Chapter 218 Go hunting

On the mountain.

Under the leadership of Sun Xingwang, Zhu Wuliu and the others perfectly avoided all the traps he set.

He approached the top cave safely and soundly.

The entrance of the cave is blocked by vines and firewood, which looks just like the hillside outside, and the wild animals will not come in. Once inside the cave, a fire is lit, and the inside is humid, so it is not easy to suffer from wind and cold.

"It doesn't look any different from the haystacks or hillsides outside, and it's no different from the tombs."

Zhu Wuliu glared fiercely at Sun Dazhuang behind him after hearing this.

Some people sound like honey when they talk, and they can make a fortune just by talking without work.

And some people talk like arsenic, doing dirty work, but getting no benefit at all.

Sun Dazhuang belongs to the latter.

Zhu Wuliu just wanted to praise him for digging out the dung for the family, but who knows that this person can't chatter so well.

If this is a tomb, what will happen to them?

It's okay, don't keep talking about those underworld words.


Sun Dazhuang lowered his head in embarrassment, and silently helped Sun Xingde pile up firewood.

At this time, Sun Xingwang came back from outside to investigate, swept the soil all over, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I came out to hunt, so I'm really excited."

Several people in the cave laughed, and Zhu Wuliu said, "You guys are so excited that I am not a human being inside and out.

Let me tell you, if I don't have any good clothes to send to Zhou Huan, I will have no face to go back. "

Sun Xingwang smiled and said: "Don't worry brother, I've done all the research, this mountain and that of theirs are better than the one on the other side of our house, the mountain is full of treasures.

Just by listening to the sound, you can hear pheasants, wild boars, and wild wolves, whatever you want. "

Ha ha.

Is there anything you want? If you want something, you have to be able to catch it. If you can’t catch it, it’s nothing. Not to mention whether you can catch it, the shadow of the wild wolf is still lingering in his mind.

The top priority is personal safety.

"A few of us are not like you. You are born as a hunter and have actual combat experience, but we don't have any. If you go out later, what to do and what to use, you should explain it here first, so as to save you from going out.

Those beasts can't be sure, maybe where the cats are. "

"That's necessary, it's okay to follow me, let's avoid the beasts and pick places where the foxes stay.

I'm well versed in this.

When I turn back, I will give Huan girl the whole fiery red fox fur scarf to wear, and I will envy those ladies from rich and noble families when I go to the city. "

This is not what Sun Xingwang said.

He was born as a hunter, so he can tell if the fur on other people's body is good or not.

For example, the girls and boys in these cities wear them on their bodies. Although they are all fur, the quality is very uneven.

Looking at the fur is the same as asking a doctor for a doctor's consultation.

For a good fur, the first thing to look at is the glossiness. The glossier the better, the price will be slightly higher.

Then touch it with your hands. The smoother and more elastic it is, the better it is. If it feels dry and sticky, it is definitely not a good product.

But now some merchants like to cheat, holding rabbit hair, robe hair disguised as fox fur, and some even anointing with oil before selling.

At this time, the first two methods alone are not easy to use.

He also came up with big moves, using smelling and blowing.

Smell if there is any strange smell, and blow it to see if the fur is only crooked or can bounce back.

In short, there is a lot of knowledge here.

Most people don't know.

So, it's not that many people in the city can't afford good fur clothes, but they don't know how to do it, and they tend to buy at high prices without knowing that they have been cheated.

Sun Xingwang smiled triumphantly.

Look at it this time, it would be wise to follow him up the mountain to hunt. This time, Zhou Huan's face and face are all prepared.

Just after Zhu Wuliu and others were stationed at the top of the mountain.

Zhou Huan also returned to Xishuashuali to sit in town. First, he had to check the books, second, he had to assess the employees, and third, he had to chat with these grandmas to relieve boredom.

Especially Mrs. Jin, since Zhou Huan came back, she would rather not earn a day's work points, but to join hands with Zhou Huan and chat.

"That day I asked my son to go to the city to buy hair oil, and I brought you a bottle too. It's a good thing, you keep it, don't tell others."

She didn't bring it to anyone else, not even her own son, daughter-in-law, or granddaughter, but Guang Zhou Huan did.

Didn't he hear that his son had quit his job, which made Zhou Huan angry on the kang for several days.

Look at this little face, it's all sallow.

"Grandma, I don't want it. Keep your hard-earned money for yourself. You may need it later when you go to school."

The old lady Jin didn't allow Zhou Huan to push and push, and said: "With you around, we are still afraid that we won't make money? That's a joke.

You don't know, the money we earn in a month can only be saved in a year in previous years, and we still need to be frugal, and we must have a good year and a high grain output.

Now, the food we grow is enough for ourselves except those who pay taxes. The money we earn can not only help the children to study, but also buy some new gadgets.

You take it, this is Grandma's wish. "

If you don't accept it, the old lady Jin will lose her face. This is in the flower hall, and there are many people inside and outside the courtyard.

If the eldest granddaughter who cooks in the back kitchen sees it, she will have to report to her father again.

"Thank you grandma. I haven't had time to thank Zhaodi for carrying me down the mountain that day. I also remember the matter of grandma holding my butt behind me."

On that day, she was in so much pain that she couldn't think too much, and later, she was so angry that she was fuming again.

When it was time to go to work, she remembered the people who needed to be thanked, and realized that Sun Xingwang came to her that day, but luckily he didn't withhold his one month's wages.

Otherwise, I can't live with Zhaodi's conscience.

"That's right." The old lady Jin nodded and said: "When Zhaodi came home, her elbows were all blue, but where is the relationship between you little sisters, this is what she should do out of loyalty.

If you want to thank her, expand and expand our bathing pool, so that Zhaodi can make more bowls of ice cream cheese, earning some work points is better than anything else. "


Zhou Huan looked at Mrs. Jin's expression of affirmation, and thought to herself: This old lady doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, she didn't just come here to coax her today, why did she talk about expanding the store while chatting? Yes, how much money did you make.

On the opposite side, the old lady Jin also thought about it: You know how much money you earn, it is a lot, and don’t lie to Grandma, the old lady knows that you still have money on hand.

What are you doing with that money? You don’t need money to make money, how can you recruit cubs if you keep it.

Of course, don't think about rejecting me immediately, you should think about our income, and then weigh yourself whether we should strike while the iron is hot.

"K-Keep expanding the store, I'm afraid the manpower is not enough."

"Why not enough? Impossible, don't you look at how many idlers are still in our village, envious of our business. Those old men and old women are designated not to enter the embroidery workshop, and all of them are old and dim.

Then they can only pin their hopes on our bathing pool. Tell me, if we see poor peasants who have not become rich, shouldn't we help them? "

(End of this chapter)

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