Chapter 249
Hu Youshan, Boss Hu, has been released from prison.

Because the county government was suddenly investigated by the imperial court, their case was uncovered completely unexpectedly. After the three people from Taohua village were released from prison, they were interrogated one by one the next day.

Almost half of the inmates were released on the third day after interrogation.

The day before he was released from prison, he took his own clothes to salute at the gate of the yamen, and the moment he went out to see the light of day again, Hu Youshan suddenly remembered Su Lao's saying "Life is like a journey, and I am also a pedestrian."

The arrogance of a rich businessman in the past was imprisoned, and he was relaxed, and he re-dressed and set foot on the way home.

Before halfway through the journey, some inmates with similar grievances rushed to him and whispered to him.

At first, he still hated it, it was so close to the yamen, and it was inappropriate to say anything that was shameful.

But when he heard it, Hu Youshan stood still and was lost in thought.

"Is this the real thing? Those people in Peach Blossom Village asked Shizi to solve the case for us?"

The old man who was traveling with him patted his thigh, "Isn't that right? Just now I inquired with the officials. It is said that the elder son interrogated the three of them for a long time that night, and then he gave them a place to live."

Sighing: "Tell me, when we were in prison, we still laughed at him. From this point of view, he is a man who can bend and stretch."

Hu Youshan stroked his chin, recalling the scenes and sentences of that night, and suddenly felt as if he was stepping on a hot wheel, bid farewell to his fellow prisoners in a hurry, and returned home in a hurry.

After resting and rectifying the family business, Hu Youshan set off from the county seat and went straight to Taohua Village.

Coincidentally, when he met Zhu Wuliu, Zhu Wuliu was hiding in the woods and punching alone.

What military boxing and gossip boxing, as long as Sun Xingwang and the others have trained them, he secretly memorizes them in his heart, and puts them on whatever he thinks of.

This place is good, the beasts on the mountain will not come down at this time, and the people in the village will not find him, after all, there are traps around here, and no one will come here for a walk.

Just him, making progress quietly, and then amazed everyone.


"Brother Zhu—Brother Zhu—"

At the first glance, Zhu Wuliu thought he had heard it wrong. No one in this village called him Brother Zhu, but they all kindly called him Little Zhu or Big Brother Zhu.

This title is so foreign, he heard it as a hallucination.

"Brother Zhu—"

Zhu Wuliu retracted the punch he had punched, crawled out from the branch of the tree, and saw this familiar "old friend" from a distance

Eh?It's not deja vu, but he knew it.

The people came closer and closer, panting all the way trotting, but the joy on seeing Zhu Wuliu's face did not diminish.

"Brother Zhu, don't be unharmed, do you still remember Hu?"

Hu Youshan just looked at Zhu Wuliu in this way, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this person was by no means simple.

Don't look at the coarse cloth clothes and two patches on the trousers, but Hu Youshan knows that the richer the person, the more informal he is.

"Brother Zhu's boxing skills just now are really superb, and his movements are really agile, agile!"

Zhu Wuliu also recognized this young man at this time, and thought to himself: Do I believe what you say? My body is full of fat and I don't have a fine row. In Zhou Huan's words, I am at best a flexible fat man.

"Are you Brother Hu?"

"Hey, hey!" Hu Youshan was delighted, fortunately this person didn't forget himself, but after thinking about it, he didn't forget himself, he didn't forget him, or he didn't even forget those stupid words.

Hu Youshan came all the way and heard a lot of things. Originally, he wanted to solve his own urgent needs and let Zhu Wuliu also earn a small amount of money.

But he quickly entered the village and asked the little boy who was grazing, only to find out that this family is now beyond his reach.

This trip is likely to be in vain.

So, when the topic changed, Hu Youshan and Zhu Wuliu walked together for a short time, and they stopped making detours and got straight to the point.

He first talked about his current difficulties, and then said that there is no reliable person around him.

If the goods in hand are not delivered on time, there will be no integrity at all in the future, and the reputation of the family will plummet.

I'm afraid that the job of making money will fall to his generation.

Then he said that there is really no way right now, it was because of his poor eyesight at the beginning, he couldn't recognize a good man, and he even spoke rudely, as long as Zhu Wuliu can ignore the past in these things, in their Rongyuan realm, as long as Zhu Wuliu has difficulties, Their family will help each other for generations.

I only hope that Zhu Wuliu can help them tide over the difficulties.

Zhu Wuliu looked at the carriage silently following behind. The wheels were covered with hay and mud, and several axles were broken at the joints, which was very dangerous.

Seeing that it's not easy to be old, Zhu Wuliu agreed after thinking for a while.

Hu Youshan was very surprised, he didn't know that things would go so smoothly, so he hastily bowed gratefully.

Zhu Wuliu raised his hand and said: "You don't need to thank me, we are also on the way. It just so happens that there is a batch of goods in Youzhou Prefecture that we want to pick up, and we will pick up your goods when we go."

"Even so, it was a waste of brother Zhu's mind. Hu thanked brother Zhu on behalf of his family."

After Zhu Wuliu got well, he discussed the errand fee with Hu Youshan. After everything was settled, Zhu Wuliu always wanted to tell his family the good news.

Their bodyguard agency has finally opened!

"I don't know you even if you said it, as long as you know it in your heart, then don't be a fake old man."

While writing and drawing on the edge of the table, Zhu Wuliu raised his eyes and said, "In the past, maybe someone dared to lie to me. Now, these little people lie to our family, because they dislike themselves for living too long."

Sun Peifang also laughed, but that's it.

But she still couldn't help but yell at Zhu Wuliu and said, "You just have to laugh."

Lifted the curtain and went out to make noodles.

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the noodles can be fermented overnight.

Inside the room, Zhu Wuliu was still writing hard, as if Zhou Man had possessed him, and couldn't stop writing.

Unexpectedly, he was really about to leave the darts, and Zhu Wuliu realized that no rules had been set for the brothers in the darts.

Zhou Huan has rules for every bathroom, and there are only three pages. He is a big escort, so he can't do five pages.

But after thinking about it, I can’t write too much. They are all illiterate peasants, and I have to read to them myself, how tiring.

Be concise and concise, write some important points, and other dictation that needs to be explained.

The next day, the Escort had a meeting.

Zhu Wuliu patted Sanliang's buttocks and asked him to take his brothers and sisters out to play, while they occupied the central school and talked behind closed doors.

"Dart walking, in addition to the weapons in our hands, we also have to have weapons in our hearts.

See, everything written on this piece of paper must be memorized starting today. "

Seeing that the people below were about to speak, Zhu Wuliu waved his hands, "Needless to say, I understand. Don't you guys know each other? I'll tell you, so please listen carefully."

"Here are the three rules of escorts, the three rules of escorts, and the three prohibitions of escorts. In addition to this, there are some morals, you have to learn, and you have to go back to practice after learning.

Don't act like Da Dezi did that day, if you can't answer someone's words, is it embarrassing? That's not it. "

(End of this chapter)

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