Chapter 247
After placing the honey and bees, Zhou Huan hurriedly covered the beehive with flannelette, and his whole body was already covered in goose bumps by the densely packed little guys.

He turned his head and greeted everyone, and clenched his fists like a man.

"Thank you for your hard work today, I have prepared small dishes for you. If you don't mind, go home and have a bite."

The old lady Jin pursed her lips and laughed, this child is quite good at talking in scenes.

What side dishes, don't talk nonsense here, she smelled it across the street early this morning, Sun Peifang set up a pot at home early in the morning, and took a few eggs from the chicken coop.

The big pot in the yard knows the stewed meat as soon as it smells, it is still tender and juicy, with distinct layers of braised pork, the kind with stupid eggs.

The old lady smiled, a golden light flashed from her mouth, and a silver thread flowed out.

Fang wanted to go back with the team, but was stopped by Sun Xingwang.

"Mom, let's not go, I'm covered in honey and hay ash, I have to go home and take a shower."

The old lady Jin ignored him, and said with a wave of her hand: "Okay, you go back quickly, I told your wife to boil water for you at home.

...Let me see...Well, you're pretty good at making it, come back soon. "

Sun Xingwang was taken aback, how could it be? When did his mother learn to avoid the serious and ignore the trivial, why did she start to avoid the problem?

Then he said, "Mother, come back with me."


"Tsk, isn't that obvious? Girl Huan is here to entertain the brothers who are working today. What are you doing without any effort?"

Do you mind?Why are you so thick-skinned.

Sun Xingwang didn't say anything, but his eyes had already shown his intentions. Old Mrs. Jin got angry when he saw it, and immediately became anxious.

After talking in one breath, he was still not relieved, and punched Sun Xingwang twice again.

"If you don't go, why don't you let me go, because I've been standing here for a long time?" He said with a stare, "Besides, you said that this is to entertain you, and you, as today's great hero, don't go What's the meaning of the banquet, just right, mother will go for you!"

Without giving Sun Xingwang a chance to speak at all, the old lady Jin gave him a push and quickly followed the footsteps of the big team.

Looking at it from a distance, Sun Xingwang felt sad and relieved, as long as her mother's legs, hands, and mouth, it would be nothing if she lived another 20 years to see Xiao Baozi marry a wife.

On the other side, Sun Peifang in the small courtyard of the Zhu family sat and waited for a long time at the gate of the courtyard wearing an apron. A group of people in black clothes were carrying hemp ropes and bamboo baskets, and immediately stood up from the benches. .

He limped to the kitchen.

My legs are numb after sitting for a long time.

She beat her thigh a few times, gritted her teeth, and hurriedly heated up all the vegetables in the pot. After a while, the soup of the braised pork was all congealed, and the other vegetables were all lying on the ground.

You have to hurry up and stir fry twice.

"Father, you go and wipe the table by the door again, especially the small round table under the tree roots."

Zhu Wuliu came out of the latrine with his trousers in his hands, washed his hands hastily, picked up a rag and began to wipe.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the people in the distance, Zhu Wuliu smiled heartily, bowed his head and continued to wipe vigorously.

A group of people gathered around the carriage and stopped in Zhu's courtyard.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he was praised by Zhu Wuliu, and he was ashamed to praise his brothers.

"Brother, stop boasting, we've all been praised by Girl Huan and Shi Zifei, if we continue to praise, the brothers will go away."

Zhu Wuliu smiled, and happily patted Sun Xingde on the shoulder, do you want to float?That's not possible, once the meat comes out of the pan, you are guaranteed to float halfway and turn back.

"Hurry up, wash your hands and help your sister-in-law serve the dishes."

There are a lot of dishes today, divided into two batches.

One group was dedicated to rewarding Sun Dazhuang and the others, and the other group was reserved for Jiang Yueying and Cuiyun's master and servant alone.

In the past few months, Jiang Yueying still couldn't smell the smell of oily smoke. She retched several times in the carriage just now, and she didn't feel relieved until the hay was burned.

So, this table of vegetarian dishes was specially prepared by Sun Peifang for her.

Sun Peifang hurriedly wiped her hands with her apron, and followed Jiang Yueying with a smile on her face, "Look, folk women are not skilled, and they are not as good as the cooks in the yard. These few mouthfuls of vegetables are really neglecting the prince. concubine."

Sun Peifang's words came from the heart. The food she cooks is really average. In the past, the family couldn't afford these dishes. Later, when they got rich, the children wanted to eat meat.

As a result, she has never done any research on how to make vegetables, and today she is purely trying to drive ducks to the shelves.

But she knew that the nobles in the city like to eat rare things, like what Sun Dazhuang said, eat what is not available, and eat what is expensive.

No, most of the ingredients on the table were not seasonal ingredients, and it cost her nearly a hundred yuan for this little dish.

"Hey, it's dry rice!"

Sun Xingde's eyes lit up, and the old lady Jin who followed behind to the gate of the courtyard also heard this sentence, and took a deep breath.


That's right, it's dry rice, white and tender rice dry rice, or polished rice.

Sun Peifang smiled, but sighed in her heart, didn't Zhou Huan ask for it by name? She said that the garden ate this staple food every day, and that Jiang Yueying was not used to eating other things, and she couldn't eat messy food now that she was pregnant. Yes, what do you say there is no camp,,, support,,,

Sun Peifang didn't care anymore, she had never lived in that good place, so she could only listen to what Zhou Huan said.


Zhu Wuliu hit Zhou Huan's outstretched hand back.

"The concubine Shizi didn't move her chopsticks, you still dare to do it."

Zhou Huan had a bitter face, "I was wronged, I just wanted to give the princess a pair of straighter chopsticks, uncle, you pay me for my tender hands."

Zhu Wuliu shook his hand, but pull it down, all the chopsticks brought out at home today are new, and the bent ones are hidden, no one will know if you don't mention it.

Watching the elders and the younger generation quarreling, Jiang Yueying, who sat still, covered her mouth and smiled, her laughter was curling, like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, which brought both of them back to their senses.

Only then did they feel rude and hurriedly spread out on both sides.

After Zhu Wuliu and Jiang Yueying said hello, they went to the other end of the yard to entertain the brothers.

Zhou Huan and Sun Peifang accompanied Jiang Yueying as female relatives.

Yes, there is also the old lady Jin, who didn't get a table with such a noble person as Shi Zifei last time. Thanks to her son not coming this time, she has such an unforgettable opportunity.

Listen to what Jiang Yueying said to her?
She said that her son had made great contributions, and she dedicated this glass of water to her son.

The old lady Jin stood up in surprise and joy, held up the bowl, leaned forward and clinked glasses with Shi Zifei, Shi Zifei, bowl to bowl. ,

The old lady Jin smiled from ear to ear, not forgetting her modesty and quality, and said with a smile: "It should be done, and everything should be done. This is also the good guidance of Boss Zhou."

Sun Peifang and Zhou Huan looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

I was amused by the way the old lady flattered me.

(End of this chapter)

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