Chapter 214 No loyalty

Jiang Yun: "You really don't want to go back with us?"

The little fox glanced at the big brown bear not far away, and shook his head, "There are too many people there, and Brown Bear can't get used to it."

Jiang Yun glanced at the big brown bear that was bigger than the two of her: Well... the villagers may not be used to it either.

If there were only small foxes, it would be easier to hide them in the village, but the big brown bear was too big to hide.

There are so many people in the village and it's really not as safe as staying here.

"Don't worry, Zhunzang and I have tamed the nearby animals. It won't be easy for those people to catch me." The little fox said with a proud look on his face.

Jiang Yang thought of those torn corpses and nodded with deep understanding.

Fortunately, the little fox has been found now, and the two parties can exchange information without losing sight of each other.

After agreeing on a method of contact, Jiang Yun and the others decided to leave.

After all, I told my family that I was here to do a new experiment, so I couldn’t explain it if I went back empty-handed!

"Are you looking for a forest where mushrooms grow?" The little fox rolled his eyes, "I know where they are!"

The little fox said and smiled flatteringly at Jiang Yun: "That's right... there is a tiger in that forest..."

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows, "Do you have a grudge against it?"

The little fox nodded and said aggrievedly: "It bullied me and Brown Brown!"

Jiang Yang said calmly: "You two can't beat us, so we may not have a chance of winning if we go, right?"

"You are not needed." The little fox pointed at Thunder Tiger, "He can fight, plus Jiang Yun, me, and Zongzong, that's enough!"

Jiang Yang gritted his teeth: ...stinky fox!

Jiang Yun was very excited, Tiger, hey, valuable!

Moreover, there are usually no other ferocious beasts in the forest where there are tigers, so it will be safer for villagers to guard mushrooms in the future.


Till his death, the big tiger couldn't figure out why that annoying stinky fox could find a two-legged beast as a helper.

It was resting under a tree when two people and two beasts came directly to the door and surrounded it. They did not fight seriously, but consumed its physical strength while waiting for opportunities to attack its weaknesses.

Finally, a sharp arrow penetrated its eyeball and penetrated its brain...

Jiang Yun excitedly high-fived Lei Hu.

It is really not easy to keep the tiger carcass as complete as possible.

If they don't find another chance, their physical strength will be exhausted, and then they will have no choice but to give up the complete body.

But now, hard work still pays off!

Jiang Yun smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth and ran away happily, "Get rich, get rich."

Jiang Yun couldn't put it down and stroked the intact tiger skin, his eyes filled with fallen ingots.

With a smile in his eyes, Lei Hu silently turned around to chop branches to make a stretcher.

Jin Ba: "Anyway, they all know that you have space, why don't you just receive it into the space."

"Oh oh oh, Brother Tiger, there's no need to make a stretcher, I can take it."

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, such a big tiger disappeared on the spot.

Lei Hu and Jiang Yang both stared.

Knowing it is one thing, but seeing it with your own eyes is still shocking...

The little fox accepted it well. After all, Jiang Yun could make him talk. There was nothing strange about picking up a dead tiger out of thin air.

Only the big brown bear tilted his head in confusion.

In the space, looking at the tiger carcass without even draining the blood, Jinba sighed, rummaged through the broken wooden house to find the surviving jar, and silently helped Jiang Yun collect the tiger's blood.


After the biggest threat was dealt with, Jiang Yun led them in the forest while instructing Jiang Yang and Lei Hu to do experiments on cutting flowers and recording them at the same time.

I have to say that the forest the little fox chose is really suitable for mushroom growth.

It took them two days to finish all the usable mushroom trees in the forest.

A rough estimate is that the mushroom trees in this forest can almost equal all the existing mushroom trees.

This is all money! Jiang Yun's eyes shone. As a researcher of cutting flowers, she can get a lot of money!

When the time comes, she will spread the money she earns in the space, and then sleep in the pile of money with Ba Ba. It’s beautiful to think about it~

This place is not too far from the little fox's territory. If anything happens, the little fox can still take care of it.

There is no need to worry about the safety of mushroom farmers because they are too far from the village.

