Chapter 241 Thoughts (two in one)

Jiang Yun was looking for Zhao Huan, and Doctor Sun, who was immersed in studying the pulse case, was dissatisfied with being disturbed, but he also went to see Jiang Yang.

There were quite a few people coming, and Jiang Yang was temporarily placed in Shopkeeper Cao's yard.

Doctor Sun came in a hurry with the medicine boy. He carefully diagnosed Jiang Yang's pulse and then looked at the injured area. Doctor Sun's brows jumped.

"Who treated you before?"

Before Jiang Yang could speak, Mr. Su, who was standing aside, cupped his hands and said, "It's me."

Only then did Dr. Sun realize that there was another person standing next to him. He raised his head and looked up. When he saw Mr. Su's face clearly, his pupils shrank, "You..."

Mr. Su: "My name is Su Wuming, the bell-ringing doctor from a nearby village."

Doctor Sun swallowed his words, paused and said, "Show me the previous pulse record."

"Doctor Ringer," Mr. Su said calmly, "There is no pulse."

Doctor Sun:? ? ? If it were other bell-ringing doctors, he would naturally believe that the other party had no clue, but this one in front of him... he didn't believe it!

Feeling Dr. Sun's gaze, Mr. Su added lightly, "Paper and ink are too expensive."

Dr. Sun's eyes passed over Mr. Su's washed white cloth, and he sighed secretly, "That's all, let's talk about it verbally."

As he said that, he took the lead and walked out, followed closely by Mr. Su.

Jiang Yun, Jiang Song and a group of people from the transportation team were waiting anxiously in the main hall. When they saw the two coming, they hurriedly greeted them.

"How's it going?" Jiang Yun couldn't help but spoke first.

Doctor Sun looked at Mr. Su and said, "First of all, Mr. Su... Mr. Wuming, please tell me about the previous case."

Mr. Su cupped his hands and briefly talked about the key periods since Jiang Yang was injured, but was vague about the time between them.

Dr. Sun just thought that he didn't write down the pulse record and didn't remember it completely, so he didn't doubt him. Instead, he praised Mr. Su for using the medicine accurately and his pulse condition improved obviously.

Mr. Su accepted the compliment without changing his expression and simply said: "I don't dare to take credit for the prescription passed down from my ancestors."

Mr. Sun nodded. He didn't doubt this. After all, there were rumors that this man's great-grandfather was a famous doctor in Jiangnan, but his family fell into decline later. The last one, with his years of hard study, went from the imperial examination to the position of minister of Dali Temple. I think it was also a good talk in the capital at the beginning.

"Judging from his pulse, he has fully recovered and is taking good care of himself. I have also touched his leg bones and they are not crooked."

Jiang Song worriedly asked: "Then why did he say he couldn't exert any strength? He couldn't walk?"

Mr. Sun frowned slightly, "It stands to reason that in a situation like his, his legs will indeed be weak at first, and then they will recover after getting used to it. But like him, he can't exert any strength at all... maybe it's because of his heart disease ”

"Heart disease?"

Mr. Sun nodded, "This kind of situation is not uncommon on the battlefield. Some soldiers who have experienced tragic wars have been too stimulated. By chance, they have saved their lives and recovered physically, but they can't get over the hurdle in their hearts. They will appear to have recovered." The affected area is inexplicable pain or uncontrollable.”

Jiang Song thought of the way Jiang Yang fell in a pool of blood again, his eyes were slightly red, " there any way to cure it?"

Dr. Sun shook his head: "Heart disease requires heart medicine. I can only prescribe some prescriptions to keep the meridians clear. Whether he can stand up and walk depends on himself."

Jiang Song bowed and saluted: "It's time for you, Doctor Sun."

Dr. Sun nodded very coldly, then looked at Mr. Su, "You can follow me to get the medicine."

Mr. Su was stunned for a moment, and Doctor Sun continued: "I heard that you have a prescription handed down from our ancestors, so I just want to take a pulse from His Highness King Yong'an. If the medicine is useful, your benefit will be indispensable."

Mr. Su knew he couldn't escape, so he nodded in agreement.

Feeling Mr. Su's embarrassment and awkwardness, Jiang Yun frowned and raised his heels, "I'll go thank Her Royal Highness."

Having said that, when he met Zhao Huan, he said, "Doctor Sun asked my husband to diagnose His Highness King Yong'an's pulse. Do you want to go and have a look too?" Jiang Yun looked at her longingly.

"Ah?" Zhao Huan blinked and thought to himself: Isn't my brother well? Isn't it true that Dr. Sun was cheating by asking someone to diagnose his pulse? Aunt Qing can’t agree, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Huan calmed down, shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's rare for you to come here, let's have a good talk. My brother has stabilized now, I will go see him later."

Jiang Yun:......

Jinba: "I just said that the unlucky prince would have been cured long ago!"

