Chapter 250 Shop

After the incident of the men in black, both Qingfengyuan and the Jiang family were secretly vigilant for a period of time until Tan Qing found out from the clues on the corpses that the men in black belonged to an organization called Yin Pavilion.

Yin Pavilion is a trading organization that has emerged in recent years. Both people and things can be traded in this organization. As long as you can afford it, if you need to spend money to do things, save your life, or buy your life, Yinge can do it for you.

The best thing is that because the Yin Pavilion itself is so elusive, all people or things traded in the Yin Pavilion are kept absolutely confidential.

The clues about the man in black end here.

"It seems that someone is eager to make me die of illness..." Zhao Feng sighed.

Tan Qing: "Your Highness is in good health now, so it's time to think more about the future."

Zhao Feng was silent and suddenly asked: "Aunt Qing, how much cash do we have now?"

Tan Qing: "...less than a thousand taels."

No need for Zhao Feng to say much, Tan Qing also knew what he meant.

Zhao Feng nodded calmly, "This money is definitely not enough to build a mansion, we have to find a way to make a living."

It's not that he pursues ostentation, it's just that he is a prince personally named by his father. His father does not need to allocate money to him, but if he builds a palace that does not comply with the regulations, it will be in vain.

Tan Qing nodded, "I'm already looking for shops. The shops in the old streets in the city don't have much customers, but they are cheap. The shops on the new street are the most valuable, but few are willing to transfer them. Those who are willing to transfer also include the people in the shops. The goods are discounted, so it’s not a good deal. There are two other shops that haven’t opened yet, so I think we can talk about it.”

Zhao Feng nodded and suddenly said: "Why don't you let me talk!"

Tan Qing was stunned and subconsciously wanted to refute.

Since ancient times, how could any prince lower his status to go into business? If it were spread back to Beijing, it would definitely become a laughing stock.

Moreover, once the prince engages in business, it is equivalent to voluntarily giving up the qualification to be elected crown prince.

Zhao Feng smiled and said, "So what if the prince has a distinguished status? He doesn't even have a place to stay? What's wrong with supporting himself by his own efforts? Qing Huan and I can't rely on the imperial grandmother and grandfather to support us all our lives, right?"

Tan Qing: "Neither the Queen Mother nor the Duke will leave you and the princess alone."

"Aunt Qing, do you know? In ordinary people's homes, children as young as six or seven are already able to help the family with work. Jiang Yun is two years younger than me, but not only can she take her two younger brothers to work in the fields, I can still take charge of the workshop's accounts with my brother. I heard that they even set up stalls on the streets and helped resettle refugees in the Yamen... In comparison, I feel like I know nothing." Zhao Feng said with emotion in his tone. There is admiration, but also a sense of loss.

Tan Qing:......

"I also want to try what it feels like to succeed on my own."

Faced with Zhao Feng's persistence, Tan Qing finally made a concession on the condition that Zhao Feng must hide his identity.

Fortunately, because he has been "recuperating", few people have seen the legendary King Yong'an, so it is not difficult to hide his identity.

Zhao Feng thought this way until the next day when he got the names of the owners of the two shops - Cao Jinbao and Jiang Yun.

Zhao Feng:......

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who was busy with spring plowing, even forgot that he still had a shop.

Even before spring plowing, the villagers discovered that Jiang Yun was busy fertilizing the fields with plant ash and vermicompost. It looked like he was doing something big.

The villagers inevitably came to ask questions.

When Jiang Yun said that continuous rice cropping can easily lead to a reduction in production, the experienced old man understood it well. They usually stopped for a year after a reduction in production. Now seeing Jiang Yun busying himself with applying fertilizer to the ground, some of them found it troublesome, so naturally some of them followed suit.

Jiang Yun was very happy for the villagers who followed suit. Not only did he take the initiative to help after school, he also helped them design the dosage and ratio of fertilizers based on their soil quality.

Some people praised her, and some said she was stupid, but Jiang Yun had her own principles.

What's wrong with the food? Even in all the planting experiments she had done before, she had not deliberately tried to reduce the yield. She couldn't care about those who were unwilling to put in the effort, but she was happy to help those who were willing to put in the extra effort just for the sake of the food.

Besides, the experimental data she can collect by herself is limited. These are all experimental data in vain!

You know, the more experimental data, the more points the system will give feedback. …

When Zhao Feng came to Lingkou Village again, Jiang Yun was standing in the field planting rice with his trouser legs rolled up.

Hearing the sound of carriage wheels passing by on the mountain road in the distance, Jiang Yun straightened up and saw Tan Jian driving the car and Zhao Feng lifting the curtains of the carriage.


"I came here to ask for something. I wonder if I can talk to you alone?" Zhao Feng said to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Miao, who came to deliver tea, and Jiang Yueshui and Jiang Yueshan who accompanied him all looked sideways upon hearing this.

Although Jiang Yun was a little confused, he still agreed.

When others left, Tan Jian stood guard outside the main hall door.

The two brothers Jiang Yueshui and Jiang Yueshan stood in the corridor and stared at Tan Jian.

Jiang Yueshan leaned against Jiang Yueshui and whispered: "Brother, do you think his sword is very expensive? How long do I have to save my pocket money to afford it?"

Jiang Yueshui: "In another thirty years."

Jiang Yueshan:? ? ?

Compared to the sword, Jiang Yueshui was more concerned about what the two people in the main hall were saying, "Sister never hides anything from us. Does that person have any bad intentions?"

Jiang Yueshan was not too worried and said, "He can't beat the eldest sister anyway."

Jiang Yueshui stared at Tan Jian warily: "But there are two of them."

Jiang Yueshan puffed up his chest, "There are three more of us!"

Jiang Yueshui:......

Tan Jian, who could clearly hear the whispers of the two brothers:...


In the main hall, Zhao Feng said the reason for his visit, "I came here this time actually for the shop in Xinjie."

Jiang Yun said in confusion: "A shop in Xinjie? Then you should go to the village chief of our village."

Zhao Feng: "It's not that room, it's your room."

Jiang Yun opened his mouth, "Ah, what are you talking about? What happened to that shop?"

"You haven't opened the business yet, haven't you figured out how to use it? Why don't you sell the shop to me?"

Jiang Yun shook his head without hesitation, "I already have arrangements for that shop and I can't sell it to you."

Zhao Feng choked. He didn't expect Jiang Yun to refuse without hesitation. He didn't know how to continue.

It was Jiang Yun who asked, "But aren't you a prince? What do you want from that shop?"

Zhao Feng was silent, "I have lived in a deep palace since I was a child, and I have never had the feeling of being able to support myself. I want to try to see if I can support myself on my own."

Jiang Yun: "That's so easy! Just go farm! Rice, wheat or sweet potatoes, as long as you take care of them carefully, you will never die of hunger."

Zhao Feng: to explain that the majestic prince is in urgent need of money to build a palace?

 Today's progress is slow. I'm afraid it's too late to make up for the update today.

  (T ^ T) Another day of shallow drag dbq

  good night, see you tomorrow

  (End of this chapter)

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