Simply perfect!


After bidding farewell to the little fox, Jiang Yun's thoughts gradually diverged.

Since the flower-cutting method is feasible, then all the mountains and forests in Yuqing County are worth money!

This does not require bacterial strains. As long as you master the technology and ensure the safety of the mountains and forests, it is a costless business.

Their village cannot take care of so many mushroom trees, but there are many villages scattered in the mountains!

Jiang Yun pondered all the way until he entered the house, slapped his hand on the table, and said excitedly: "Fourth uncle! Let's think of a name for the workshop!"

The table shattered with the sound. Jiang Yun woke up and turned his head. Where was Jiang Yang's figure behind him?

At this time, Jiang Yang was guarding the tiger's body and was surrounded by villagers.

Jiang Yun was so absorbed in thinking that he threw the tiger carcass away before entering the village and left.

Lei Hu slipped away long before everyone gathered around him.

It's hard for Jiang Yang to move alone - he can't drag him!

In desperation, Jiang Yang could only stand there and face the excited villagers alone.

Fortunately, the school hadn't ended yet, otherwise there would have been more people. Jiang Yang was secretly grateful.


"This tiger has been beaten well. Look, there is no scratch on the skin. It is worth a lot of money!"

"That's right! If there is no serious injury, then the tiger's blood will definitely be able to absorb a lot..."

"Eh? Shiro, where's the tiger blood? You didn't forget to take it, right? Oh, you can't waste it like this!"

Jiang Yang was stunned. They didn't remember receiving the tiger's blood at all, so Yun Niang put it away.

But now... Jiang Yang lowered his eyes and glanced at the neat bleeding hole on the tiger's neck.

Along the way, the tiger was never taken out.

So...when did Yun Niang bleed the tiger?

Thinking of the land father-in-law in Jiang Yun's mouth, Jiang Yang swallowed: ...can't it be true?

Jiang Yang was thinking wildly, but he didn't show it on his face, and said with a smile: "The tiger blood I collected is just not convenient to take, so I kept it in the mushroom camp."

The villagers felt relieved and said, "Oh, we can't delay that. It would be a pity if it went bad."

Jiang Yang continued to smile and said, "What you are saying is that Brother Huonian is going to call someone, and we will send him down the mountain in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Huonian had already arrived over there with people and a cart.

Jiang Yang greeted the villagers with a smile and directed Shen Huonian and the others to move the tiger into the car.

After hearing the news, Old Mrs. Zhou stood quietly outside the crowd looking at Jiang Yang with a pole in her hand, followed by Old Jiang with a dark face.

Jiang Yang turned his head to look at the calm look of the old lady last week, and his scalp suddenly went numb. "Mom, dad, this tiger can't be delayed. I, I'll send him down the mountain first. Oh, by the way, Yun Niang has already gone back." I'm sorry. Yun Niang, just bear the wave of anger for your fourth uncle first!

While Jiang Yang mourned for Jiang Yun in his heart, he whispered to Shen Huonian and the others, "Go, go, go, go quickly!!!"

The crowd was further out. Jiang Yun, who had just arrived:...

His eyes passed over the pole in Mrs. Zhou's hand. Jiang Yun shrank his neck and backed away. When no one was paying attention, he greased the soles of his feet.


The group of people pushing the cart could not go to the entrance of the village. They could only go towards the back mountain and go around the official road.

Afraid of being chased by Mrs. Zhou, Jiang Yang and the others walked quickly until they turned into the back mountain and the village was obscured by trees. Jiang Yang let out a long breath.

Shen Huonian couldn't help laughing, "Silang, don't blame me for not reminding you. Your mother has been very angry these days. If you don't come back, all the anger will be vented on your father."

After saying that, he gave Jiang Yang a "you understand" look.

Jiang Yang: ...Gan!

Yun Niang! Fourth uncle was really killed by you this time!

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a commotion in the trees nearby, and Jiang Yun, whose head was covered with leaves, came out and shouted angrily: "Fourth Uncle! You are so unloyal!"

 It's late. I'll send you an update. Good night.

  (End of this chapter)

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