Chapter 250 Red Flowers with Green Leaves

Zhu Wuliu took a wicker stick as a pointer, and slapped the table vigorously.

"What is the "Three Rules for Walking Darts", first point, always remember that we are bodyguards, and we can't leave the team if we encounter anything on the road. You have never been to a big county, so don't feel that this is the case when you enter Youzhou City. Also fresh, that is also fresh.

The temptation of that place is quite great, it is also a tea house, and it is also a restaurant, it is full of beautiful things in eyes.

I have to tell you the rules in advance, don't turn my head around, you should go to the theater, listen to the music, and no one will care about it.

To put it bluntly, let alone watching a play or listening to music, even if we encounter dirty things bullying men and women on the road, we can't just do it just by saying it.

Let me tell you, this is true. When I was young, there were bandits pretending to be acting there, specially for the escorts who were walking.

If you meet someone who is just a fledgling and a little bit of blood, it will be easy to fall into the trap of others.

You all weigh it carefully in your heart, pondering over it.

I will go on to the second point. The scientific name is "sleeping at night and waking up at night".

I won't explain too much, I will make an order at that time, we can't all sleep during the day and stay up late at night, that won't work, the body will all collapse.

So this matter can be done by young people in advance, and let the younger ones be on duty. This second point ends here. If you are not willing to go back and come to me after the meeting, we can adjust it.

Let's focus on the last point.

We all know that Youzhou City is a hundred miles away, and it will take four or five days to go there and back without delay. This is the carriage prepared for us by my niece.

You all remember that we go out to run errands, to make money, not to go out for fun and feasting.

If you think that being a bodyguard can be casual, you have to pay attention to the heroic ambitions of the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, and start hooking up outside.

I found one and get the other one.

This is the most important thing, understand! "

Zhu Wuliu opened his eyes wide, looking at the three rows of hook-legged brothers, like an eagle staring at a little chicken.

There is no way, the desks and benches in this school are all children's versions, it's lucky that the adults sat down and didn't break them.


Zhu Wuliu rolled his eyes.

Such a serious topic, where did the laughter come from?
"Da Dezi, what are you laughing at?"

Stared at by Zhu Wuliu, Sun Xingde shut his mouth immediately, pointed at Sun Dazhuang with malicious eyes, and said in a booing way: "Brother Zhu, you can't be too strict, those of us who have families will definitely not It's unmanly to do this.

But you can't cut off the luck of the juniors, can you? "

Inside and outside the words, the meaning is obvious.

When the big guys heard it, they joked one after another, making Sun Dazhuang blushed and bowed his head shyly while waving his hands.

When he raised his head again, he bumped into Zhu Wuliu's fierce eyes unpreparedly.

Sun Dazhuang hastily waved his hands and said: "Brother, don't look at me like that, I'm panicking, don't worry! I definitely won't, no, absolutely not, I won't slow down our team.

No matter how good the woman outside is, I will never take a second look, I swear, if I, "

"Don't swear, I believe you."

Zhu Wuliu was not willing to let Sun Dazhuang swear, he also really believed that it was impossible for this kid to mess around outside with his honest appearance.

What's more, men who come here either have good looks, or have money and power, but Sun Dazhuang has nothing, which reassures Zhu Wuliu.

As soon as the conversation was interrupted, it took Zhu Wuliu a long time to remember what to say next.


Let's talk about "three live".

"First I don't live in the inn in the big county, second I don't live in the inn where the house has been sold, and third I don't live in the Red Gardenia Lamp Inn."

The people below look at me, and I look at you.

So when you arrive in a big county, don't you stay in a hotel or live in a car?

Zhu Wuliu nodded, "Yes, staying in the car, the inn in the big county is not as simple as we think, and the people who do business there are people with a lot of background.

Have you ever heard that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake? Even if we have a big backer behind us, we can't go out without fear.

We can't say with great fanfare that we are from the Prince You's Mansion, then the few of us will be wiped out easily, wouldn't that be easy?

Don't forget, we went to a small Rongyuan and were tricked into prison. If we go to the state capital, it is not a trivial matter to encounter trouble. "

"It makes sense."

"Brother is indeed a passerby, just different from us."

Someone asked again, "What is the red lantern?"

Zhu Wuliu coughed lightly twice, but didn't say anything clearly, but everything was kept silent.

Not only in other counties, but also in their county town, there is a row of red gardenia lanterns outside. When the lanterns are lit, many girls are waving upstairs.

Not to mention, even if they don't look at it, sometimes they can't stand just smelling the fragrance.

It's as if there's ecstasy soup in it, and people will become dizzy after a while, and what happens next is out of their control.

Men don't really want to smell it, sometimes they can't avoid passing through that place, and the smell wafts out by itself, which is very disgusting.

Therefore, some men suggested that after entering the city, they should cover their noses with a handkerchief, so that they would not be confused if they could not smell it.

Others said that those women are not as good as the ones at home, even if they smell them, they won't be shaken a bit.

Zhu Wuliu waved his hand to calm everyone down.

For some reason, they started discussing this trivial matter.

It's not that Zhu Wuliu looked down on them.

Whether the girls are good or not has nothing to do with them.

I just thought that I was seduced by others when I went in, but I never thought about whether I would still be able to come out after being seduced?
Why are you so confident? Blindly confident.

This is the most money in his pocket, and he has never thought about it, let alone had such a heated discussion with others.

He is the real clean man.

There is only his wife in his heart.


"Who are you talking about!"

After Zhu Wuliu came home, he chatted with Sun Peifang as a joke, but he didn't expect to offend his daughter-in-law with one sentence.

Sun Peifang said something from her heart, she is now the number one embroiderer in Taohua Village, and also the tailor handpicked by the concubine Shizi, how could she become a poor wife.

This flower of hers will bloom only after she has lived to this age.

Zhu Wuliu packed his bags, and didn't even talk back, just being silly.

"Yes, you are a flower, you are a flower stuck in my cow dung."

Sun Peifang put the silver into her purse, raised Zhu Wuliu's face with both hands, and said with a snort, "You are not allowed to say that about yourself, you are not cow dung, you are my green leaf."

Zhu Wuliu smiled silly again.

Yes, he is a green leaf, one green leaf matches four golden flowers at home.

(End of this chapter)

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