Jiang Yun lowered his eyes: But in this case, she has no excuse to go to King Yong'an. What if the fierce Doctor Sun bullies Mr. Sun? There are so many guards in this courtyard. If you don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, wouldn't you suffer a big loss?

No, no matter what, she has to stay close to that side. She can protect her husband immediately if anything happens.

Jiang Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Princess, do you want to see a magic trick?"

Zhao Huan's eyes lit up, then darkened again, and he shook his head: "Aunt Qing won't let me go out, and she won't let irrelevant people in until my brother recovers." Then we can't invite outside theater troupes to perform. .

"I can! You want to see me change it for you." Jiang Yun patted his chest and said.

"You?" Zhao Huan hesitated.

Jiang Yun nodded. Seeing that she didn't believe it, he showed Zhao Huan an empty palm. After turning it around, a sweet potato slightly larger than her palm appeared in his hand.

Zhao Huan's eyes widened in shock, "How did you do it!"

Even Yuying on the side raised her eyebrows: With her eyesight, she couldn't even see the flaw. This little girl's method was interesting.

Jiang Yun grinned, "I can't tell you that."

Zhao Huan frowned and hummed. Before he could speak, he heard Jiang Yun say: "If you knew it, then it wouldn't be strange to see the magic, and it would be a lot less fun."

Zhao Huan pouted. Although he was still a little unhappy, he was no longer angry at all.

Jiang Yun coaxed: "Do you still want to see it? I'll change it into something else for you?"

Zhao Huan said a little awkwardly and arrogantly: "Then let's change into two more and have a look. I will help you appreciate them."

"Okay!" Jiang Yun agreed cheerfully, looked around and said, "This is not suitable here. Let's go to the garden in the backyard and change it into two different ones for you!"

After saying that, he took Zhao Huan to the back garden, walked around in a circle, and stopped when he heard the voices of Mr. Su and Dr. Sun, "Okay, this place is perfect!"

Zhao Huan looked at the most remote corner of the garden:...

However, her attention was soon diverted by Jiang Yun's magic tricks, while Jiang Yun was performing skillfully while listening attentively to what was happening on Mr. Su's side.


On the other side, Doctor Sun and Mr. Su did not go to ask for King Yong'an's pulse, but took him to his room.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Su Xianzhi." Doctor Sun looked at Mr. Su.

Mr. Su clasped his fists: "Mr. Sun."

Doctor Sun waved his hand and said, "I am no longer an imperial doctor, but you, who were so ambitious back then, how did you figure it out and start practicing medicine now?"

Mr. Su chuckled lightly, "At the beginning, my ambition was to serve the people, but it was difficult. Now I am practicing medicine to save people. Although my body is weak, I still save people with my ability, and I am worthy of my heart."

Perhaps thinking of his original situation, Doctor Sun sighed quietly and stopped talking about the past, only reminiscing with Mr. Su.

Jiang Yun listened for a long time. One of them talked about what he had seen in border areas, the other talked about strange things in medical practice, and finally they even discussed medical skills. Doctor Sun wanted to discuss the mystery of Zhao Feng's case with Mr. Su, but he also knew that this was inappropriate.

I can only ask about it without any trace from the herbs and poisons...

"I have heard that there are not only poisonous insects and poisonous weeds in the South, but also rare medicinal materials. You have been here for many years, have you ever heard of any medicine that has miraculous effects on trauma or detoxification?" As he said this, he took out the medicine that Zhao Feng had chosen. The poison recipe.

Mr. Su was somewhat self-aware of his medical skills. He glanced at the poison prescription: ...Well, he couldn't understand the prescription. The compatibility inside... some are medicines, some are poisons, and the rest... I don't know.

Dr. Sun also knew that he was studying medicine halfway, so he was not surprised by this.

Just thinking that Mr. Su had stayed in Nandi for so long, there might be some things that he didn't know, so he asked again, "Have you ever encountered any patients who got better inexplicably?"

Mr. Su:…

Mr. Su thought: Jiang Yun seemed to have told him that he accidentally injured King Yongan...

Doctor Sun thought he was remembering, so he didn't rush him.

What Mr. Su was thinking about was: Liu Su said that the miraculous medicine was her ancestral formula, but he always felt that the medicine might have something to do with Jiang Yun.

First, when Jiang Song was seriously ill, Liu Su did not come up with this so-called ancestral prescription. Although Liu Su's theory was that she had a heart attack at the time, her memory was confused and she couldn't remember it for a while.

Secondly, the rumor about the land father-in-law appeared at a somewhat coincidental time.

Thirdly, in the past two years, no one in Jiang Yun's family has had any headaches or fever. During this period, when he gave free clinics to the whole village, he discovered that every one of Jiang Yun's family had strong pulses.

Fourth, the red potion that Liu Su took later was taken out after Jiang Yun came back.

