disfigured and poisonous Hua Wuyan.

Hua Wuyan is refined from one hundred and eight kinds of poisons in the world.The poison that the female cultivators all over the world turn their faces into.It was extremely itchy and painful.If someone gets a little bit of it, the whole body will fester, and it will penetrate into the human bone marrow, blood and soul.And it will be with you for a lifetime, even if the advanced Nascent Soul reshape the body, it will not be able to restore the appearance.The most poisonous thing about this kind of poison is that the ratio of the poison is different every time it is refined, and there is no cure.

The biggest punishment for a nun is not to kill her, but to let her live in pain.

Wouldn't it be too cheap for this kind of woman to kill her with one sword?

Yun Yao ignored the puddle of mud on the ground, casually put on a defensive shield for the enlightened disciples around her, and prepared to leave here.

"Dun Dun, let's go back to Misty Peak."

"Okay." Dun Dun cast a disdainful glance at the woman with disheveled hair on the ground, and obediently ran to Yun Yao's side.

Yun Yao hugged Dun Dun and was about to leave when suddenly, a terrifying force of distraction broke through the sky and slashed towards Yun Yao.

The disciple in epiphany was so startled by the terrifying coercion that he immediately woke up and wanted to escape. He immediately vomited blood and fell to his knees on the ground involuntarily.

What's more, he was so frightened that urine flowed out from his legs, and the stench wafted everywhere.

"Dare to harm my granddaughter, die."

The angry voice resounded through the mountains, frightening the surrounding birds and beasts to run wildly.

Yun Yao's heart trembled, and she reacted quickly, a ray of light flashed in her consciousness, and with a "boom", it collided with the force that strangled her, sparking a terrifying ray of light.The two distracting forces collided, like two comets colliding, and the entire mountain range collapsed instantly.

Yun Yao took this opportunity to grab Dun Dun into the space and fly up.A five-light giant umbrella flew out of the dantian, and the giant umbrella emitted a powerful light, forming a protective barrier to block the disciples in the distance.

It was the first time for the disciples to face such a terrifying force, their hearts beat faster, they were overwhelmed with shock, and they stood there blankly, unable to even perceive death.

An umbrella enveloped them, blocking part of their mana, and then they regained their senses, but it was too late.Even the big umbrella can't resist the attack power of distraction!
The disciples wailed on the spot: "Shangjun Yukun is angry, and his corpse is lying thousands of miles away. Am I going to die?"

"That Jindan Daoist is probably finished."

Not to mention disciples, even Yun Yao was terrified and prepared to enter the space at the last moment.

It turned out that the attack power of distraction was so terrifying, it was so terrifying that it was suffocating and there was no resistance.

She is very fortunate that Master buried a divine consciousness in her sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise, she would have been broken into pieces long ago, right?
However, she is not afraid, because her backer is here.

A long purple sword slashed across the air, and that purple sword was like a demon from hell, carrying astonishing power and destructive sword energy, slashing at the figure in the sky, as if it wanted to shatter the opponent into pieces.

"Zi Huang, what are you doing?"

The angry voice resounded throughout the Qiankunzong.

Lord Zihuang ignored the man's anger, and the magic sword increased its strength, divided into thousands of flying swords, formed a sword array, and slashed at Lord Yukun from all directions.If those flying swords vortex one by one, it seems that Shangjun Yukun will be dragged into the eighteenth level of hell.The scene was thrilling and extremely shocking.

"Girl, did that old man bully you?"

As soon as Lord Zihuang landed, he walked to Yunyao's side distressedly, and checked Yunyao's body with his spiritual sense.

Seeing Master coming, Yun Yao breathed a sigh of relief, she was really scared to death just now.Don't look at her calm on the surface, and her words are tough, but she is scared to death in her heart.

The power of distraction, what she faced just now is the power of distraction who can tear the sky with one hand, overturn mountains and seas, and destroy a city!
Don't be afraid, it's fake.However, the Master is here, so she is not afraid anymore.

"Woo, Master, you are finally here. Lord Yukun bullies others, and my apprentice is about to be killed by Lord Yukun!"

Yun Yao glanced in the direction of Shangjun Yukun, I have a backer, I will sue, and I will piss you off.

Shangjun Yukun, who was dealing with Zihuang Shangjun Feijian, heard Yunyao's voice, and was so angry that he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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