How to become the richest man by farming

Chapter 249: Who are you here for?

Chapter 249: Who are you here for?

When the man in black approached Jiang Miao's door, Jiang Yun was already completely angry.

Not caring about damaging the yard, he just threw handfuls of pebbles out.

Afraid of accidentally hurting the Jiang Miao in the house, the area at the door of the room was vacated. Before Jiang Yun, who had just escaped, could arrive, Zhao Feng and Tan Jian arrived with swords in hand and stopped the two black men. Clothes man and force him to retreat.

With the participation of Zhao Feng and Tan Jian, Jiang Yun suddenly felt much more relaxed. He no longer unscrupulously picked up stones from the space, but casually picked up one of the weapons of the man in black and rushed into the crowd neatly.

At this time, there were only three men in black still holding on in the yard.

Seeing that he was outmatched, one of the men in black dodged Jiang Yun's fatal attack and said urgently, "Be merciful, we don't mean any harm."

In the space, Jinba reminded: "Don't let them talk. They will watch you take out the stones one by one. If you leave them here and are taken away by the unlucky prince, the space will be exposed."

The sword missed the target, and a large wound was opened on the shoulder of the man in black. Blood spattered. Jiang Yun, who was already irritable, frowned and punched him away. Then he quickly understood the remaining two strong crossbows.

In fact, it didn't take long from the appearance of the man in black to the solution. Zhao Feng looked at the man in black who fell to the ground, and his face turned pale after realizing it.

Tan Jian, who had experienced many battles, glanced at Jiang Yun and secretly warned in his heart: This girl is not very old, but she is very lethal, and she is so ruthless...

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Jiang Yun swaying, staggering, leaning on the ground with the weapon in his hand to support his body, facing the ground and gritting his teeth and shouted: "Little aunt!"

Zhao Feng and Tan Jian didn't see her red eyes, but they also noticed that something seemed wrong with Jiang Yun.

Zhao Feng: "Are you injured?!"

Tan Jian stepped forward to grab Jiang Yun's wrist and check it out, but Jiang Yun dodged it.

Jiang Yun staggered, almost falling on his hands and knees on the steps next to him.

Jiang Miao opened the door, ran over, hugged Jiang Yun in her arms, shielded her red eyes, patted her back and comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay..."

Seeing that she was only wearing single clothes, Zhao Feng turned around urgently and refused to look at anything inappropriate.

At the same time, the doors of each bedroom were opened one after another, and the Jiang family surrounded Jiang Yun, faintly blocking the sight of Zhao Feng and others...


The bad news is: Jiang Yun passed out.

The good news is: Jiang Yun woke up refreshed early the next morning.

"Ba Ba, this time seems to be very different. Apart from feeling a little uncomfortable at first, now I feel better than ever before!" Jiang Yun woke up from Jiang Song and Liu Su's room. After discovering his condition, he couldn't wait to Dominate the gold in the space.

in space.

Jin Ba looked at the complete circle of grass beside the white mist wall and fell into deep thought...

You know, Jiang Yun had hammered all the grass in the entire space to pieces before, so how could there be such intact grass left?

Jin Ba walked along the white mist wall and found that this circle of turf was not only complete, but also almost the same width.

Either it gets bigger overnight, or it recovers overnight.

And Jiang Yun's space has not been upgraded yet, so no matter what the situation is, it must be related to Jiang Yun losing control.


Although the man in black was dealt with, the brothers Zhao Feng and Zhao Huan could no longer sleep peacefully.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun showed up refreshed during breakfast time, the two brothers and sisters looked even more haggard.

"Jiang Yun, are you okay?" Zhao Huan cheered up and stepped forward, pulling Jiang Yun around to look around. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Jiang Yun shook his head, "This is an old problem of mine. I was scared to death by wild beasts when I was a child, so I reacted more strongly when I was frightened..." Zhao Huan felt relieved and began to sob. Taking advantage of his height, he put his hands around Jiang Yun's neck and sobbed: "It scared me to death! If something happens to you because of this, I really..." Zhao Huan couldn't control himself and could only murmur repeatedly, "Fortunately, you're okay, Fortunately you are fine..."

Jiang Yun was stunned, "What does this have to do with you?" She hadn't even thanked Zhao Feng for his help, so why did Zhao Huan feel guilty in the first place?

Zhao Feng said: "I'm afraid these people came from outside. I'm really sorry. They not only frightened you and your family, but also almost caused you injuries..."

Jiang Yun suddenly realized that at first she thought that Shopkeeper Liu was unwilling to give up and invited more powerful people to come and take revenge. Now that she thought about it, the men in black last night were really powerful in martial arts, and it was not like Shopkeeper Liu could easily afford them. The thug... is indeed more likely to be targeting the unlucky prince.

Because she was familiar with Zhao Huan, Mr. Su often told her about some disputes in the capital court and the fierce battles for the throne in the past dynasties.

Therefore, facing Zhao Feng's apology, Jiang Yun said very openly: "This is beyond your control. I haven't thanked you for saving my little aunt yesterday."

After what happened last night, Zhao Feng and Zhao Huan were naturally not in the mood to play.

It happened that they had left a message for Tan Qing before they entered the mountain yesterday, so Tan Qing arranged for someone to come to Lingkou Village to pick them up early in the morning.

Not only did they leave, they also took away the bodies of the men in black.

At the same time, the Jiang family held an impromptu meeting.

The frightened Jiang family finally had a break despite the busy schedule of the workshop.

Then I heard Liu Su’s guess about the men in black——

"Those people might be coming for me."

Everyone was puzzled, and then Liu Su mentioned that he had vaguely noticed that his veil had been turned over.

"I wasn't in very good condition at the time. I thought I had misremembered my mistakes." Liu Su paused and recalled, "Now it seems that maybe that's not the case..."

Although there is no direct evidence, the two things combined always feel like something is wrong.

In this case, they naturally could not take it lightly, so they held an emergency meeting to discuss the matter.

Jiang Yun: ...In the end, it was their family that got the unlucky prince involved?

Out of guilt, Jiang Yun collected some kudzu powder from various houses in the village and dragged people to deliver it to Zhao Huan.



Liu Chen burned the secret letter from Yuqing County with an ugly expression, becoming increasingly suspicious of Liu Su's life experience.

Previously, he purchased an embroidery piece from Liu Suna through the shopkeeper of a shop in Yuqing County, and then studied it privately with a skilled craftsman.

Although the stitching method used by Liu Su was an original and novel stitching method, the experienced embroiderer still found the original Liu family's unique skill.

Combined with other information he found, he had doubts about Liu Su's life experience.

He had asked someone to investigate before, and the reason why he sent so many people this time was because he wanted to take Liu Su away.

Unexpectedly, the good soldiers sent out could not even see anyone, and the entire army was wiped out...

Looking at the secret letter that turned into ashes, Liu Chen narrowed his eyes: This Jiang family... is becoming more and more interesting.

 Finally caught up, good night, see you tomorrow (I’ll make up for what I missed the day before tomorrow.

  (End of this chapter)

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