Chapter 248

What is a reward.

Not only do you have to let the brothers eat well, but you also have to chat with the brothers, and you have to greet the brothers and say something warm, so that the brothers feel "ah, it's warm" in their hearts, and they get drunk without drinking.

This is the physical and mental reward.

Zhu Wuliu prepared only one jug of wine, and everyone drank it before they got a taste of it.

This is his deliberate intention, the concubine is still there, it is not good to let these people become drunks, ugly is the same thing, if someone has bad wine, it is a bad thing.

After the other side had accompanied a few strong men, Zhu Wuliu from this side rushed over again, smiling and asking the princess's taste.

After taking a closer look, I realized how superfluous the question was.

The table next door had just had a round of drinking, and they were about to order a CD, so they were taken aback by Zhu Wuliu, glanced at Sun Peifang, and quickly apologized to Jiang Yueying.

Tell her not to be reluctant to spend money to buy more fresh vegetables, after all, it is still not enough, right? I have already said that the vegetables are full of water and there are not many vegetables in the pot. Believe it or not.

Sun Peifang and Zhou Huan had the nerve to pick up some food, but Jiang Yueying should not let Jiang Yueying eat first.

Sun Peifang passed her aggrieved eyes.

It's not them, it's really not them, how dare they move their chopsticks so frequently, and they don't like vegetables either.

Zhu Wuliu's eyes froze.

Who else could it be? He glanced at Mrs. Jin and understood.

He began to persuade people: "Auntie, you can't go to that table to eat, there is still a lot of broth left on that table, you go to make some rice, it smells good."

The old lady Jin was drinking water, she looked up at him, her face turned blue.

what does it mean?Do you think she came here for free?Do you think she made the mess on this table?

Well, you little Zhu, so you miss your aunt that much in your heart, don't you?
The old lady Jin wiped her mouth, and for the sake of quality, decided to suppress the swear words, got up, patted her butt and left.

Jiang Yueying said: "The head of the village misunderstood, this dish is very appetizing, I just ate some."

Cuiyun on the side didn't have the nerve to say, is that a matter of eating more, all the plates are eaten by her family's concubine.

For some reason, today, Jiang Yueying seemed to have an appetite, and made up for all the vomit a few days ago.

However, after saying this, Zhu Wuliu was relieved, and in a blink of an eye, he looked at the very angry old lady Jin, and hurriedly lowered his eyebrows and apologized to her.

The old lady Jin saw Zhou Huan's small eyes, which were still doting, so she didn't plan to meet Zhu Wuliu.

But not being as knowledgeable as him does not mean not retaliating.

The old lady Jin picked up the bowl and gave the seat to Zhu Wuliu, and she really went to the next table by herself.

Mrs. Jin thought to herself: I just came here to eat a bite of meat. I haven’t eaten a bite of meat for half a day, and it’s not enough to pick up two small cabbages.

She sat down unceremoniously, picked up the big pot of braised pork and poured it into her own bowl.

Don't give me meat; don't think about eggs; vegetable soup, that's all hers.

Zhu Wulu turned his head and took a breath, turned around, straightened his smiling face, nodded and bowed to Jiang Yueying, and spoke.

"The head of the village manages the village well. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and they still have skills, which are no worse than the soldiers raised by the palace's family."

Zhu Wuliu waved his hands with a sneer, and didn't answer the words, but only told Jiang Yueying that she was no longer the head of the village.

Now he is just a simple Escort shopkeeper.

Not yet the big boss, the big boss is his niece.

He was not confused, he knew very well whether the Crown Princess was looking at business or people.

Jiang Yueying was startled, glanced at Zhou Huan, and tried to get Zhou Huan to give her an answer, but Zhou Huan's eyes never came back from the moment Mrs. Jin brought the basin.


It was still Sun Peifang who answered: "Isn't it true that you can't do two things with one mind? If you can't take care of your work and delay at both ends, the boy's father will resign from the job of the chief."

Zhu Wuliu nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, that's the case, but Xiaomin has already found a village head for the village. He was the head of the village in Songshu Village, and now he lives in the county seat and manages the village on his behalf. affairs.

Hehe, the children call him Grandpa Sun, he is very friendly... By the way, the bookstore belongs to his old in-laws, and the children study on the small second floor every day. "

"Managing on behalf of?"

Zhu Wuliu said: "Yes, in charge, Mr. Sun Li has rich experience but is old. It just so happens that refugees like us enter the village. It's hard to say that they are also doves occupying the magpie's nest. Originally, this village should be called back to Lijia Village. .

People from the Li family should be the patriarch and head of the village.

I resigned from office, and I wanted to return this position to the Li family, so I begged Sun Lichang to come and take Li's second eldest son.

When the belt understands, let his eldest son be the head of the village.

In the future, young people still have to stretch their fists.

As for what to say, it is considered to be returned to the original owner. "

Zhu Wuliu raised his head and smiled awkwardly as he spoke, rubbing his hands on his knees and muttering.

Since the escape, the people he has come into contact with have become more and more different, and the level of people he talks to has also become higher and higher.

He was panicked, this is already a member of Prince You's Mansion, no matter how tall he is, he must be on the dragon chair...

Zhu Wuliu didn't dare to continue thinking, he already felt that he was getting more rigid in his mind, and he had to leave quickly.

"So that's the case." Jiang Yueying paused, and then asked: "How is the business of the Escort Bureau recently? Is there enough manpower? Does the government need to recruit troops?"

This is really unnecessary.

This time it wasn't just Zhu Wuliu, Zhou Huan also came back to his senses.

The three members of the family waved and shook their heads at Jiang Yueying.

Sun Peifang thought to herself: Don't recruit troops, it's a waste of money, just take a look, the guys who poked your honeycomb for you today are from the Escort Bureau, if they have business on hand, they can come here at leisure Do this job? !

Zhou Huan said: "Right now, the weapons to get rid of the craftsmen have not arrived, so we have to wait for next month to walk the darts.

Sun Peifang glanced at the person: Are you sure it's next month?

Zhu Wuliu was not happy anymore, why his wife didn't like him anymore, he just suppressed it and said nothing, in fact, they can't wait until next month, they have to leave as soon as the weapons arrive.

This is really not bragging, he just received his first order, and it was not a small order.

Escort the ginseng and send it to Youzhou City.

How about it?The first order was out of the county seat, do you admire him very much?

Sun Peifang's heartfelt words: I don't admire it very much, but I miss it very much. I wonder where I received this order. There is no such old ginseng in their village.

In the evening, after Zhu Wuliu had sold enough, he let out the air to talk to Zhou Huan and Sun Peifang.

"Fortune comes from misfortune, and misfortune comes from blessings. I am a loser, but I know it is not a blessing.

If I hadn't been in jail, I wouldn't have gotten to know someone who is a big businessman in mountain goods. ,
It's someone who came over from the neighboring county leisurely to find me, and asked me to deliver ginseng to their family.

People said that after this catastrophe, he can trust me, and he is very relieved to have me walk the darts. "

Sun Peifang glanced at him, "Who is it?"

Who is so short-sighted to believe in an escort agency that doesn't even have a brand name.

Zhu Wuliu hummed twice: "My old friend, Hu Youshan."

(End of this chapter)

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