How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 215 The pie is so big that I can’t eat it in my mouth

Chapter 215 The pie is so big that it can’t be eaten in one bite

Jiang Yang was so frightened by the sudden appearance of Jiang Yun that he fell over, "Why are you here?!"

Jiang Yun smiled harmlessly and said, "Didn't Mom tell me not to leave your sight before? Of course I'm here to follow you!"

Jiang Yang: "...You are killing me!"

Jiang Yun comforted her without any sincerity: "Don't worry, grandma loves you. She will break one of your legs at most."

Jiang Yang: "...I thank you?"

Jiang Yun tried his best to explain: "Fourth uncle, look, if the two of us go back together, we can share the burden and cover each other if anything happens. If we go back separately, we won't even be able to match our confessions, and maybe one of us will have to break a line." Legs. That’s not a good deal!”

"So you're going to break my leg?"

Jiang Yun's eyes rolled around with guilt, and he stretched out his hand to scratch his head, but he touched a head full of leaves.

She pulled gently, and the twigs hanging from the leaves caught her hair... She grimaced in pain.

Jiang Yang deserved the curse, but the man had already walked up to her and helped her remove the dead branches and leaves from her head bit by bit, and then helped her smooth the scattered hair.

Jiang Yun smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Fourth Uncle."

"Hmph." Jiang Yang breathed out from his nostrils as a response, "You ran out by yourself and left a message home?"

Jiang Yun shook his head. She ran away directly from the village. How could she have time to deliver the letter?

Jiang Yang:......

Jiang Yang resignedly sent a person back to deliver the message.

As for sending someone to send Jiang Yun back? Haha, let’s first ask the tiger in the car if he agrees.

Putting his thoughts away, Jiang Yang said: "Let's go. If we don't leave, we won't be able to reach the county in the dark."

Jiang Yun nodded and followed, sighing casually: "It would be great if I could have a horse. It would save a lot of time."

However, she was thinking about the various aircrafts in the alliance - if there were aircrafts, they would be in the county in no time.

It was a wonderful idea, so I started chatting with Jinba in the space...

"Ba Ba, when do you think I can exchange my points for an aircraft?"

Jinba: "...In the next life."

Jiang Yun: "...You are so heartless."

Jinba: "Rather than letting you dream, it's better to let you recognize the reality. The points required for a high-tech product like an aircraft are absolutely astronomical. Don't even think about doing it yourself, because you definitely don't have the required materials. Take a step back Wanbu said, even if you have an aircraft, you don't have fuel.

So, stop dreaming and find a way to make more money and buy a horse. "

Jiang Yun turned around and said to Jiang Yang: "Fourth uncle! Let's sell the tiger and use the money to buy a horse!"

Jiang Yang: "...Then I might not be able to save both of my legs."

Jiang Yun: "I'm serious! Fourth uncle, if we want to expand our industry in the future, having a horse will be really convenient!"

Jiang Yang was unmoved and pointed at his eyes, "Look at the black spots under my eyes. I can't bear the current situation. If it gets bigger, if you want my life, just say so!"

Jiang Yun disagreed and said: "Fourth Uncle, you are tired now because you lacked helpers in the early stage and had to do everything by yourself. But if we want to make the workshop bigger, we can definitely recruit helpers! In this way, we can produce more dry goods , the more money you sell, the bigger the industry will be!”

Even though Jiang Yun has no business experience, the agricultural courses she took also included the economic development of agricultural products! There are not only professional explanations but also rich cases.

Having seen a lot, Jiang Yun naturally knows what a truly large-scale economic model should look like.

The main reason why the workshop is currently busy is because of its lack of scale.

Of course, it is not easy to have a healthy and scalable economic model.

In addition to having a certain economic foundation, there must also be enough professional talents.

For example... a mushroom farmer who understands planting techniques, a bookkeeper who can settle accounts, a young man who runs a business, etc.

Jiang Yun: "...the people from our village alone are definitely not enough." Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows, "So what do you mean?"

"If we don't have enough funds, we can find a reliable big business to cooperate with. They will provide the money, and we will do the work. We will divide the money after making it. For example, Shopkeeper Cao... He has a wide network of contacts. Maybe we can help recruit the accountants we are short of... As for the mushroom farmers who know the cultivation techniques, they are all our contacts in the ten villages and towns in Yuqing County!" Jiang Yun said with great enthusiasm.

Jiang Yang opened his mouth, "How dare you think about it..."

"I have thought about it seriously! Why is the output of dry goods still in short supply after we built a new workshop? Firstly, dry goods are easy to store and transport. Secondly, we are close to the Minzhou pier. In the past, it was because of the serious tiger infestation.’s a completely unique geographical condition!”

Frankly speaking, Jiang Yang was moved, but the cake Jiang Yun drew was a bit too big, and he suffered from indigestion for a while.

Jiang Yun wanted to teach the flower cutting technique, which he had expected.

In Jiang Yun’s words, “Technological development cannot last long by relying on one person’s efforts.”

With the precedent of sweet potatoes, it should not be difficult to develop flower cutting methods in the mountain villages of Yuqing County.

If other villages can perform the flower cutting method, the existing workshops may not be able to carry it...

In this regard, Jiang Yun said: "Just do it in batches. Originally, I couldn't teach so many people at the same time. But even if it was done in batches, the people in the workshop would not be able to keep up. We would have to add more people to rotate."

Jiang Yang nodded, but there is a very important issue here, and that is the issue of safety in the mountains and forests!

Although the tiger problem has been eliminated in Guandao, in addition to tigers, there are other large beasts in the deep mountains.

Unlike other villages, there are not so many young and middle-aged people who are good at martial arts like theirs.

Jiang Yun scratched his head.

Indeed, and they cannot clean up a large area. It is one thing to be short of manpower. The main reason is that it will damage the ecology.

For Jiang Song's manor, Jiang Yun checked a lot of ecological-related information.

Whether it is animals or plants in nature, they have their own balance and cannot be easily destroyed.


"It all depends on people! There will always be a way." Jiang Yun said optimistically.

But she didn't expect that this solution would come so quickly.


Before the group entered the official road, they saw refugees in groups of three or two, either on their way or resting under a tree.

The uncle and nephew looked at each other and both thought of the recent drought.

They were in the mountains, had a good location, and quickly found the water source, so they were not greatly affected.

Although I heard that the drought at the foot of the mountain is serious, according to what Zhao Pu said before, it is still under control.

It has only been a while, but it has already reached the point where refugees are wandering into the mountains...

From the moment Jiang Yang and the others appeared, the refugees only made a fuss for a moment before they were shocked by the corpse of the big tiger on the cart.

Faced with the wolf-like looks of the refugees, Jiang Yang and the others immediately became vigilant and accelerated towards the county town.

Fortunately, no one dared to step forward.

When they got to the official road, as expected, there were more refugees on the road.

Knowing that something was not going well, the group just immersed themselves in their journey. There were no dangers along the way, and finally arrived outside the county town before the sun went down...

 Oops, I didn’t make it before twelve o’clock after all.

  I have a trip the day after tomorrow and have to pack my luggage tomorrow night, so I'm asking for a day off.

  Then I will adjust for a few days and resume double updates as soon as possible~

  Good night.

  (End of this chapter)

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