Chapter 257 Great Troops

From now on, the daughters-in-law who stay at home no longer have to worry about the safety of the men.

They are very safe going out this trip.

At this moment, they were like chicks caught in a nest by a flock of eagles, sitting on the carriage, covering their necks with silk and satin, their eyes flickering, timid and confused looking around.

Never had this kind of treatment.

Surrounded so tightly by so many officers and soldiers, not even a single mosquito could fly out.

The one leading the way was the carriage of Wang Yan's family, the Jiedu envoy of the Southwest. The roof of the shed was half a head higher than that of ordinary carriages, and people entered without bending over as soon as they lowered their heads.

Sitting there were Wang Yan and his wife.

There was more than one carriage like this, and there was another carriage at the back, in which were the grandmother and mother of the concubine Shizi, that is, the grandmother and aunt of the little marquis.

I really never expected it.

I thought it was to pick up the goods first and then pick up the people. It was better to give them a buffer and let their brothers rest for a while to drink saliva and go shopping.

It's good now, the goods and the people have arrived together, just as they stand firm, they turn back and return to the city.

Sun Xingwang jumped into the car in one step, and sighed three times intermittently.

The brother next to him looked at it and asked: "What's the matter, brother, we don't have to worry about it when we go back. We can eat and drink with the public, so why are you sighing?"

Yes, they took advantage of the officials again.

But there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. If you eat it, you will be short-sighted, and if you have a mouthful of food, you will have no freedom.

He just wondered whether he hadn't come out for a long time, or came out so far away, and wanted to buy some gifts for his wife and children at home.

But these officers and soldiers were stunned and refused to let them leave the team.

The other knives around his waist were drawn as soon as they were said to be drawn, and there was a sound of "shua--", who could not be afraid.

Sun Dazhuang laughed happily, and took out a silver hairpin from his bosom, engraved with a lot of words on it, it was bought with the money from the honey harvest last time, and he regarded it as a treasure.

After showing it around in front of my brothers, someone asked in good faith: "When did you buy it?"

Sun Dazhuang cheerfully put the things back into his arms, but was snatched by the big brother. Several people gathered together, seeing that Sun Dazhuang was a little anxious, he just refused to return it.

He put it in front of his eyes and looked it over, and just about to take a bite to see if it was real money, when a scolding sound came from above his head.

Zhu Wuliu stood in the car and tied the silk and satin twice more.

I didn't expect to pick up so many goods this time, and the two cars couldn't fit them. Fortunately, the Zhenjiang County Government sent two more cars to accompany them, or they would have completely embarrassed the concubine Shizi.

"Hurry up and return it to others. From this point of view, it is for the girl."

Brothers, you look at me and I look at you, and you can pay back if you ask, but you can't show mercy.

After chasing after Sun Dazhuang, I asked, when did you buy it, who did you give it to, and when did you hide such small thoughts behind our backs.

Sun Dazhuang blushed when asked these few words.

Hot, he untied the water bag from his waist and drank a few gulps. Zhu Wuliu couldn't see that these old men were so gossiping, so he was pushed aside with a stinking face, and he stood in the way Between Sun Dazhuang and others.

Then he took a breath, seeing Sun Dazhuang giving him a grateful smile, and Zhu Wuliu also laughed twice.

"Okay, young man, it's quite thoughtful."

Sun Dazhuang laughed foolishly, and was a little embarrassed to be praised by the team leader.

Zhu Wuliu pushed the person, avoided the others in a low voice, and said, "Take it out and show it to me."


"Ah, what, I'll take a look. It's not enough. You've shown them all. I haven't seen it yet. Take it out and have a look."

Seeing Sun Dazhuang touching his chest, Zhu Wuliu was very reluctant to take out the hairpin from his bosom again.

He sneered and said: "You are stingy, I figured it out, you know how to live, you are stingy."

Not being stingy is not enough, he still has to buy land and land to marry a wife.

Since you can't make a lot of money, you have to save money.

As soon as the golden light in the forest shone, the silver hairpin in front of Zhu Wuliu's eyes shone brightly.

After pulling it out, Zhu Wuliu returned the things to him.

"Tsk tsk."

Zhu Wuliu squinted at people, and looked at people with a smile, "Yes, boy, you have a good eye. Although this hairpin is quite different from the golden hairpin that Xiaoman gave Zhou Huan, the intentions are the same."

Sun Dazhuang smirked and said, "How can this be compared with Huan'er's stuff? He's a big boss... But, I've thought about it. When I make money in the future, I'll definitely buy something better than this."

Zhu Wuliu's eyes lit up.

Unexpected, so unexpected.

Unexpectedly, Sun Dazhuang still had the mind to fight hard, because he didn't intend to worry about his niece's property.

Don't care if it's true or not, Zhu Wuliu feels at ease when he hears this.

"Don't worry, my brothers can share a lot of money after this trip. You, just follow me, and you will have great prospects in the future."

Sun Dazhuang was happy to hear that, nodded and said, "Yes, thank you bro."


"Come here—"

After a moment of flickering, the team suddenly stopped, Zhu Wuliu habitually leaned back, and stretched his neck to look forward when he sat still.

What's going on, why did the carriage at the front stop?

Sun Xingwang ran to ask the official with an apologetic smile, only to find out when he came back that the team was going to rest in the woods.

Zhu Wuliu rubbed his hands together, untied his belt and loosened his crotch, "How long have you been walking before resting?"

Sun Xingwang: "Let's take a break, let's take a rest. We have also eaten, and we haven't bothered to eat and drink since morning."

Zhu Wuliu beckoned and gave instructions to rest on the spot.

This time, the men in the team became lively.

Being surrounded in the team like quails is not good for anyone, this time it's all right, I can take out my stuff and make a fuss in the woods.

While Zhu Wuliu was urinating, he pointed to his companion who was burning the stove on the left, being careful not to leave any flames, they were all extinguished.

As he walked, he pointed to the companion on the right with his clothes open. There were women in the car in front of him, and it was easy to scare people if they were not allowed to open their arms.

Then he went to the river with peace of mind, peeing.

Jiang Yuying got out of the car and got into the old lady's car. As soon as she got in, the old lady grabbed someone and asked, "What's the matter, the car stopped after a while?"

Jiang Yuying: "There's nothing wrong with it. My master's arms and waist are uncomfortable."

Jiang Yueying's mother Liu Shi asked, "Didn't you take a soft pillow to lean on?"

"It's useless to lean on, it's too soft, it's just like that after sitting on it for a long time."

Mrs. Liu said: "When we get to the city to have a look, didn't Yue Ying say that besides the embroidery workshop and the bodyguard bureau, the little girl's house also has a bathing pool and a medicine shop. When we arrive, let your master also look at the waist."

Yes, little girl.

Jiang Yuying came to see the little girl this time, and she wanted to see what kind of girl his nephew could mention again and again in his niece's letter.

"Yes, let's also see if that family is abducted by fraud. Yueying is a very innocent child, and the prince coaxes her everywhere. I am really afraid that these two children will fall into it.

It is said that no business is not evil, since this matter has already involved the relationship with the imperial business, we elders have to give them control. "

The old lady nodded, opened the curtain to let in the air, and saw that the guys who are suitable for everything are lighting a fire to barbecue, and thought of slipping in with the breeze.

"It smells so good."

Jiang Yuying also smelled it, "Well, it's fragrant, it seems to smell like barbecue."

(End of this chapter)

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