Chapter 219 Hunters often appear as prey

Mrs. Jin left a message and went to work.

Zhou Huan was left to think independently.

She was sitting in the cash register, the more she savored the old lady Jin's words, the more she felt something was wrong, when would she think of others.

Is this the old lady who scolded the whole village on the way to escape?

Why are the people in the village changing so much now, first Zhou Man, then Mrs. Jin, who will be next?

Inside the door curtain, the old lady Jin secretly opened a small gap to observe Zhou Huan's every move and every move.

She felt hairy.

how is everything?Can girl Huan agree?

Huan girl, don't be in a hurry to deny us, think about it, think about it carefully, if this business can bring the whole village to become rich, do you know what a blessing it is, and how the whole village will thank you? You know that you are likely to live forever, don't you?

Do you know that I don't know.

But I know, if you deny it right away, then my old face will be put off. I will accept the pork from Mrs. Zhang next door, and the deer antler powder from Uncle Song across the street.

It is absolutely impossible to go back.

On the other side, the hunting group of four who didn't know what was going to happen to Xishuashua was still assigning tasks in front of the campfire.

Who needs to be hunted and who needs to be prey must be agreed in advance.

Because seniority is also needed in this place.

For example, Zhu Wuliu, he is the eldest brother and the head of the village, so he is not only a member of the hunting team, he is also the last line of defense in the hunting team.

This means that when Sun Xingwang and Sun Xingde went hunting, once something happened, Zhu Wuliu would have to pull the rope to start the ambush Sun Xingwang had placed on the ground.

If this step can't save them all, then Zhu Wuliu has to run quickly, the faster he runs, the sooner he runs back to the village to call for help, the better.

If you are lucky, you can find someone to rescue them. If you are unlucky, you will be responsible for collecting their bodies.

Sun Xingwang explained the rules and fixed his eyes on Sun Dazhuang. He is the youngest here, he is in good health and runs fast. No one in the group of four is more suitable as a prey.

"Da Zhuang, after a while you hold a fire and go to the place I told you, eyes and ears up, don't be stupid, you just know how to rush forward and touch the ground, once you hear something, don't worry about it What is it, you turn around and run away, do you know?"

"Understood, Brother Dawang, I used to go to the mountains all the time, you forgot that I was attacked before, and I killed the wolf.

I am not afraid of wolves, there is nothing in this mountain that can scare me. "

Sun Xingwang didn't mention the past, and the hero didn't mention how brave he was in the past. If he had stood up at that time, how could the wolf be the leader of Sun Dazhuang.

"All in all, you kid, be smart, don't underestimate the enemy, we all want to go home early, don't rush forward like a fool."

Zhu Wuliu also pushed Sun Dazhuang, and said, "Don't be silly, listen to your Brother Dawang, don't take your body seriously when you are young."

"I'm too old, bro, don't worry."

rest assured?

For some reason, the more confident Sun Dazhuang looked today, the more he couldn't rest assured, and even regretted it. He might as well tighten his belt and buy a mink for Zhou Huan to go to the city, so why bother waiting here.

"Okay, let's get ready."

"Okay." Several people said in unison.


Zhou Huan, who took Mrs. Jin's words as a matter of course, also started doing market research in the village.

Zhou Huan already knew quite a few of these farmers in the village. Some of them came from the embroidery workshop, and some of them met Zhu Wuliu when he held meetings in the elementary school in the center of the village after he became village chief.

The primary school in the center of the village was proposed by Zhu Wuliu, and it was one of the few real things that Zhou Huan saw.

It was also a dilapidated house that was remodeled at the beginning. The leaks can be repaired with green bricks that can be repaired with green bricks. If not, they can go to the water's edge to wash the mud and burn it with fire for two days and one night, just like making an earthen kiln. Same, make sure it's made to fit fast.

The safety of the children must come first.

As for why there is this secondary school, in fact, it is a school when it is older, and it is the same as our nursery when it is younger.

Isn't this the busy work in the village? Most of their mothers are in the embroidery workshop, and their fathers and grandparents are all plowing in the spring. These children have suddenly become left-behind children without care.

So soon after Zhu Wuliu took office, he planned to start a new project: one-to-one parenting, one big child with one small child

Except for the older children who can help the family with farm work, most of the children here are still educated and literate with Lou Dehua in the bookstore. They are the main force of the school.

There are also a small number of very young people, the youngest is three years old, and the oldest is eight years old. Although Xidi is young, she is the big sister here.

The so-called one big leads a small one, that is, an older person who has gone to school leads a younger one who has not gone to school, starting from literacy teaching, so that when these children can go to school, can they be compared with other villages? The child has won at the starting line.

However, this is just Zhu Wuliu's beautiful idea. How can a three-year-old child like to study? Everyone likes to play, the kind of play that rolls around, and the kind of play that doesn't go home for dinner when the time comes.

So, this place changed its flavor later on.

It became a small game room and a trusteeship in Zhou Huan's eyes.

Xi Di was extremely distressed.

At home, she only needs to face a son of a bitch, but here she faces a group of "dogs", and she doesn't even have time to read and study.

In the past, Zhou Huan asked her what her ambitions were when she grew up. She said that she would be a wife. This sentence was praised by Zhou Huan for a long time. Whenever she saw her grandma, Zhou Huan praised her.

During those days, grandma loved her very much and made her eat a lot of porridge mixed with braised broth at home.

Now, she doesn't want to, the children are too difficult to take care of.

"Happy sister, happy sister."

Zhou Huan walked around the central school and was about to leave when Xi Di chased him up from behind.

The small body is not as strong as Yuan Bao's, but he is out of breath after running 50 meters.

"Why did you come out? Someone bullied you?"

Xi Di shook her head, raised her neck and said, "Sister, is your shop still short of people, and I want to earn work points too."

This little guy's bulging face looks very much like the ingots from before.

It has been said that one year is one year older, and this statement is particularly obvious on Yuan Bao.

Now she is a big kid, she often considers herself a big sister, cherishes feathers very much, and is a good teacher.

That little adult appearance can't be said or hurt by others, and she will be anxious with whoever says that she is unruly.

And the word "cute" is also forbidden.

Zhou Huan couldn't bear it, and couldn't help pinching Xidi's fleshy face when he came out: "You little cutie, do you dislike your big sister for not earning enough to buy you delicious and fun things? Are you so anxious?" Earn money?

Good boy, you study hard here, and you can earn more money when you become a teacher in the future. "


Xidi was so frightened that she covered her ears and ran home, twitching her calves while shouting, "I don't want to be a teacher, I don't want to be a teacher."

Zhou Huan shook his head helplessly, watched the small figure staggeringly disappear on the slope, and smiled with his arms folded.

Children, it really changes every day.

Shaking his hands, he was just about to go to the next farmer. On the slope, the short ones went, and the tall ones came.

Sun Peifang greeted Zhou Huan urgently: "Hurry up! Great niece! Come with me to the city! Your uncle and the others were arrested by the county government!"

(End of this chapter)

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