Fifth, Jiang Yun asked him for Bazhen soup earlier, saying it was for her friend in the mountains to drink, but now I think about it, it was probably to cover up her weird-colored concoction.


"There are no inexplicable improvements, but some indigenous people here in the South do have some secret techniques that are not spread to the outside world, and many of them have miraculous medical treatments. Some patients do recover faster than ordinary people." Mr. Su said carefully. .

Doctor Sun nodded, feeling that he had found the answer: maybe he should visit around if he had the chance.

Knowing that Mr. Su would go out to ring the bell every year to practice medicine, Dr. Sun was a little excited: his mission on this trip was to take care of His Highness's health. Now that His Highness is in good health, he might be able to go with him.


In the garden, Jiang Yun's hands were flying up and down, and various props were changing. Zhao Huan was dazzled and amazed.

Yuying on the side also changed from casual to focused. Unlike Zhao Huan who was watching the excitement, she was observing the changes in Jiang Yun's techniques and looking for flaws.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun, who is not very attentive, sometimes uses space to cheat, and sometimes uses special props, making her completely unpredictable...

Hearing that the two of them had begun to say goodbye to each other, Jiang Yun put away the props in his hands and said, "Princess, it's getting late today. I have to go back first. I'll come back to play with you next time~"

Zhao Huan was dazzled and marveled again and again, but now he stopped suddenly, with his face still a little confused, "Ah? Is this the end?"

Yuying was also stunned, looking at Jiang Yun's hand, feeling itchy.

Jiang Yun said sternly: "I have to go back. My fourth uncle is not well yet, and he is very busy with things at home. If I am lazy, it will definitely affect the harvest."


Seeing Zhao Huan watching Jiang Yun leave with a disappointed look on her face, Yuying couldn't help but say, "Since the princess is reluctant, why not let her stay and continue performing?"

Zhao Huan tilted his head in confusion: "Didn't she say it's time for her to go home?"

Yuying: "But you are a princess. Aren't the princess's words more important than her going home?"

Zhao Huan thought for a moment and shook his head, "Brother said that as princes and princesses, we need to bear corresponding responsibilities for all the privileges we enjoy. But we were protected by the imperial grandmother before, and now we are protected by our grandfather. We have never taken any responsibilities. , naturally there is no reason to ask for anything from the people, let alone have fun affecting the harvest! "

Yuying had never thought about this. She was stunned for a moment and then said: "But now that the autumn harvest has passed, what harvest can be affected?"

Zhao Huan: “Rice in the South is grown in two seasons.”

Yuying, who has lived on the border of the Northland since she was a child, scratched her head and smiled, "The princess knows so much."

Zhao Huan raised his head proudly, "That's right, I also know the techniques for increasing rice production, the precautions for planting sweet potatoes and growing mushrooms."

"Pfft." A chuckle came, and Zhao Huan knew it was his brother without turning around.

"Brother, why are you laughing? Do you mean you don't believe me?" Zhao Huan pouted.

Zhao Feng, who came from the path, cleared his throat and said seriously: "How could that be?"

Growing up together, how could Zhao Huan not see the way he was holding back his laughter and drag Zhao Feng back.


Zhao Huan placed the agricultural book given to her by Jiang Yun in front of Zhao Feng and said proudly: "I have read all of this agricultural book! Brother, just ask me and see if I can answer it."

Zhao Feng glanced at the crooked words "Agriculture Book" on the rough-made manuscript and raised his eyebrows, "This book...was given to you by Jiang Yun?"

Zhao Huan said proudly: "She also gave me many toys!"

"Then I asked, if you can't answer, do you want to give me the toy?" Zhao Feng said with a smile.

Zhao Huan reacted very quickly, "Then if I get the answer right, brother go tell Aunt Qing that I want to go out and play!"

Zhao Feng nodded and opened the agricultural book.

I originally thought that this was a manuscript that Jiang Yun used to practice calligraphy, but I didn't expect that the content was rigorous and the words were concise. Although he didn't understand some of the words, he could tell that the content was not written randomly.

Zhao Huan waited for him to ask questions with high spirits, but saw him looking in with bright eyes.

Zhao Huan:......

Just as he was about to speak, Zhao Feng pointed at the book and asked, "What does this tillering period mean?"

"Oh, the rice starts to grow taller and the number of leaves increases."

Zhao Feng asked again: "What about this grouting period?"

"This is when the rice gets bigger."

"Then what is the meaning of impersonation and collapse?" Zhao Feng asked sincerely.

Zhao Huan: "Uh...I forgot about this."

Perhaps feeling a little embarrassed, Zhao Huan's cheeks were slightly red and he said unconvinced: "Jiang Yun has told me a lot, but I have never seen it with my own eyes in the fields. If I could see it with my own eyes, I would definitely not forget it!"

Why doesn't Zhao Feng want to see it with his own eyes...

 Make up for yesterday’s + today’s. Good night~

  (End of this chapter)

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