How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 242 Show off your momentum

Chapter 242 Show off your momentum

Since Jiang Yang had recovered, he naturally wanted to go home. Mr. Su took the medicine prescribed by Dr. Sun and accompanied him back to Jiang's house. He handed the medicine to Mrs. Zhou personally and explained the precautions. Mrs. Zhou was After Tai stayed to eat, he led Jiang Yun towards the school.

Jiang Yun, who had been on leave for many days, was unsure. As he walked, he discussed with Jin Ba in the space, "Ba Ba, when sir checks my homework later, if I don't remember anything, can you remind me? ?”

Jin Ba lay on the bumpy grass and dozed off, pretending not to hear anything.

Jiang Yun: ...I just hope that sir will be merciful.

It's a pity that Mr. Su showed no mercy at all. He not only checked her endorsement and calligraphy, but also tested her interpretation.

The first two items are fine, but the last item is not something she can learn well by herself.

Mr. Su sighed: "Sir, I know you are capable, but you are still young, so you should put your studies first."

Jiang Yun lowered his head and said nothing.

Mr. Su asked again: "Have you not had a good rest recently?"

Jiang Yun nodded.

Mr. Su shook his head and sighed: "No wonder, you haven't grown much in such a long time."

Jiang Yun:! ! !

Jin Ba in the space nodded in agreement, "Lack of sleep does affect height."

Mr. Su stopped clicking and just pretended not to see Jiang Yun's deeply shocked look, and suddenly said: "King Yong'an, you secretly fed me the potion, right?"

Jiang Yun, who was still immersed in the shock of "not growing taller", glared, and then nodded resignedly under Mr. Su's gaze.

Mr. Su changed the subject and said, "Niang Yun, have you ever heard of the saying, 'Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade'?"

Jiang Yun felt guilty and subconsciously wanted to look away, but forced himself to meet Mr. Su's gaze, but couldn't help but blink, looking innocent.

Mr. Su saw this in his eyes and sighed: "Ms. Yun, when you look at someone when you feel guilty, remember to control the speed of your blinks, and don't make small gestures like clasping your hands. These will reveal your thoughts."

Jiang Yun was seen through:...

Jin Ba in the space couldn't help but cover his face.

After all, it’s because he’s young, and he’s full of flaws if he’s not careful.

Mr. Su taught me painstakingly for an hour, but still felt uneasy, and finally said: "Come back and study hard from tomorrow. You are not allowed to ask for leave at will."

"Ah? But I have to go discuss business with my mother tomorrow..." Facing Mr. Su's eyes, Jiang Yun's voice gradually dropped.

On the way back, looking at Jiang Yun who was unhappy, Jin Ba advised: "Your husband's concerns are justified. In addition to schoolwork, you also have to complete systematic study tasks every day. If I follow your mother again, I will really I'm afraid that you won't grow taller in the future. Before you can protect yourself, I also hope that you can keep a low profile. Think about it, your fourth uncle is just a mushroom farmer and has caused such a disaster. ‘Endless’ exposure will be a disaster for your family.”

Jiang Yun responded dully.


To Mr. Su's surprise, not only did Jiang Yun come to school obediently the next day, but Jiang Yang was also carried on Zhang Liang's back.

Mr. Su was stunned for a moment, then said happily: "It's better to take this opportunity to calm down and study." Maybe one day he would think about it himself, which would be better than being locked up at home every day without seeing the light of day.

On the other side, Mrs. Zhou, who was about to go down the mountain, stood in the Jiang's yard and looked at the somewhat reserved Lei Hu with satisfaction.

Not far away, Jiang Yue took the young Zhang Yang to explore the corridor, looking at the tall Lei Hu curiously. Lei Hu was afraid of scaring them both, so he raised his hand to block the scar on his face.

Old Mrs. Zhou: "No need to block it! I'm going to see the leader of the Cao Gang today. Even if you show off your momentum, you must not let the other party look down upon you!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the two little ones peeking out. Mrs. Zhou curled her lips and said, "There are no snacks for naughty children!"

There was a buzzing sound behind the pillar, and then Jiang Yue was seen pulling Zhang Yang away.

Mrs. Zhou reached out and patted Lei Hu's arm, "Then I'll leave it to you today."

Lei Hu waved his hand, "No, no need."

He was willing to come today because Jiang Yun suddenly came to look for him last night and offered him a set of boxing skills in exchange for protecting Mrs. Zhou for a day. But Jiang Yun didn't let him tell anyone. The Jiang family thought he was here to help for free and were very enthusiastic towards him, which made him very embarrassed.


The leader of the Cao Gang introduced by Shopkeeper Cao was named He. He was young but fierce, and he preferred to be called He Shao.

Hearing that Mrs. Zhou was coming to discuss business with him, he dismissed her. However, he owed Cao Jinbao a favor and had to meet her, but his good looks were gone.

When Old Mrs. Zhou saw him, he had just finished getting angry at the people under his command. When he turned around and saw Old Mrs. Zhou, he calmed down and said impatiently: "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. I'm busy, sir. So much time has been spent on you.”

Mrs. Zhou, who was smiling politely, stopped smiling and said unceremoniously: "Master He's family has a big business. Naturally, noble people are busy with things. It's just that you have been busy all year round, and your life is not as good as that of an old woman like me." She shook her head as she spoke. sigh.

He Shao frowned coldly, but before he could speak, the subordinates on the side were unconvinced and said, "How can you, an old woman, talk!" As he said this, he stepped forward and pushed Old Mrs. Zhou away.

Lei Hu took a step forward and pushed them back one by one with each hand.

Mrs. Zhou patted Lei Hu, raised her smile again, and said, neither humble nor arrogant, "Don't be surprised, Mr. He, my little brother has a bad temper. I also have people who respect me and I respect others. Today, since I Shopkeeper Tuo Cao recommended me to come here, and naturally we have a sincere discussion. As for the final discussion, it will of course depend on Mr. He's wishes. "

Seeing the confident old lady Zhou, He Shao's impatience disappeared a lot, and he waved his hand to let the embarrassing man leave.

"Master, I want to hear how you talk sincerely." After saying that, he sat down at the main seat without asking Mrs. Zhou to sit down.

Anyway, he was from the Cao Gang, so there was no harm in being rude. He wanted to see how this old lady would handle herself.

"Old lady, I'm old, so I won't be polite to Mr. He." Mrs. Zhou said as she found a seat to sit down, opened her backpack and took out things, and said: "We live far away, so this I've been so hungry that I've been feeling hungry all the way, and now my eyes are shining brightly, and I feel like I'm seeing you twice. Do you mind if I eat something to fill my stomach?"

Mr. He:......

After being speechless for a moment, He Shao waved his hand to let her do as she pleased because he saw that Mrs. Zhou was indeed quite old and was afraid that she would pass out and die on the spot.

Then, he watched Mrs. Zhou take out a small stove for boiling medicine, put a small clay pot on it and light the fire...

Lei Hu also took off his baggage, took out a large bag of white-faced steamed buns, and gave one to everyone present. Not only He Shao, but also the brothers standing guard at the door were not left behind.

Looking at Mrs. Zhou who was carefully stirring the clay pot, and then at the white-flour steamed buns in her hand, Mr. He said:...

 good night, see you tomorrow. (I will try to update it as early as possible tomorrow.

  (End of this chapter)

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